Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1991, Supplement, Page 4B, Image 15

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    Getting Involved
Herr are the ('luh Sports currently offered If you
want to httou more about .1 spci ifit group, 'call the to
ordin.itors of the group or the C ' 1 uI■ Sport' offji <■ .it
Mtv V7R
Badminn <n
C revv
( vilinv;
1 i|uesman
lent ing
It e i Ith key
Judo Jujitsu
I at rosse
Ranger ( hullenge
M Rugbv
M Shi el
Vv St • i er
Su iminmg
I aisle I emus
1 ae K won IS ■
VI l Inmate
\\ I Inmate
M \ t»llevball
W \ i > I le v ba 11
M \\ atet !'• >l< >
W Water Polo
Joseph Fomari
Kristen l nuin
Abe I )etlenhaugh
Sandy Young
Km helle Suruki
Mark 1 .indue
Sue ( ernik
Jim Smin h
Su’ii Brow n
[ red Smith
Aaron 1 Jopkins
Jesse Padfield
1 heo Moore
Sarah Mtm hinsoti
Boh Pieri e
Ktm Pearson
Aim Ai kerman
I ea \\ avrnire
Ansel 1 \ an*
Pam t ahlll
! tin \\ and
Brine Carlson
Roger \\’i>lil
( iary Bradv
Pat i v ( rump
las Kudin ka
C (iris Wells
Mark Miksis
Kate C iutse
464 ss<w
46 4 7442
H6 *>7>2
'4 i OSS1’
461 4406
<'■>'> 1667
4''4 I4c*>
'44 8146
'42 \2W
r W 4611
68'* 7404
'4 ' J>27
M( "224
(>"' s7s 5
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*>M '727
>44 6462
484- 1 V>S
U >-0644
M4 2844
'42 4447
'44 642'*
464 4726
'4 ' (' ) 1 '
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4>4 22 '4
484 7442
'4 ' 2 ''I
(amrimted from Page I /'
for ourselves. Suzuki says “Other it'.tins sec
l O as a definite competitor, not just a ( tub
S[x'rts team."
f St it 1 r teams raw motxA to travel to tomjxii
tions by t leaning Autren Stadium atxl Mi Arthur
(*Hirt after athletic extents I lit- water polo players
also host a tar wash and have Kike salc-s Crew
members havi 24-hour row a-thnns in the EMI
courtyard and pav >V in team dues e;tc h term.
K(uipnx.*nt and transportation costs make i rcu
the most expensive club sport.
I jiwti (We
( ontinueti from PtJgc 'B
from people who I’m sure
are pood pi,avers,” he '•ays
"I'd eneourape people 11■> net
inf or tii .it ion about t 1 uh
Sjxirts volleyball as soon as
the\\e registered (or t lasses
in the tall."
Skill isn't the only
iv h.ir.u teristii men's
softer i oordtnntOT
Ansel hvans is looking t* i
during the team’" two week
1 r virut period
"We look lor lommitment
aiul overall "kill,’' he says
Although only II men um
he on the field at am given
time, loans says he like" to
hav e teams of i >s to A' | lav
“\\ e’re v ery lut kv to hav e
a trainer this year,” I vans
sav s. I he trainer, w hi ■ alsi
plays on the team, leads the
team through what loans
> alls "extremely structured''
practises that include pass
in*; drills and working with
movement oft of the hall.
I he pr.u tice and commit
ment seems to have paid off
Last year the team won sev
en games, h>sr two and tied
"Lverv year we've has) a
pood program, loans savv
“I:verv term we’v e sirs >pped
teams from our s4 hedule
that don't have the same
lev el of our summit ment w e
As with virtuallv all other
Club Sports, the soccer team
has ts> raise a lot of its own
money. It participates in the
Me Arthur l a nut and Aut
:en Stadium cleanups, hut
members still have to umi
tribute some of their iwvn
"It's a real burden for
plavers to have to pay tot
uniforms” Hv ans says
I he soccer season is year
round, with the majority ot
names played during fall
term. W inter term is an in
door season, and the team
hosts an indoor, tournament
and plays whenever it tan.
h\ans says that in past
years many players have tak
en winter term oft to i on
centrate on school, hut this
year "the majority of the
guys played both toll and
H vans says the t e am
played a great game last Sat
urd.n against a team from
Portland, coming back from
0-2 to tie 2-2.
The team will play Cen
tral Oregon Community
College hriday at the South
hank Field, behind Oregon
\\ est Fitness and next to the
Aut:en footbridge
Mnllie Smith
thi t .
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