UNIVERSITY Lerma stresses objective viewpoint Says IFC needs ‘open minds' By Daralyn Trappe I merald Repot let l.vdia I.(*rniH. candidate for a two year I'Ve (aim Illittee s.iid it tdeited. she would approai li budget hear ings with an 'objei tut' view point and an open mind She is currentk working as the ltd! secretary and note tak er is a .member of MKOiA and was a l 'niversitv delegate to the I lilted States Student Assoi 1.1 lion conference in Washington I) (! in Mari h henna said it is essential for li t members to approai h even group's budget with a fair at11 tilde "It's very important that peo pie don't go in already decided on how thev're going to vote." she said "A lot of important things are going to he said at the budgets hearings, and sometimes minds are already made up about who's going to he lunded and who's not So 1 L-___----—- J l.vdia I.erma think it's very important to be vary open and objet tive Working tor the 11 1 this veal has provided insight into the budgeting proi i'ss said henna a sophomore history major It s imsv tor (i andidatesi to sa\ 1 11 do this and 1 i an do and I think these groups should gel this hut that's not u hat the In< ident.d l ee (aim Ulittee is about ' she said "Thev’re not ttiere to tome m with pre-emu eiveil judg ments oil who deserves w h.i! Thev re there to lif as opt'll anil ol>|i'i live as possible during the budget hearing process and ihi’ii make tin- dei ismn Irom not from how the' feel \s li t ! note taker and set re tarv it was l.ertna who disrov ered that the minutes to the fan i 1 meeting had been al tered She filed a i omplamt w Itll the ASI ( ) that led to an investigation in whuh ASt’O I’resident Kirk Hailev found II t member Mike Colson responsi hie Colson has denied the i barges and claimed the itives ligation w as illegal A lot of games have been played up there this \ear and there’s been a definite split he tween people l.ertna said I don I think the Ini idental I ee Committee is an arena where po 11111 a 1 games should he played People need to he open and honest w ilh eai h other I s m\ main goal to tiring lumestv hai k into the Ini idental I ee ( aimmittee and he \ er\ ohjei live OSPIRG Recycling Group to meet tonight um i\<. ( in I*- K m i tu- KM I ( edar Room .»! 7 p m Mori nr Hoard i ght .it K • 11J Willamette Hall k Sludfiit I moil Eln tioos • . pm fur a (andidatos meeting Uk a!**c! in I hr Hldi k Student 1'iinm (ISPIRt. Kn vi ling t»roup Hireling tonight at > III mi thr KMt Maple Et als Krfin forest \i lion t.roup p m in KM I 1 Sui v i v a I i ruin Student* Ngdinst Nparthrld I Ml Suite l at »* p rn M'l AKKRs Nitharologv Institute ol \mrriirf h\ ( Mr 1 v ;.i Nik. . and Another i* h\ A profi'*«or "1 ait ht»1< Media War c overage Smorgasbord l om rrt ( 1) KI »M t utoi irfl MAC Workshop van h slratrgv will Irdlurr advam i*\l Mai ililiish ofjrrat ions vs ith f ip* and hints Ml Mudrnt (.roups **. ’ ■ ’ is. ill**if SI () t (t nH ! ■ i.1 ’ i- ni|iir %»• mem I * printed in the hmrralJ should drop oil i iisl in the l )n'nut} lknl\ b.inrrahi offi. »• I V!I Suite mmi bv . j) m Monday Ik'ittUltlf ini *utninlllltg ht Htlminion t hjfjtr mi// '»<•/ /*• j< i < jitnpu'* rvrnt* and thfu* w hmtulrtl nr thr publication date m// .'