Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1991, Page 7, Image 7

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Students’ artworks designed to reflect reality
By Ming Rodrigues
f me no rntertammen! u,
I Art I) Impifssiiins ,m
exhibit featuring |mnts, ntists
honks and pi'n a lid pe in 11
dr.iu mgs In lour fun ersit v
sludi'iils. is on-display through
I rid.w ,it tin- Iaverno hrause
(.aliiTv mi rumpus
" I his exhibit is |iiiiii■ ih.in
lust ■. isu.il it's thillknig ,ii I
said Kick Simpson iiur ul tin*
part ii ipaling; student art ists
It s art that etnbrai es vat-rovis
lilt- issues u Ini h vve not miK
has e to look ul hut think about
us well, it's thought phivrik,
mg "
The e \ h i hi t 11 l ie I ' \ f
I Vlmpiessions, e significant
on two levels suid Simpson
Its in atltsiii, inipiessiiui of
wli.rl me i rente when we do
pnnlmukmg on (lie me liutid
ami it's the i eiehral mipai I on
the aildietire on the iithei
A gradual!' student in print
making Simpson's lithographs
and eli.lungs pnrtrev people re
ar litlg to the processes ol pel
sonal relationships and the
stresses ol evervdav life
M \ work (1 e <11 s u i! h
i han^os that lake pI■<< e in Ides
transitions It's an expression
nt mv personal experiences 1
don't llimk there’s a real status
quo in this world
"I was stationed abroad and
served in the Air lone in 1T>
different countries." he said
’'( aiming bill k to live in Amen
(a again and paint has coin
polled me to deal with the emo
tioilal and environmental
changes and project these teel
ings into mv art
"M\ et( lungs speak ol death
dei as aging, i ontronlntini
love and hate issues that dig
into m\ often times disturbing
olisei \ at ions ol si m let \
As a member of the Oregon
I’rintmakers Studio and tin
Maryland I adoration of \rl
Simpson has hail various other
exhibits throughout Ins art i a
11•• • i | |is wort have appeal. i
at thi' Mamie Kerns \• * (iafierv
anil tile I lull ( enter
Simpson S ■ print pier es are
also mi d i splay at t he I ail
( reek Itaheiv oil 1 till .mil km
r aid
\ 111 it lie 1 1 111 ■ llllre f III the Ole
mm I'rmtmakers Studio is I all
Inudge I)o\le a masters student
i(f pTintHinktiu; tioui Hutt i!"
: dv s
I lei exhlhlt is a i oilage ■ d
eti lit tigs u in e 11 II ’ I 11.!: o
'HI jplis and mo hop,t in!" trii e,
.v. v
i ;
ilj organ it tor nis and have a
tee| tor how 11lev re !" ’"
how their proportions are > re
at ed pa I : !iow t lleir i ti v.tti'm.y
I|i ea -.aid I )o\ h ol llei passitip
tin seaslieI VIV work is ah
strait hei arise I tend to mold
mv art at t ording to how I
feel "
Doyle unjoys 1111• .11( ul print
Hulking hot .lllsr it .11 low s hn
lhe flexibility to explore the
transformations her work goes
through before it be< omes w h.it
she w tints to be
\iiiiim .1 I tippler il.ipples in
.1 different theme .iltogether
she likes the hold, graphic im
part 0! skulls and also enjoys
listening to heavy metal miisii
Skulls and heavv met a I
w 01 k well, she said
Her unusual exhibit is a if is
plav of stalk blank and white
pen anil ink drawings with ml
ligraphv th.it mi urporate 1111
ages u! skulls ami heavv metal
lyi u s
' Hoi 1 u*0 c 11 111 \ d 1 s11 in !
style many people have asked
me it t in satariii hut I tell
them that I just like w hat I do
it's tun.’ said Hippier who
also transplants what she reads
It’s Your Education.
Take it Seriously.
I lit* Undergraduate Fducation I ask Force is sjxmsoring an
open forum on undergraduate education
Wednesday, April 17. 1991
EMU Ciumwood Room, 12:00 to 2:00 p in.
Topics to be discussed include:
•Admission and recruitment policies
•Faculty advising - > n ices
• . , jbilit) to cl isses and majors
Come express \ our views and take an ac tive role
in your education.
Materials will he available ahead of time at ASH'),
the Provost's Office, or by calling Student Affairs, Uo 11 .N
I ni\ri\it\ stuiirnls ihtt/n hit) I .illm.nh;t Ik)\Ir Skififin \/< A orLine
tin'll ortnork on ilisfiLn .it thr I oxrrnr kroner (>tillrt\
Kh k
ttv \f*ti 1 ipion
S//M/isiiii tint! \rntnuo tlifijilri h.nr
from m lent »* fn (ion and fantasv
novels into lin ,ut
A mmiiui m v isiiiil ti»■ s i jk* n
from Roseburg, Nippier also
works as an .issislanl animator
al a lot al .1 iitifiiitton c ompanv
designing animation tor mm
puler games
Skippei Mi I ai laiin - exhibit
olti-is soini'thing different Irom
the rest Ills is ,i srnrs of books
featuring i umii eharat ters and
ba still oh ii 11 o i pi r l a t l o ns o{
I prefer art in a book be
i ausr ot 11s more intimate ijual
11\ \i< ! arlane said ! hr art
i--. right thro* in your hands and
von I an applet late it on a mnir
personal level Regular prints
hang on tht* wall and it’s appro
mated on a more mass level
i heir s .1 distant I' til It .IS I urn
p.iii ci In tin' i losenrss ill .1
the theme ill In- five hunks
.111(1 Ihlci’ 1 I I II si I .it Kills deal
U Ith 1111 ll‘ I fill ISSUHS tll.lt Ilf nl
personal mteiest In Mi I at lane
i fiisnrsli111 thit i tr.ilurn nl
myths Auteui ,m 1ihIi.ui mvths
uni the Ini uoodsman hi The
\\ i/iinl nl ( 1/ (tile hunk is mitt
lle(! .illil i (Hit.tills .ihstl.H ts nl
snug Ivm s
Hems.; in the art field anil
all I natuiallv hei allie mleresl
eil in tile Issue nl i eilsni shill
■ niil liim that allerted i uitni s
and ail 111 general Mi i arlillle
explained I lie mute I studied
it the mute I wanted In make
something nut of it in inv work
and in till . exhibit Mr. to puke
tun at the Issue
As for tus fixture mi myths
Mi I ,irl.me xuei lie's always eii
joyed ilisi uvemtn tmw myths
He I le.iteiI mihI pelpelUMted
tin tils work mi I tie tin
woodsman Mt I .ill.me v\ allied
til e\Minnie (tie it|em ut limv the
tin woodsman tun! m heiirt but
didn't know it Mint vvtinted to
liiul it
I wanted to pusli the tin
W lllldtll.Ill's ipiest 111 Ills se.m ll
till ,1 In Mit !n the end H hen- lie
limb it s.nd Mi Imi l ine
file I ,m\ erne Krause ( Millen,
lui .lied ill Knoll) 1(11 I.MWIellie
I bill Is open tree to the pilhlu
from u ,i m tn l I . p in Mmi
d M \ I lirotl nil I r 1(1.IV evi epl
Slide Mild t diversity holiday s
I iii more information i all
tile nailers It t in tt. Ill
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add I at 83C expires 4/23/91^
HOURS 7a.m. 11p.m 7 DAYS A WEEK
4/17/91 THRU 4/23/91