Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS Al’Kll. AJL11LVL 1 lU.Vu M,»\ ff.-ffH.Mv jrv ■ muiit .; M.«\ IMh" V\ all h lor im ii|n nmmx p.ipns___' __I To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ODE POLICY DEADLINES LINE AOS gladly accepted before ' p m on* business day prior to inter DISPLAY ADS gladly accepted Pr ior* t p m . two business dayt prior to insertion ERRORS The OOE makes every el lort to avoid errors in adve»1is* ments Each ad it proofed before in sertion However mistake* some times slip through We ask that you check your ad carefully If you should find an error, report it to the Classified Department right away by calling 346 4343 and we will gladly re run your ad correctly We regret that we cannot be responsible for more than one day s incorrect publi cafion if you do not call the error to our attention The ODE cannot be H able for an amount greater than the amount paid foi such advertising Thank you 100 CONNECTIONS 100 PERSONALS Don N To Gretchen H In regard* 105 PERSONALS ANNEMARIE CARL ■ t Ni.HATUIATK N . YOU »..INALLY OH) 1 LOVl YOU* SISTERS M flGl AI \ \ \ Diane W. I hope that your B day was really Great even It I'm a day late Lots ot Love, Michael f.i iftuilhlffS ilfr I’UHif . ( >/»/ /’< ' iilm C L*ii Q Gr*tcf>#n M i ou guy* a»a greet* lo*® Yow» S»*tar» The grjftit. maa great Thank* lo» a night of fun Hop® *f> ’ an do it again t.ton1 LM-: KD's 10b PERSONALS l’ t>fni(1«fing abortion \P\RI Ml M Ml NIINC.f 1*1 our claa*iti*d* tx* *ou» auid«‘ WELCOME NEW MEMBERS VL W M» TNI- > M 0"NN A O stipmanu I WE LOVE YOU! Mb TYPING SERVICES ~ DIAL A TYPIST 64) 7777 f «4 « T ypioy M3 ISftS Report* Ouioliiioni R»»um#» L «t«> Pfintei HYINi. MNuIRS S ’ . . 4M90M m TYPING SERVICES Jackie * Typing Service JO T H|... T YPiNu PRO M) 50M Piggy, i T yping SliViCI ■ all Peggy ai 14*’ PROP i SSIONAl \ > PIN(. TYPING UNLIMITED Harbaialand l ater Printer 46SJJ4.1 t ,.,,.1 h . Tr-**'*|r*i IP l.j WORD PROCf SSINO l «*e» printing Si . « ;<■ 144 07*1 ROBIN t.RAD SCHOOL APPROVI D • ■ * M . • ON CAMPUS’ I TEASERS fmx *• Read the ODE Classifieds carefully and you will find “teaser" ads containing valuable discounts on Classified Advertising. Ads appear randomly. BOSCH Authorized Service Quality Car Care ASE Certified 1917 Franklin Blvd. Eu|int,OR 48S-8ZZ b J BEST FISH & CHIPS IN TOWN Llama Rose & 398 East 11th Ave Orders to go • 343-2244 Mon-Sat 11AM-9PM Sun 12noon-7PM CINTAS CORPORATION will be on campus recruiting on April 22nd for Management Trainees m Presentation on April 21 at 7:30 pm Cedar Room A EMU See your placement office for details #S€i_nat€ > mvm. ^ y 9hl(i>) rJy>h>VC miumitnom * ■% , m - ** I « «■ » r • * « • ** «* • r » I I > ;• i. »i 1 |. * >i .* ■ } • I 1 m, i h3 7 2 I8t i ' : i i4 l> ' ’ • ! -USA New V. :A I 1-* i U . 1-li 144 734 ! I • 12 12 IHf, V,,' Introducing: The Bestseller You won’t find at the Newsstand. I le re s a hook lhal s a I w a\ s on l lie host seller s list \S ith a l I ane <) check me account, \ou won’t have to read between the lines to Itnd the moral of the storv 1. 2. 3. 4 7>\' interest paid to sou on \out loss rnonthls balance No sets tee lee tl sou mam turn a S2<><) balance. You pas on I \ S' H sour balance drops be I oss S200 ()s eislrall Protection 4. 5. 6. I rcc \inci ican I spress I raseler s cheeks. 24 tn access to \our account through the l:\change and ( ii ms networks I RI I checks ss ith direct de posit ot soul l ot <) pas check So. the next time \nu read the features ol your eheektuxrk. lememlvi a l I .me () eheekme aeeount has a happ> eiulme ua ( KI l>l I I M< »N - : CIRRUS K. 11th & Fern St. 687-2347 si i \ mt: I .il ( » \tu«!« nl' ts