Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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IFC reconvenes; approves six budgets, requests
By Daralyn Trappe
! mi'M.,] n.-t ■
The Ini nlcnl.il I ee ( uinnni
tee rei omened I uesd.n attei
suspending budget he,(rings lui
.( \veek .mil ll.llI In ,11 Ini ate
funds In three sludenl groups
iind he.ir three spei i.il requests
I nrnier ( li.m in.m Mike < ml
son attended the hearings hul
did not vote on anv budgets or
speii.il requests
After .1 long debate betu ecu
Sam '\ he in. ASIA) linam e in
ordinator and Mar lene I Ires
i her. duel tor ot the ()lln e ol
Student Advoi ai \ the IR wit
ed a 1 0 to a 1 Ini ate Sal let , to
ON \ lur 1*0 10.1 ,111 I ! pen ent
tin ri'.isf nvi'r. this, year's, hi id get
ni Sit, .'it, 11 ( mi'mliri H.tr
riav (>rnv son was opposed
\ hern ,i111i I hast her His
over employee salaries
Willi Urt'sc her saving hr! cm
plovers had should hr ade
(|uatrl\ t oinprusatrd Im thru
spec lah/ril skills: \hrni -aid
higher salaries would hr unfair
to programs that have mil re
i rived rri|iirsli'd iiu rrast's
Allei the meeting \hrm told
111 innnhers that I lie AM ()
would likely veto,the allot alioii
ami rei unintended that i! he re
I .ego! Services was iinani
mulish dllui .iti'il S'-l Hu' .in
i in re,i si- u v it I ht*i r i u rri’iit
hmlgi't ut. S." 1 Hi I Hit s.ti.trirs
ut t in .Hm tur .mil l.hi* .issisl.int
ihn i 111r witv .ul|usti'ii In ri'fli'i I
• ns! ..t living mi riMsfs
I tif l orinisn s I’riigrtim rr
ijni’siiTi $1 t.H.’il tur iif\t visit
tut mi ii .isfil tr.ivi'l .mil i uiupr
titiiin I'xpimsi's I lovvrv.rt, III
mcmtii'!s vii!imI I . in t.ivor iif
in,nut.lining tin' grniip's i m
unit tiiiiii.i l u| $1nOT) I Ir.iv
sun .mil h.irl \ in ii-i s< ill Wrnv
i ippostnt
rill' Sill V IV ,ll I I'llll'l VV.IS
nil.iiuininislv nlloi .ilinl .1 sj>i»
i nil ri-qni-sl ut SI iOl) to help
i iivit I .irth Win k i*vpi*nsi’s
Cruz supports small campus groups
Pledges to watch out for minority groups, environment
By Daralyn Trappe
f inpraid Reporter
Robert (a11/ ( undulate lor a
nnr-vi'jr lat identul I re Com
mittee seat. said lit* would
champion the causes of small
student groups and women's
groups it elei led
(!ruz. a junior who plans to
major in international studies
I believe tin' Woillfh's 1 ell
!<• i has sonic valid: points that
need tu in' addressed iikt* tin'll
autonomyhi' said When i
walk down tin' street and leei
threatened, I (an imagine vvliat
Other people leei like H llBIS
tiiev are tiirealeiied
bra/ is presently a meinbei
n t M I ( h A a n d t li e
Asian Par d u Amerii an Stu
‘The small student groups and new, fledg
ling student groups, especially w ith Measun■
5, arc at risk to he cut or completely annihi
lated. and I want to stand up tor some ot
these groups.'
