UNIVERSITY J I'hnltt ht Sf»n Po%lu» Hii> S/s/rr\uluntrrr lin.i *>nnxcr (i I'ntrr) •*/»♦•/» (ul bat k s may eliminate vd another ri'souri i1 for i hildren m the lingerie Springfield area Hig lirothor Hig S1 st«• r of Mid Oregon Ini mav not survive unless ils staff members find some now revenue sourt es. said Mmii1 (laroiitte e\ot utive diret tor. Although tin’ organi/.ation won't ho direi llv at toi toil In Moasuro V report ussions from < nt mado in |iulilii programs and agencies i ould moan tile end ot Hig Hrothers and Hig Sisters in l.ugene ( ills .it the I 'Diversity and in oilier agon i ios statewide will make survival even harder for tire already struggling program (laroutte said she is appalled bv the retent i uts ot the human development and odueatinn pro grams at tire l niversitv She said practicum stu dents and interns from the program provide HU MS with valuable sol v it es Besides giving time ami knowledge (laroufte said, students also have act exs to then professors' expertise anti current research two more re soon es the program vv ill lose bet atise the depart moots hav e been t ill "The bulk of our volunteers are (l-niversitv t students she said. ( Inis l)en/oi who inordinate* the HH HS pro gram at the t' n i v ersitv salt I the campus program has about dl) voluilteels Den/er saitl the Volllll leers are "usually people involved with human development I'he t ’niversitvA Htg . Brother-Big Sister pro gram is funded by the ASl'O Den/er s.titl the program dared pretty well at a recent budge! hearing "They i Ut our advertising a bit. hut we re still in good shape.'' lie said Although Den/er saitl he has vet to see any do ret t Is nf Measure > oa the I 'mvi isits pro gram. lie said lit’ iti.iv lost1 some volunteers he i ,ium' of llu' i uls in i .impiis human sm h es pro grains A lof of programs like ours w ill probably be hurt bet ause ot Measure i Iten/er said Measure ■ will also mean ific ti«f of (hr stair Vista Volunteer program, which provides tuition jssisliim i' in ext haiige for volunteer tune (iaroutte said I he program i urrrntlv employ. sev eral Vista Volunteers ami will likely lose them (.aroutle pointed out. hovvevei that Measure isn't the onlv soun e of linant tal woes tor HH US I'he i onihin.iturn ot finaiu lal problems inherent in manv non profit agent les and Measure > has t ontributed to the desperate slate of the program in laine ( Munis In tin- last live years the program has lost at percent of its funding Part of this loss is Iwcause agent ies that formerly i tintnhuted to the program have been forced to run their programs with less money I here are all ol these little bureau).rattles, and we |iist got tightened out (iaroutte said l ast year. I tilled Way was forced lo t ut its funding lor HH HS Hut (iaroulte said her staff is still w or king with the l 'in ted Wav to examine the possibility of adding a i ase management position lo the program funded in tile I 'tilled \\ as I sen fundraising events that provided a sub amount ot the program's income in the past have faded in reten! years (iaroulte said a ret enl holiday fundraiser wa , out e a stifi stantial soun e of income tor file program brought only S.’ ill last I lei ember Dig Hrolhei Hig Sister ot Mid Oregon 11it is an affiliate ot Hig brother Hig Sister of America Its goal is to provide children aged li to H years with a positive adult role model who will oflet the t It i It I nun-judgmental companionship and guidfltu e Supporters ol the program hope the one-on one relationship will enable the child to develop trust, sell t otilidem e ami sot lal and at a demit skills I urn to CHILDREN Paqt;1.‘ T G IS... "Thank God it's spring!" However it is also a time when many of the students of the University of Oregon think about their housing needs At pHEASANT PARp, apartments are now available One bedroom starting at $315. Two bedroom, $385. Three bedroom, $425. DARRYL & TAMMY CRAWFORD 475 LINDALE ! R SPRINGFIELD. OR97477 747 5411 Formerly Ashlane Apartments Thursday Might COMEDY SHOW / iMtaring I ,imou> Northwest ( ‘omcdums Bring this coupon in and get V* OFF the admission. The party isn’t over when the show ends, dancing and drink specials till 2:00am S# 4M 41 C entennial Blvd. inni to Aut/«*n stadium) 343 4734 LIVE!!! VIA CLOSED CIRCUIT TV | WORLD’S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPION CD I ADD 40 GATES 5 PM 1ST FIGHT 6 PM rni. Mrn. 19 plus fabulous unoercaro All Seats Reserved —$30.00 Buy In Advance and get a Hamburger & Drink 1 per plugs set tim i r i«j * .in.J H lit*" ViSu.ll lfispe< tion filter*, t > t* 11 s hoses PCV/EOM \alve wipers lights un