Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    Box seats
Win I’fllt'inrn, u omrn s .msist.int b.iskclball i tint 11
rnftn> lln‘ />*'>/ sent in tlw haunt1, winning in •< hum
min k on .i Mat l.tnnt bahnn\ <is slw unit'- fat tlw
•<(•( ontl if a fiu ■ i il ,i m itlh.ill double homier .iff.tins! (>SI
to begin
I’holtl ll\ M.tl k '> It'll
Continued from Page 1
posable asbestos removal Mills rubber
gloves .mil hard huts weighed .ill the s.ii ks
from a particular huilding and then xep
arated the i imtents into piles o! rei vi liihles
and null rei vi liihles to lie weighed again
When the results were tallied lohnsnn
Hall led the list of buildings w ith a slightly
soiled reputation for rei vt ling
( it u'i pounds of garbage taken from the
administration building almost three quar
lers or " I pert ent i.ould have been re
I vi led III some w nv
l.ols ol takeout boxes with little plas-tu.
deals,' auditors noted on their'tabulation
form toi lohnsnn I lall
Sorters also separated out III pounds of
white paper and to pounds ol newsprint
that i ould have been tossed into rei vclillg
I .aw rein e Hall didn't perform mill h bet
tei 'in pounds of garbage I ruin that build
mg on hided I > pounds ol millboard and
la poii nils ol W bite and I olored !e< I gel
About oil pen ent ol garbage trom I’Ll
was ret \l iable including lit pounds ol
i aidboard. .iiid >M pen ent ol trash taken
from ( Ilea,, ill I i.i 11 r.ould have been kept out
ot landfills
kaplvn said she was pleased with the re
suits of the audit despite the large amount
of papei and i ardlioard that volunteers
sorted out ol l'uesdas s garbage
She s.ilil the pen outage ol w bite, i olored
and i oiuputer ledgei audit i ould have been
higher it it weren’t fm the paper rei.vt ling
program m plat e in most rumpus oltii es
Sexual orientation bill has an uncertain future
By Joe Kidd
t Piml.CS tdllOl
SAI I At (,11v Barbara Huberts ami .1 handful if
liip si,ili- oil it ials 1 ailed lur legislative approval uf a
Senate lull on 1'uesdav that would expand Oregon’s
anti diM nmtnaiioll laws to prohibit disi nmmatiou on
the basis of sexual orientation
Spe.iking before tin1 Senate business Housing iind
i in.tin e i uminiMir Huberts s.ini she strnngU support1
Senate Hill ruH
\\ i■ t annul stand silently Ii\ while .mv Un-gum,iti
hiii". I he loss ui their i nil rights Kuhcrts said In
tin- I,a i- ui sin It unlaitm-ss I cannot l«* silent
I! approved. tin- lull would add sexual orientation to
the state's c urrent c ntena Used to define illegal ills
crimination in aieas ranging irem education to em
However under sit on the activities of religious
organizations with hehels 1111 -illlpatihlc- w 1th hultlosex
ualttv would he exempt from c ompllitni e
l he full would also spei ifu ally prohibit landlords
from asking about a jMiii-iiti.il reiilet ■ a h.-me huvc-i s
sexual orientation xx he-ti renting or purchasing a house
oi apartment
Whether the measure would alien I the I 'mveisitx s
i oiltruverstal lamiK housing access pnlit \ is cm
known, said Melinda <. r 1 < • r iliteitm ot legal serve es
tor the ( tiegon State System ot Higher i-.duc at ion
Rep. ( .iil Hostic k.t I) laigene said hi' believes the
Republic an leadership in the I louse w ill probably lr\
to kill it In controlling vvhii h committee the bill is
M’llt III
Ami d tlif bill passes in the Senate it c an expect op
position (torn conservative groups oulsilie the l.egisla
turf said I .mi Station, chairman nl the (fregon (.iti/etis
\lbariie a political group with a historv ot opposing
gav rights legislation
V\e vvd! lobbv against it if it does get out ot the
Senate and goes to the House Station said
We look at sexual orientation as a politically
(.railed phrase or term to desc ribe vvhat ts commonly
known as sexual perversion he said "We view all
forms of sexual orientation, other than a heterosexual
relationship as wrong behavior
If the full bee nines law Mahon said ()( A will liv to
cepeal tin- measure in the November l'lUJ elections, a
strategy used sin c essfuily vv ith a similar issue in PlHit
Thursday, April 18
7 p.m. at Mac Court
Only 1 more day until the game!
Tickets available at the liMU main desk
and the U of C) Athletic ticket Office.
$2 in advance, $3 at the door
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