Education task force holding forum The I ,isk I on i' on 1 'rider graduate i.\ ( li.ingi1 w ith others saul \nni* Leavitt .issoi i,itc vii f pmvnst ,iinl task fort r nnnnlifr I In- task fori i' must submit a report mi its ftnrfiuKs to Hrarni h.v tin- end of Ma\ I ■-.»> ill aid \nothti luniin f or using oil tin- iin ’ 4 TDK: Supra Moderms: *• "m ’BM .'4 : :ju ! fc »?♦’'* •i IBM J4-V J £»*<■'*"'a MAC 24tX‘ t'au • E: ... MNP 24 )(': : i . ' Sale 8 SO Sale '17.25 Sale 4 to Sale 7 30 Sale 9 00 Sale 16 60 Sale 5.90 Sale 9 90 Sale 89 95 Sale 119 95 Sale 119 95 Sale 139 95 Undergrad writers in spotlight \n< irnl loirsts (.roup Men N k a i n % I K a pr Naliw Nmrrnan Student I nlim ( ollrv Republicans Uuntfn and (ammunii aliens Druid* the I Mi f' »i.i (• • *? (.olden Krv National Honor Sn« irtv irefs in K.H.m II; UilUmrllr HalMrom Jennifer Hills ami Jiison |a Watson aiidnlates fur \M<> e\e< u 11 \ e hold .1 oluttfeer general interest meeting in I.NU edar Room I ill-i* in p ttv This meeting-it* jxins<>r»*t| |iv the Hills W atson.campaign Sister I nivrrsilt l'ni|i’i t > HI p Ml Ini (denial fee (mnmitlee ..s I ; hod get hearings in the I Ml' Hoard R.Mint a! ft Hi p m I he following organizations are nt the agenda ISA \Sl '() < htld ( are S u h s i d \ M ! ( h V ( A 1 \ friendship Partners Women s ( enter and I \TV! S I >i Null dr \ arennrs * during I am is XVI s High! from the I mm It Revolution will hr shown in Room ! Hi (.ilbert Hiill al 7 hi p m The film sjMiiisttti'il |i\ tin- Humanities < . iit.-r Sr a RavaWmg Beli/e Outdoor Program >iirn tor Brih Mason w ill Ih* show n at 11 ,10 p lit in tin- (lukiuot Program offii *» IMI Knom J I Ihervrntis sponsored hv thr Imversltv Out.loor \\ ar and Prat r Part III at n in p m m Room 11s Pat d it Hall I his showing is a part •>( thr Kuss.ati I ilm Series •.ponsoird hv thr I'riUersitv Russian department RKI It.ION SI udr nt Mass Nrw man (enter 1HMI Kmerald St at '• V Wnslrv Night fellowship sprakri and visiting M In >ldt Mite that will !** at p m in thr Y\rs|e\ t rntrr 1_* H> ► mi aid St ( athulu Inn- ami I egrntl ! an- interested in learning alrout thr ohw lire « tisioms and stories throughput thr « rntuflrs of t athole lift* Hus rvrnf is at ihhiu iii thr Newman tlenler IH'»u I'.inerald Mist | | | ANI.OI S IWNBONI I ndrigraduate I it turn and Povtf) thr t nivrrsitv l it Sm mh featuring jrrrv Al» »i John Higgins t hnMopher Spink k aim Y\ indus and an opni uni mphmu t |> ROM I uturial Siirmr t ilation Index learning thr usr thr iihrarv s i omputen/rd database to find information in general s. trill r I hr session takes plat r m thr retefBftc e «r**d of thr S« u*n» r i ihrarv at M* Slufirnt Scridlp linnjmi* I ahlt* S