Wednesday, April 17, 1991 Advertising Supplement I’hoio t>% Vin Stembers i't the L'luh SI'ort•< women'* w.itcr /’*»/»> practice lor tho '['ring'* competi tions in C .ili/orni.i. Crew, polo hold competitions as goal I racticc pays off as tkc tuo teams aympctc in California Evemnp i't iu>isv splashing m Leighton Pix.l and mornings ot smooth, souixi less rowing m IVxter Reservoir have ti nails paid ott tor the Club Sports water polo and »re\v teams. Iliev’re going to C ulitornia Tins spring, Ixith women’s teams are lieadtng tor Mxithern waters to eomjxie with other uni versify teams, lor the womens water polo team, which com[x.*tes at the I nivcrsit\ ot t ah tornia at I Vrkelev April N to 21, C alitornia is the golden land “California teams tend to be really awesome, Kathleen 1 homp'on, the team’s co-soordinator, says “We don’t want to he over our head'. We're just out there to have tun." The l niversitv women haw entered the tournament as tx’vicelevel diyision "l player' lltev will head to (. alifornta attain m Mav tor a tournament at Whittier ( ollege. A regatta at s:k ramrnto State Mav I s to l‘t is the destination ot the crevc lean) (. oordmator Rixhellr Suzuki 'ays the team's performance "looks very promts mg" this season I he team has rowed in three regattas since March, including the t orcallis Invitational alls! the Covered Bridge Regatta, sponsored hv the Oregon Association of Rowers. I he women's car sitv four-person boat placed first at the Huskie Invitational at the l niversitv of Washmgn in m March, "\\ e ate t eally starting to build ■ WA lilt, Pa W a name Club Sports allow alternative teams and Club Sports offers l Diversity students, tilts '(.lit .m athletu alternative i he program .illosss meml'ers to lompcte m . ■! inters olU-ei.ite sport', and relies entirely on student partly ipa non and support. Lee Sullivan, Club Sports ottue manager, says about SsV to SV students are involves! in this year’s program. Students, are responsible tor organising eat h club and sclenting a sol unteer , oat h ft>r the team. I'lub Sports teams compete svith other collegiate pro grams In some sports, ( lub S other college’s sarsits sports programs. ( lub Sports offers l "mversitv student 'ports teams compete against • it ults and ■a.itt sports that arc not ottered h\ tin- athlctii department, sir h .iv swimming ami baseball I In- onl\ sport Club Sport* duplicates iv women’s vol levball 1 In' program is main iami'll partially through hh i dental tecs, with a total budget of about >('0,000. Sul livan says a suhstantial amount of the program’s You really have to want to he involved. It’s a big commitment for stu dent coordinators. • Lee Sullivan money mmo from fundraising by the sport Club Spore- p.u tu may qualify foi national > ompc ntioiis, hut to pas for the vumpetitions, athletes wash i ars, hake i ookies atul - lean up after other sporting events "You realls have to yyant to he insolved,' Sullivan says "It's a hip commitment for student loordinators " ( luh Sports i- open to anyone. Students u ho to add ness sports to the program tan also bring their ideas to the Club Sports other m the basement of the LMl , Room S I he i 'tiu t is open Monday through hrulav, S: sO a.m to S p.m l eam pr.utue si hedules are also posted outside the of tu e llrcnihi I liitneti UNIVERSITY OF OREOON SNOWBO \KI)IN(. • |1 |H S1 AIKIDO ‘ BASKHAI I ' HADMMTON BOWLING ‘ < Kl U ■ t VC I ING FQIFSTKAIN • HAMM, * IGF HOI Kl A 11 DO * KAK ATI! ‘ I A( KOSSI KANCil K ( HAI I I \< .1 RiFit. rugba * saii im; • skiing • sou i k SWIMMING * TABI.F JTNNIS ‘ I \l KWON DO IMIMATF FKISBKI * YOll.FYBAII W \TFR 1*01.0 AN ATHLETIC ALTERNATIVE The U of O Club Sports program bridges the gap between Intramurals and Intercollegiate sports. The pro gram offers participation and com petition in a variety of sports, plus the opportunity to be recognized as collegiate athletes. II of O Club Sports is open to all students, facul ty and staff — men & women! For more information ( all: CLUB SPORTS KMIJ 346-3733