Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 18, 1991, Image 1

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ThursJas . April 18. I'Wl
I ugcnc i )rcgi>n
Volume '>2 Issue 1 '4
l am1t j>uiitv tannmis
sinners tried walking the
political tightrope
Wednesday morning by
pledging money to ' sig
nitii anils assist the ( its
of Eugene in reopening
the I loss ntnss ii Mall
See slot s . Cage 7
Sev eral Inr idental I ee
Committee members com
plained alter Wednesday
night's meeting that Mike
( jilson reneged on Ins
promise to not participate
in the budget hearings
proi ess
See stors. Page It
I.mill \\ eek ai livilies
for Freedom I las
• I )irei t A< I ion i li. ru i
all das
• Ha in to .pm \m
mill Rights l aii. IsVll fit
• I I a m. to 12 p in
llossard Hroline speaking
on the An lii National
\\ ildtife Retuge f Alt
Hen Linder Room
• 1J to p in William
Sullivan, author ol t. s
/during Drvgtin s I'ruils.
I Alt ’ Hen Linder Room
• 7 ill p ill to ') It) p III
|ohn Sim kssell. fonnet
(;IA station ( li iel I >U { o
lumbia Hall IS i students
S', general I
• t .bribing dm c for the
homeless, all week
Clothes < an ire put in bins
outside EMU Suite I, ill
the lobby III the (Alt'
Main Moor or near area
desks of (‘.arson. H>>.m oi
University inn
Tom Greider
Women's tennis (loach
Torn Greider won't lx
able- to tell how much hts
team has improved or
how successful this sea
son has been until after
this weekend's Pacific 10
‘Northern Division Duals
held in Eugene.
See story. Pa#* 12
Research Park deadline pushed back
By Brian Bloch
l Rcpo'ter
The Kivertrout Keseari h Bark ( ommis
sum voted unatumousls Wednesday In ex
tend The « oiislrur lion deadline on ihr pm
let I s lus| huildnu; to \prd 1'l‘IJ
Ihe dt‘< ision rellet Is tenant rei ruiiment
dilti( idtias tli«- projet I s developei is evpcn
fin nix Kandy (Irmi ,m exec utis e a illt In
stilutmn.il I tf \ f liipuif lit Associates, said
his i imipam iiffds i iHiiiintitifills to till
t >000 st|uai'e Ifft id tin- park Before liudd
my i onstrui tmn i an het>m
W liat in- if doiPK is .iskinit i <)iMpaiin
in relot ale !In-ir upfi.dions :tii i luiildniv.
that isn't built in a rest-art li [lark that has
mil vet beet) developed That's cl it f it ult
(.rff li said • )n i bluest p robin ill is t> f 11111 c.;
tenants to i onimit
Ihf commission will send a memo to
I mvfisiH President Ms los Brand and I n
gene I its Manager Mike ( Henson retlft liny;
its dfi ision to extend tin- dfadlirif
(.ri'i-n bl.lined the rei essinn mu i'il,im
ei iiiuiinii i nnditlnns .md .1 small lot ,d
markel lor the hu V ol potential researi h
|i.ii k len.inls
He also s,tid his 1 onipanv has had three
major tenants pull nut for various reasnie.
tin hiding a. firm with interest in .'() flUtl
siniare I eel of the pn>|ei t
lie put a lut ut time (three months) into
that and we thought we had a vers attrai
live proposal said 1 its profit t lepresenla
live (iatfn firmer
However (ireen saul Ins i onipanv haste
i uived letters ul intent from three interested
parties. 1111 lulling a pledge Iriun the I 'tilVet
Sit v to till I I (II it) SI|UUl e feet 111 the park
(ireen said the other two turns have onlv
committed to several thousand sijuare lent
not enough to make a ddterenr e
Ihe extended i 1 instruct ion deadline will
give IDA more time for marketing and re
, lulling loi al linns that are developing or
expanding then markets 1 ireen said
I hr Hid in thrusl IS III hi ill# ill those In
i ill linns In- s.ml Hut it's not kiiiiik In
h.i|i|irn in to <i.1 vs hi hit chivs it's ,i long
prot ess It s hrrn litilr mori* ililtii oil than
W r nt Iglltalh .lilt ll Ipatril
Wp re looking for to or. w Ini want to dr
\ rlop a rrl.ilionshl|i with thr I'nivrrsitv
Hrmi't said f'hal was thr main ulra of thr
pro jet t in thr lust pl.ii r
lu I it • 11 > fat ilitatr thr in rioting on a loi al
irvrl (in-rn s.ml Ins 111in|i.in\ is looking to
i unliat t with a liii.il real rstalr brokerage
I hr III l ikrragr would lollow ll|) hii.il (Oil
tails thr I t.ill developing turn has .ilir.uh
Until llrrrii ami thr park loinnussion n
inainod oplimistii ahout thr projin I
Von (t.rrrnl bavr i omr luur with a
gr rat deal i it r til Inis i.istii sail I i ont mission
ili.nrmanK Atuisheller It s important that
Vout lotnpattv is still positivrK hrhtnil thr
proirt t
A li/jbrlh t) An//. .i su/tfnnmn r vmriul si irtu r nidfui Lik rs .nl\ .iuLn;r nt thr l,un;u,n;r i rnln s minimi t.u thfic \ tin hrr / mu h III t i Liss
n,.Fi<i F\u..
