EDITORIAL New education plan lacks needed input ()n Thursday. President Bush will unveil the edu cation plan he hopes will actually give merit to Ins i laim of being the education president Hie plan has both good and had elements The good part of the plan is that it proposes a fed eral program of research and development to invent new kinds of public schools Looking into ways to im prove and < umpletelv rearrange sc hools is a good idea, and spending money in tli.it area is long overdue The bad part of the plan (.ills for more nationwide testing of students and for basing finam ial support for sc bools on those test results Public schools should not have to compete for monev to educate It is fine to sa\ the best si bools those doing the best job of educating children should be rewarded In theory it should make si hoots work harder to educate their pupils Hut the pole \ ut rewarding si bools with the high est average test scores presents some possibilities that need to be looked into Lust ol all the ini entivc for administrations to fab ricate test results, or focus their entire curriculum on improving test scores, would iise dramaticnllv under the Hush plan Anothei potentially negative result ol the Hush proposal could oct ur if schools try to ( ater to brighter students in order to bring up the test sc ores Hush has proposed the implementation of a parent-choir e si bool system where parents could choose where their i till dren go to school t'niter this plan, parents would pick the "best si bools lor their ( hildren, so si bools w ith the best rep utations would be in high demand and be able to pii k and i boose who thev enrolled A system set up in this manner would put all the • bright" kids ill the well-funded si bools while the "slower" kids would be dumped into poorly-funded programs In simple terms the Hush proposal would allow a system that discriminates against the i hildren of less educated" people to perpetuate itself l.aisse/ faire. survivel-uf the fittest business practices have no place in publii education Public, education is for everyone, not pist those u ho ex< el Hush's in'uh appointed education secretary. La mar Alexander, has said education reform rails tor ait • •ntindv new system and not just a rebuilding of the ex isting one t herefore. Alexander wants to go direr tlv to the people and bypass the education establishment litis is lini1 in print ip It* Hut Alexander should consul el that while the "people" should get what they want, ignoring the input ot people who have devoted their lives to ediu ating the youth of this i ountrv is idiotic H\ ignoring the edtuation estiiblishment. the Hush plan also does not properly address problems that those m the education system have been complaining about for v ears • Why not start out the reform movement bv im plementing a longer si hoot dav epual to those ill other countries such as Japan? • Instead of spending so much money to tome up with new schools, why not put some of that money into existing, underfunded programs’ • People in public si bools have been say ing for years that education needs to get back to tire funda mentals • Most importantly, why doesn't the education president propose to do something about reforming the sy stem that grossly underpays the people w ho are edu cating ds youth? After all you gel what you pay for Oregon The Oregon Da* . t • e-\t ’ •• : ,;t- M - )d> tfv. ,g*> * ■ Jay «•*- apt during 014m *«*eh and «.« a! os t)y the Oregon 0a<(» E^cm';! Publish.-g Co at the University of Oregon Eugene Oregon The ? • .•peraled independently f the Un oersity *vnh offices on the third lic-o' ot the Eft; Memonat Union and is a of the As-..,. 1 atod Ptens The EfftfffaK! s pr^al® property The unlaarfo . ..» .si* of papers -s prosecut Editor A M«n*gmg editor Editorial Editor Politic* t ditor Graphic* Editor Supp»#m#nt* Editor In Touch Editor C1 - Me t- Ward v K M M i * v «• i News Editor Editorial Fditor Sports Editor l nl*Mamm*nl Editor Supplements Asst Ed Night Editor Ctv>5 Bou^eff Layne A-ny f '.* }<■•■ - • % jllhanr**} j40.NO, VOU pON'T LNPLR5TANP/ TH/5 15 i —a v/ W£ R£ AGAINST/ po you Hi- AA1 . t/VAES1-1 <******?, HATES TAX £5/ IT'5 A CRUS APE 1 LETTERS Whose truth? Warning Misreading tins let ter i.ould Im' harmful to your health Swallowing heavy met a! tan kill, or if you an1 biltn glial on golpe so mala In thu April lsstio of l uU‘lil\ thoro is a foaturo artu lo ontitloii Hitler ami the ()< i nil \a /ism, Reincarnation ami Koi k Culture b\ Su/anne M Kim She was apparently movod In signs of tho nso in Satanism in tho Now Ago Movement (Juot mg from hor artii lo eiuapsu l.itos a part of hor reasoning "So. in c omlimatlon. w o soo that m tho I S today wo havo tho frontal aspiM t of Satanism .is roprosontod In teenagers' in i leasing attrar lion to It. and we soo tho more subtle form emerging from out of the god doss regions of noo pagan Now Ago "lor both, the bottom line whether one drosses it up in fungian terminology, or si raw Is a pentagram on an un derpass in the suburbs is the Satanic (ommandment In do whatever mu' wants and to ex perieiue evervthmg extolling personal power and its final agent the Devil over subnns stun to moral law Refusing to consider oneself .1 sinner is the common ground of both And ImiIIi varieties, as witnessed by the suicide relat ed above and U hitmunt s < olio tpii.il and know ledgable refer ences to Nazism are no more or less than the current blossom ing of the Nazi legai \ come home to roost in the good old l S.A.” Tools sa\ there is no (aid and the C.rateful Dead sa\ there is no e\ il All of us want to be free and it is said. Aon shall know the truth and the truth shall ill.ike \ou free Norman Kvnnuk Kugenr Altered states t )ur met hanic al machines of war proved their effectiveness in Operation Desert ‘storm An othei machine also demonstrut ed its power the propaganda mar lime employed bv the Pen tagon to manipulate the media Hv using press pools, a thinly disguised form of censorship, tiic military sui cessfully cun trolled virtually nil the news coming from the Persian C.ulf Aside from