VANS Continued from Page 1 Minnis said Ins concern about stale iiatu111s extends not only tu students traveling to peat e conferences but to anv out-of-state travel I le saiti t fregnn lias a S >00 000 liability but a vehit le aii I tlent in another state (.mild bring a higher liability Dave White a Slate Motor I’ool ailmmislialor said people all Ihori/ed to drive a state velm le assume some liability ill vase ol at v.idimts It that person was inpired through their own t.mlt that person assumes .liability." he said However in a t Use of negligence involv ing death or miurv la passengers W lute Saul the state otteil bet rimes liable It the slate has said You r an use this state van for .1 state pul pose and a passenger is injured the stale most likely has some !i ability.’ he said White said tile state is 'paving medical bills for the four student passengers who were injured tn the Nevada an nleiii "We hav e not determined the evtimt tit liability but v\ e liav e dr termined some liability. ' he said Minnis has also exptrssed (Oinern about lepoits ol stale vails showing up outside cosmos and being used for student trips home uvei spring break, lint White said I his genetallv does not 1 anv lia hility risk for tlie state 'It the student was vei v t (early not using the vall tot .1 state pur pose, like d thev were given Use of a van to go to Ashland tor the Shakespearean festival, and instead thev go skiing m Klamath falls, the st.ite probably has 110 he said ( a it it ism ot the Sail franii sen trip by Minnis and oilier legisla tors prompted a review ot polii les allowing umveisity students to use state owned vehicles the current policies allow individual agent ies w ithiil state government, silt h as the t "niversitv tn deter mine what constitutes legit 1 mate use ot a stale vehicle Alter the Nevada at cident t niversitv offu nils said they vvould not re-examine their polii V regarding state vehii le use unleashing even more i ritit ism from legislators "frankly it's ruy opinion that this represents unbridled arm gam e nn the part ot the 1'niversitv ol Oregon. Minnis said in a speei h to the state House ot Representatives 1 think the I niversitv ought to at least ret (insider then position and ought to take a look .it their polit ies that are resulting in the death of a student and injuries w hile driv ing a slate-owned vein t le," he said "It also underscores a siguilii ant problem we have 01 the budg el mg process here when the I "niversitv ot Oregon and other high er edut atiun entities have not t nine undei the si rutiin ot the Wavs and Means committee to the degree that 1 think thev should In said Minnis said the biggest abuses ol state vail use tome Irom the t "niversitv and other schools in the state system file ( tluvernmenl Subcommittee of Wavs and Means 1-. trying to decide w hether state agent ies should have .it 1 ess to new ei and better 1 ars Mmnis said but members are disturbed that universities are loaning tile vehtt Ies out or at least allowing them to be used by student groups lor out ol state war protests Minnis who is chairman of the (leneral ( aivernmerit sulx nmmil lee. has encouraged the state Department ot (leneral Services the department that oversees operation ol the State Motor Pool, to re think its polii ies regarding student van use I have the ability to raise a slmk about it it they don't tighten down on it " lie said I t tin go into their budget and make a note requiring them to do so. " / hi Mil nx t mputer Suppt >rt / tjb presents Pacific Northwest Computer Roadshow Apple • IBM • NeXT Claris • Aldus Microsoft • Lotus Supra • and others... Presentations Product exhibits Prizes Vendor Representatives currently louriny campuses throughout the W illamette Yallex April 24. 1991 • I lam - 4pm • EMU Ballroom I IIS h\ iisiii 14 1 mipons Imm I In* ( )n*)>iin I)< 1 i 1 \ l inu’i .i Id BLAIR Continued from Page 1 t*nipl\ and were not ii• 1111)4 our )•*r* i'll! snill Miaii vvhiisr solutions will begin with a sliitl ill staff responsilul It It's Varying from what lias boon ilonr in previous wars, Blau will keep the pnlltlis beat 111 ease the Legislature meets for a spei ini session "Ballot Meas ore a is an editor's dream and will till pages " he said I want to make sure we re wuti h mg it i loseh (lerrv Ga/.lav .1 mi'inbi'r of tin1 ot the direr tors said tic impressed with Hlair’s ideas stria tural i (ranges and t;is r uuimit merit d uri tig t tic past tour years Another hoard member. Kk hard Kotskv said tie would like to see lllair build stall mo rale and eommunu at ion tie tween all departments Hl.iir added a caution to all leaders of the Emerald You are never going to see a perfect Emerald.’ tie said "Students make mistakes and learn from them, lint the changes I am making will si reen out a lot of the mistakes before they rear h the readers Faces of the Bookstore I JIM WILLIAMS POSITION: General Manager • mce 1976 YEARS WITH STORE: Student orker 1966 68 Assistant Manager from 1972 HOBBIES: Fly tying running atch & release flyfishing MOTIVATION: I sincerely on|oy 'tie journey ol life GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT: Helping save a river from being unnecessarily dammed MOST UNIQUE ACTIVITY: Wjanizing environmental needs with Mason Williams LAST BOOK READ: Lead, follow or qet out of the Way. Jim Lundy ORGANIZATIONS: Oregon Trout. Environmental Concerns Task Force McKenzie Fly Fishers Westminster Presbyterian. FAMILY: Wile ol 22 years Bonnie, two daughters. Debbie and Shelly PERSONAL SKETCH: Over achiever positive thinker spiritually centered FAVORITE JUNK FOOD French Fries