University language facility now modernized
By Lisa Millegan
; m.j*.■; Reporter
Before tills winter sa\s line
professor the linversiu had
one nt the worst language t.n il
ities in the < ountr\ \im it h.is
one ot tile lies!
I tllh equipped wiltl state iif
tile art computers Y< Ks and
stereos tlie Yarnada Language
(!enter in Pat 1111 I la 11 tias
brought tin- tamersiK to the
i utting edge ot modern tail
guage edtn alum ter lmotog\
The center was established
tininks to a $ too.011(1 grant Iron)
Osamitsu Yarnada a Tokyo ta\
consultant with .1 long time in
terest in improving conimuni
1 alion between Japan and the
I lilted States
I III' ') .1111.Ill I I enter Is u|)en
to any I'iiivcrsiIv student
slmiviiiK a foreign language
Siinii-nis 1 ,111 usi’ tin- 1 enter lif
IU ff 11 11 K) .1 in .mil , till |l 111
Mllllll.lV .uni I1nl.1v .111(1 Ilf
iwfcri n in .1 in .mil li 00 |i m
I uemI.i\ through I'hursdav
Kent Hill, assistant Yaiiiada
( filter direi tor said the I.1I1 lias
been in limb demand sint.e its
1 ipelllllg
Main professors are making
it a re(|Uiremelit (In \ lsil tile
lalii he said 'I I lie ( enter) is
pai ked iner\ dav pirn In all\
all dav long
In tbe past the 1 'Diversity s
language bib had been housed
111 the basement ol Friendly
Hall The lab ottered a library
of foreign language audio t us
.files .1- well as several i asselte
ilec ks and headphones lor slu
deni use I lie lab s e(|ui|rmenl
was moved to die 'i umuda ( am
lei winter lerm
University language inslrui
tors were lirst able In use v ideo
ei|ui|unent and (omputers
w h e n I he Y a III a (la ( e n I e i
|( oinpared lo the old tai ill
ties) it s the different e between
the horse and buggv and a jet
airpl.itie said Hill Walker
Yatnada Outer assistant direi
T he a . t (I II squall' tool
Yainada ( enter is live tunes
larger than the previous lab
I'he i enter has three laborato
ries I'he librarv lab (Hoorn 120)
h<ts 20 ind i v 111 dal video in!
audio still ions tor iti>it*!>i'ii<l<-i]t
student use Tin- i l.issriium l.ih
in Koom 1 1*1 i mil.mis in .imlm
si,limns seven vidro sl.ilmns
.mil .1 i. nlrn priiii'i linn s\stem
A int'di.i resource i I'nli-r in
Koom 11 i iitfcrs ,i sound |)ron(
slmlm .mil |iiuiliii linn .uni v ni
fu editing i*c]IIIjilllrlll
rhi- i imiiit a 1 mi iin hull's
tliri'i' i l.issrimnis devoted to fur
eigu I>i11K>>*■ K*' teai long I \s u
i Kissriinms m Rooms 1 in ,md
111 i mil <i i n high fidelity vidi'n
.mil .milii) n111j• nn• isI m .nidi
lion In ,i short wave r.idm s\s
li'in Iii.it i an pit k up fori'ign ra
dm signals A third classroom
mi hull's 12 Mac mlosh ( oinpu
lers and inter,idne video sta