*• *iu*« pn< The / Hirtiili! mrno thr null! t» )/■, »-•- f»u wr • ' .1. ,»'• edit o * Oregon DAILY EMERALD I’ll ‘l<** hi^iK ( »»r*..n '*’40 * The Oti1-] i Daily fcmt*r«nd s published M ? !a» fhr ugh Ff hi, • •• dpi 5 '>.< •*• an. n«fh and *di at*ons by th« On*g<.n Dany tnietaUJ Pubimh *. it the Un.,»*?sity -<* •■■■■ fugeoe Oregon The Emerald i« .(Wated rmlepetMlrnll, r (he »it( .He *■'. (he Ih.rrl 1 • • ; • the t rt Men t i ! i - • l ■••• * 'hr* A .-»t«-d The Emerald pnvutii properly The unlawful 'erh- vai ■■ of paf «*'** «r< ► N**S t ClitOf £ dilonal Eddor Sport* Editor t: ntertainmvnt £ ditor Supplements Asst Id Nigh! Editor Chun liounen F'.-it Mj .. ' Ashiev ( . » m l jyM' l rhsh Am, f i»•,!**'* *>.«. Chris BOuhftM Associate fditors Community iv- Student Government Activities Higher Education. Administration • Reporters ' . Bet*:, R.-1 , tf . H ’ M.-•:*•[■•■ »' .«• • • " « RtHl»'C|u«*s jtife D i M rk ti t •••'• r >” • ' Chditii Grey Jennifer Kosl.i Nt-'- >'•*• Leahy Ki'nten Lu> »v Step?1* ' MM n i N(-a-!MC' L«S4 Ri« Mil', ‘ ' •-.*«*' Hath. Sm*!h r* ' it l *_>* rr jt r I*, r Classified ’ • , ,. V V.i .< ;> f • . M i,' ' .»• » *'* Business ft .*!?■» ■ ' ;udy t v Production r Ir.* : •.. 4.t' A' M i ! • ■ Lotus Child 4* *i Dopp Jim Fr t-. Prior. Suv-i* Hoed Jennifer Huey !j Kt.ivista;! Sheila L< Jw Ma*. • A - a Hombi.” fti 0 ' R •,% J* nder ’ " Anne Stephenson Jennifer Thomas Hon Walker Todd tA/iiiiams (ieneral Manager Production Manager V Newsroom. Business Office 346 5S11 Production 346 4381 Advertising Director Display Advertising 346 fn* Classified Advertising J46 4143 Controversy hits IFC again By Kristin Geozer I .. •:! Hei'Q".'' __ Ne\ era I I ni i lid u I ill I n' I ornmittee members i mu |l! .11 Ill’ll .1111-1 \\ ednesdas night s meeting Mike ( nlsnn reneged mi Ins prom ise lint In part Ii ipale ill IIm budget hearings prni ess II I mi'inlxT Ariiiiiiuln Mn r,ill's some i nnimtl ti n members assumed when ( nlsnn sti'ppi-il dow n .is 11 1 i In' iilllil milv observe lilt' budget prm I't'il ings .mil nut it ) ill ini' nt (’nlsnn sli’ppi'il (lown .is i hair iittrr .in VS I l) in vestigation i mu hull'll thill lie u,is ri-sponsihli- fm alter ing tin- minuti's from tIit■ II I s |an I 1 llll'eting ( Til sun ilt'iiii’il ri'spunsibil11\ hut stopped iluuii so budget hearings i mild i nutiiuit' Vt tin' timr I nlsnn said lit' would not \uli' mi am student group budgets However Morales said when t nlsnn asked tor votes tu he tallied during a roll i all In- was lying to stu dents and breaking his In no longer at t mg as an observer during tile meetings During regular business 11 1 members were i untriint i'll with out' spin n'i|ui‘sl and in*xt s s .it lui .ili'il budget 111\ ix 11 in tut Ini' stn ili'ill groups Hit' WomiMI s ( rllli'l It' i]ucsli'il .i i. I. pm ml in i ri'.isi' making 11 s I ut ,i I budgrt > r. ’n | |'|i,i 11 i mini "i (i 2 m t.ivof <>t !hi‘ with Him I.i\ ( sun .uni ( iilsmi abstaining Mi l 11.\ aski'il tnr and w as unanimousls allnwi'd its Sami' budgi't as las! vrai $1 1 .04 1 I'lli' lit also voli'd I I 2 in favor ot till' 1 I'slnan (las III si'Mial A11 i