-Robert (Iru/.
said he would look at imi h
group on a last' bs i ast* basis
l ru/ believes certain groups
am at risk because ot the pro
jocted decrease in enrollment
next sear and the1 subsequent
decrease in available tn< idental
"The small student groups
and ness fledgling student
groups espetaallv ssitli Meas
lire i. are at risk to be cut or
c ompleteh annihilated and I
want to stand up fot some ot
these groups 1 t Iruz said
ili*nl l 'nimi I It' has also tx»«-n ,i
sludfiit t mu 1st'lot tin llir < )IIm f
ol Mullitullui.il Affairs .11111 i>
runt*illlv un thu rmillH ulturul
n*« ruilint'iil If.im
"A lot of thf groups llif II (
luruls Itflp gist- slutft'iils. i spt'
ctally poor studiuits. .t lot ol op
portunitius to parlicipalf who
othfrvvisf woulil not hf .lltlr to
do many things hf said
Although In' hfltfVfs in sup
porting many diversf studtmt
groups (Aru/ s.ntl hf wants to
kft'p tffs low to hflp make i
Koliert ( Til/
I'niversttv edtualion a< c essihle
)ui low ,iml middle mi nine stu
( i'u/ mik! he is ,dsu (I sup
purler id International students
envuunmeiit.il causes and is
i Dili lined about I lie ildtn ulties
tail'd hv students who .ire par
I d like tu help mil i ollege
students w ith !.undies tin/
said I lee! I call relate tu
them When I first began at
tending the t :m\e|s|t\ I Has
Irving tu pul myself through
( ullege and put lll\ little slstel
through high school at the
same time
( ru/ said it elected. he
would encourage student input
and would he open and will
mg to listen
Candidate promises fair decisions
Dodge cites experience with residence halls, OSPIRG
By Carrie Dennett
Emerald Reporter
Sera Dodge, candidate lor .1
one year Incidental l ee ( Dm
inittee se.it, said her under
standing of how student groups
turn lion will allow her to make
lair judgments when det iding
\sian studies Dodge was i
IIH’inlxT <ll till' Resident e Hall
( hi Vel lie 111 (' < 1)111 111 ittci- last
Shi1 Inis also worked with
< JSPIKt • tor more than .1 veai. is
i tirrent I\ working on I lit*
group's t oiisuint'i hot lint* and
is serving as viii* chairwoman
‘You have to look at how to change a
group's fee structure without making it stag
nate. '
-Sara Dodge
when' program cuts have to he
"1 understand how the stu
dent fees work and I don't
w ant to see them skvrcx ket
she said "But at the same
time, you i an t |ust cut 10 per
rent across the hoard and ex
pect the same level of ser
A sophomore majoring in
tin the chapter's lui al liti.tril
Observing other stmlenl
groups in f\Ml' Suite I h.is
been .III ecllll atloll.il CNperieru e
as uell she said
Dodge said she helped pie
pare lor OSl’IKt, s II I budget
hearing. whir h made her aware
of the i oiitrol students ha\e
o\er their mi idental lees
“I'm a big supporter ol group
Sura Dodge
programming him! ihut's mi
portant whi'M looking .il how
group* are going to h;wr to hi
<ut shf said "You li.ivc to
look ,it how to i hange .1 group
fee strut ture without making it
I lodge said d elei led. she
would like tile III to have
more inlerartiuu with student
groups and w ith the \Sl <)
than she thinks is happening
( urrentlv
— IFC Allocations —
I nrfiiMt s
I i^.t| Srrv ii i s
1990 91
S ! 1.0 ■
$' i till
$ 1 j hi) »
Si u
. Chang®
t 11
rhf Sister t’rmrrsitv I’mjiM t
vv .is 14 i yen «t loan Si >‘MI to tern
por.mlv t:ov»*r the< ost bt briny;
mg John Stork well. to i .im'pus
to Speak lot 1 .litll \\ eek
Members i>t tin’ I tmersitv
I).i\ (oalttiun reported th.it
they have ret eived $ i >no trom
t hi* admimst i at ton and asked
the li t tor inatr bin# funds to
i HM'I I'Vpi'llst's S.l >1111 v\,is .11
lot .ill'll VV llll .1 I 1 Mill' ll'lllll
ti'r Hills <io(l \nn.imln Mur.ili's
were fippnsi'il ,unl I rciids
\ ill Ilfs
Hills s.ml sht* tiH|i'i it‘<i to r\
pflisi' Ill-ms sin h .is I shuts .uni
Mm.ill's s«itil hr thought tlit- .nl
mniisir.iliiin should Ilium i' I lit -
pritjt'i I 1'iitiri'K
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