Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 17, 1991, Image 1

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Wednesday. April 17. I'WI
t'.ugcnr. Oregon
\ olumc Issue 1 ''
AIhuiI 1 7fi rai ei s mi
high In h Iii( v i les tin i'il
around .i half null' i in nil
on i atupus List Sunil.n in
llic annual ( llub Sports
Spring Campus
( Irilerium i umpcting tor
$2,000 in cash anti
See storv . Page H
SALIM (an Harba
ra Roberts and a handful
ol lop stale olfit ials
i ailed lor legislate n ap
proval ot a Senate bill on
Tuesdav that would ex
pand (Jregon's anti dis
i riinination laws to pro
hibit disi rimination on
the basis of sexual mien
See storv Page •>
Karth Week events tor
Alternative hnergy Da\
• I )irw I At I ill!! i he.III !
all day
• 8 (in a 111 In ■ (HI |i m
lulu I nergv I an I Ml
fir Room
• 11:30 a.n
lot al iliusit I,Ml
( tnirt\aid open mike
during set ond hour
• " )U p 111 In u III
Speet h by I anatlian e m i
ronmeiitalisl U iiumti
l.alluke Kapashesil. lad
I olumbia Ilall ISJ stu
dents $ I general]
• I dothing 11 r i\ e tin the
homeless I lollies t an he
put ill hills outside of
KMI Suite I, on I Ml
fust floor near Mam I )esk
or in Bean or I arson t om
plexes near area desks
| A I*) A woman un
happy w it ti the job her
plastic surgeon had done
shot and killed the dm tor
and then herself, polic e
said Tuesday
Beryl (Ihallis. till uas
found wounded Monday
night by her husband
after she apparently shot
herself in the head She
died at ()\erlake Ilospi
W hile polu e were in
\ estigating that death a
c all c ame in that Dr Sel
wvn A ( adieu. -11 had
been shot at his Bellevue
Cohen performed a
face lift and eye tin k on
(."hallis a year ago
Photo In SmJrr Kanirn
) iiki Knss Ilium nuhtl I'rrvsj jnd Mikr Harden sort tt.uh.n;r tram < antfius buildmiis In see
tun% nun h Irtish i tin hi' ret m led
Not all buildings equal
in campus recycle effort
By Catherine Hawley
Emerald Associate Editor
.Students who sifteii through )•>! [louiuls
id i ampus garbage on Iuesdav learned
some interesting nitiirmatinn alimit the
people who toss their trash in sav John
son Hall in comparison with those who
dump then refuse in Liwreme It.ill or
t or example a lot of people in Johnson
Hall rnienth ate takeout food with a lot ot
little plastii i ontainers of vegetable salad
that ended up unopened in the trash
t hese and other tasi mating far Is were
divulged .is part ut .1 i ainpus trash audit
comltu lull li\ I’hysir ill I'l.uit rei yrling < <•
ordinator karyn k.i|d.m and .1 team ul slu
diMil volunteers who sal out to dlsoovei
what gets thrown awa\ at the I'niversilv
and how mti< h ol that 1 an he ret \i led
About ■! > s.u ks of garbage three or
four from ear h of eight rumpus buildings
were randomly i hosen and set aside b\
i ustodial ( tews as they made their rounds
Mondav night and then delivered on l ues
da\ morning to the T All (lourtvard
There the tr.ish auditors wearing ills
Turn to RECYCLING Page 6
use of vans
By Carrie Dennett
t n.-M .1
I'llc death uf ,i 1 mversitv student vv ho
was killed ,illet tile slate owned van she
was riding in rolled over on a Nevada
htghw a\ has one state legislator ques
lioning state vehit'le usage
Susan V\ inn and several other 1 niver
sit\ students Were ell route to a protest
at i Nevada lull leal test site on April l
when the ai i ideal or i Hired I our othei
students were inpired in the i rash
Hep lotin Minnis R Portland argues
that tin- use ot state vans lor out ol state
protest ai livities is improper
Should students he able to "simply
i hei k out a state van and drive it to an
othei state tor the purpose ot a war pro
test or a pear e i onterem e or anv other
kind ot rotiferente ot this nature that
su!)sei|iieti!lv ends up in a fatal ait ideal
t lr.it will tost and i oil Id tost, the state
ot (lo gon hundreds of thousands ol dol
lars ■" Minnis .isketl
Minnis began questioning the use ot
state vans bv students hi human aftei
toil Idniversilv students rented seven
vans to attend .1 San i lani iscai pe.it e oil
Iv during the Persian (lull War
There have been am number ol peo
ple tailing rnv oflu e and t oinplammg
about that trip he said
Regulations restrict use of state vehi
1 les lor politii al purposes ami using
state owned vans to attend protests
should fall under these regulations.
Minnis said
As a state legislatm I do not have
list' id a state Vehicle he said "It's
pisl the university system where we
seem to have a lllielal poll! V
A.NI'O \ it e President Sheila Stu kid
said alter the Nevada at t.itleiil that the
Inp was educational in nature ami in
line with the purpose ol Student < am
paign tor Disarmament the group coor
dmatmg the trip to the Ament an I'eat e
I est near 1 .as Vegas
Hut Minnis said he doesn't buy that
I don't tiimk you 1 ail hide miller the
umbrella of etiut atmnal experiem e lie
said "Anything t an tie t ailed etiut a
Turn to VANS Pago 5
Emerald board names Blair as ’91 -92 editor
By Kristin Genzer
t rneraid Report*?'
( hristopher Hlair w ,is ap
pointed editor in c hief of the
Oregon !)ml\ Emerald tor the
I <l *» I ll 2 s e hoot veer on
Wednesday night after an in
tense" interviewing process
with the Emerald's board of di
rei tors
"I .mi going to ti\ to improve
the basil quality of the paper in
terms of writing, copy editing
and fundamental journalistic
skills." said Hlair who has
four years of Emerald expen
Before; being selec ted as the
newspaper's editor, he served
as managing editor, news edi
lor news reporter mid free
lain er
Blair who is .1 senior seeking
.1 journalism degree Inis sever
,11 goals he would like to
ai hifVe as editor
'I-would like to (reate and
hire new stall positions to take
stress oft ol the night ( opv edi
tors." Blair said "As it is now
the writers and assistant editors
are responsible for their own
i.opv. but wav. was. ssas too
many mistakes are making it to
the readers
Blair said he would also like
to see an increase 111 commit
ment to feature writing, in
depth news, examining issues
liehmd events and "avoiding
the use of 'buzz' words
'' Words like diversiU .trr
being thrown around a lot and
abused so that th«*\ have no
meaning anymore," Blair said
I want to mt the Issue lie
hind it They (the issues) desire
treatment, and entire stories
should he written about them
Another concern that Blair
has centers on the reporting
coverage given to certain
groups on i amptis "We are not
digging deep enough into the
event or issue," he said
''The paper covers f rom
dorms to the greek system to
student advocates, hut unless
there is more emphasis put on
'why', then the student is left
Turn to BLAIR. Page 5
(hris Hl.nr