I'hnlii b» V1*rk ^ lf« Kmi \l.iiminn HI is i onitratuUtnl In Irammali". lulir ( aianaugh (Icti) .mil I',ill I I’llrs .ilhi s< orinit mi .1 I aura S< hmtill s.ii rilin' III ilurmn Ihr liril gamr ul Orriion » 1 11 il M.u sm-i /i ^ I ' The Saga Continues WEDNESDAY NIGHT at TRACK TOWN PIZZA Gel a medium (12”) One-Ingredient Pizza for ONLY... (Just jsU for the Spet lal) 70) Why settle for less... than the BEST!?! FREE DELIVERY (Limited delivery area) 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. SPORTS Ducks sweep Beavers behind freshmen arms By Robert Weber (fregon showed tbegun State and (hr iest of the softball teams in the I'm ifit 10 I.outer end' how tout’ll thm i .m lie when thes roinbiiie solid hit lint! w ith ne.n 11.iw less fielding h\ sweeping a Hull i oiilerenee doubleheader hum the heaters -) 1 and 7 I at I low e Field Tuesdat Oregon evened its season re turd at 10 I'l and ended a four game losing streak behind solid pit* lung performum es from freshmen Kacheile Tavlor and Natasha Ruinoski After strug glint; defensively must of the season, the Dm ks unit * oinimt led one error for the afternoon The pit* Inns did a great |oh. Oregon (lourh lami brown said "The delense is i inning around and we did a w underfill job lull mg (We did a| mm h better job i iminiunu at mg " I at lor stria k out live and spun a Ine hitter ill tin- first game to even her season re* ord at o n as the Du* ks gave hei all tile support she would Heed w ilb two runs m the first hirst baseman lulie (bit anaugli fell olf the bottom of the fust with a single and later scored on kim Manning's RBI triple Manning scored minutes later on an Anna Poore ground out Iavlor * rilised into the set enth inning with a shutout be for*- the Heavers scored an un earned nit! oil two lilts and a 1 fuck error ! HumI'-ki kept the l ISf play ers guessing m thf set ond game ilh .in assortment nt off speed )>i!< hi's i arrving .1 no hitter into tin- sixth inning and finishing is ilh .1 four hitter Oregon srornd .in unoarnccl run in the llliril before explod mg for sis runs on five hits m llin filth inning i apped off I>\ I .1 urn Sr h m id I s triple t hat si orod f’nori' .111 d I r.i 1 ns Simmons ( ias anaiigh led I hr I )u< ks .it t.H k foi the .tft«• 111111111 with five hits thri'i' tuns stnri'd. throe stolen h.tsi's and .1 RBI svllile Manning l ullw tod ,1 < (tuple of hits, si ofi’d tsvii e and .knocked in two runs After starting the season 0 17 .it the plate, freshman Jennifer Topham broke out of tier slump and I id lei ted her fust hits as a I fin k, going llin e.u li game She totalis turned it around Brown said, "and drove the hall ' lop ranked 1 '( 1.A 1 nines to town for two games on Sunday and Brown believes the Dinks i an play w ith the mights Bi n ins f lies are very, vers good she said, hut d ss e pi.is solid and make them heat us sve have a 1 Inlin e First Game Oregon St 0000001 15-1 Oregon 200002* 481 t * a .«■ ' 1 '1, • .r f ; v Second Game Oregon St 0000010—144 Oregon 0 0 1 0 60 < — 7 9 0 • • • 1 ' Cycling competition draws 175 participants By Chris Nelson i n €;[,i I COfilf-SiUlOi 11 Igh tei li i .it i ng bii vi les worth Si-in non powered b\ ihmi |M>umis of muscle .mhI limn’ I.II ml iirountl .1 lliltf Ml I If rin ml nil i nul Ml riii.es three had previously t.ti eil vs ith the ( Muh i v i ling team. im.luding Mu line! keep, the tup finisher, kellv Wieber. in fuurth plate and Steve Mar t V in eighth plat e In the other categories. Ore gun rulers stored impressive V It tin les 111 tile ( ullegiete A I at e v\ here the best ( ullege raters square oft Oregon field etl live ol the six competitors a ml t ,i pt li red tile top foil r places itrideubaugh also tom peting in this category also, fin islied more than a III si cowls ahead id the Held He was lol low etl In ( luh rat ers I.uke I’mgtd. William Hall, and lien Kaplan In the t ategorv 1Y rat e ( tie gun teammates Dave Strothers and Krishna Mmrheatl broke from the pat k in the last three laps, finishing 1 M respective Is taking home $lfi() between them In the women's rate, I’niversitv student l.ynn Lu ll man Kit/.ow took third place, winning S-IO Coupons in the Emerald save you money. Check every page, every day. It pays.