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South Across From Sacred Heart Hospital MJOMF 344-9196 Also DOWNTOWN 12* E Bfowfwiy 344 3234 9 5 30 M F 9 3:00 S*t UNIVERSITY Candidate stresses participation By Carrie Dennett f riM't.ild Repo'ICi I faniel All tiisnii i .tintir said he dunks dii' lit s In in lit work \s iih all student groups to make tin right ills isiuiis (nr eai h partii u lai group ( tilling a straight peri outage Irinn each group at ross the liiiard is not the ties! solution to budget restraints, he said, lie i iiuse the efforts on smaller groups would he loo detrimen t a I One possible solution'would tie to ell! mirage groups to make up toi budget losses 11\ doing mine ot dieii ow n fundraising Situ e we re ha\ mg to i nI budgets. I dunk student groups need lo take more responsibili l\ tor raising their own funds he said Ate tiison said student tees have im teased tapidh over the past few years and more fee in ( mixes would 1m- unfair to sin drills Students .iren t going to pm for everything themselves hr said \li hison was .1 politu ai s< i I'licr prrr adviser tins yr.ir un til hr w,is called up for the N.i \.d Krsrrvrs Although hr was not sent to thr Persian (hill hr did spend time in thr reserves working with funding paper work Uist year, he was an intern lor state Sen Peter Huh kman. t< Sisters, and assisted with funding measures through the W a\ s and Means i ommittee U h 1 le A11 h l son does not ha\ e a lot of exponent r u ith i ampus groups, he s.iid th.it fat t mas help Ins impartiality \ll\ If f member should he impartial and tair ' he said You have to decide it a stu dent group is doing what s first lor the i ampus and students You ( an'l vote a< i ording to your person.ll heliels I don't have a lot of that po I it it al baggage w ith me \h hison also wants to iin prove student involvement vv ith thr lit' proi ess I want to make students Daniel At< hison more aware of what's going on '' he said There's too much apathv just look at how manv students don't vote Ideas he has tin getting stu dents involved include relying on fivers as well .1 s t he imralifs el als lor informing students about 11( meetings, and making time for more stu dent testimonv Student involvem e n t doesn't end with elections, he said Students don’t show for forum By Tammy Batey f f nerd id fteporte* Students g«tve the cold shoul di r lu tin* l fm\ersitv s 1 ,isk I nrt e on I nderKiitdu.ite Idui ,i I iiin VVednesday Only .1 handful of students showed up .it .1 forum spun sun’ll !>\ Ilii> task Ion i’ lu In-,n undergraduates' at ademu < on i itiis Mv biggest disappointment is u In’ii’ I lie devil .in- tin* on di i gi.idiiiitf s ■’ asked trunk Anderson, task ton e i liairman rhoSt* who attended the jo rum dist ussed siv pri’lnniiurs WINNER OF 1990 NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE AWARD 4^pP\ W7QV W. Ill s/s/ III ^ItOHERT. tCARO THE YEARS Oh' LYXIX)X JOIIXSOX I'M'l KHM K " GENERAL HOOK DEPT. SI COM) I look MEANS OF ASCENT THE YEARS OF LYNDON JOHNSON BY ROBERTA. CARO Robert A Caro's hie ol 1 yndon Johnson, which began with the greatly acclaimed The Path to Timer winner ot the National Book Critics Circle Award, continues one ot the richest. most mien si\e and most revealing examinations ever undertaken ot an American President In Means ol A went the (Ail it/er Pn/c-w inning biographer historian, chronicler also ot Robert Moses in The Tower Hioker, carries Johnson through his service in World War II and the foundation of his long-concealed fortune and the tacts behind the myths he created about it But the explosive heart ot the Kx«k is Caro's revelation ol the true story ot the tierce ly contested PMS senatorial election, for forty years shrouded in rumor, winch Johnson had to win or face certain political death, and which he did win-by "the K7 votes that changed history " Caro makes us witness to a momentous turning point in American politics the trag ic last stand of the old politics versus the new-the- poll tics ot issue versus the |x>htics of image, mass manipu lotion, monev and electronic dazzle 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 plans proposed b\ tin- task lort c I hf first proposal is to form .hi i'iIui atioual polii \ t iiiiimil tfi* which would monitor .niii iliroi t thr undergraduate pro gram I 'ndergratlnale ret ruiUnent .mil admissions also wore ills cussed at thr forum Points un tier this proposal im ludt‘ re i anting students to gain a ill wise student bods anti not publishing atlmission criteria Martha Pills associate diret tor ol admissions, said her lug grst concern with the proposal was the elimination ol all stall ilardi/ed lorrns ol measuring at ademit at hievement I he only thing s\ e have that is stanilarili/eil is the S.YI Pitts said If the students gets a ( (i (grade point average), at some si hools. it plat es them ill the top hall ol the t lass and at other st hools it puts them at the lower halt ol class In addition tile task fort e proposed to expand the respun sibilily ol bit ully advising "Ibis is a noble expectation, but (bit lilts ) are best oft to do advising in their osvri area, saitl Don Van llouten arts anti st lent es dean The (at lilts don't knoss the rules so what Sou get is incompetent udvis t-rs '' Anderson said advising should be port of a faculty member's job. although "t lear Is some (tat lilts | are more com patent than others The task force also proposed to monitor the at ademit pro gress of undergraduates I Ins could be done by setting dead lines bs which certain I'mver sits requirements must be met THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE . We'w got your tan when you want it! SunShower on campus nn • 1)4 ( ti»