Faces of the Bookstore JIM WILLIAMS POSITION: Genera! Manager since 1976 YEARS WITH STORE: Student worker 1966 68 Assistant Manager (rom 1972 HOBBIES: Fly tying running catch & release fly fishing MOTIVATION: I sincerely enjoy the journey o! life GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT Helping save a river from being unnecessarily dammed MOST UNIQUE ACTIVITY. Organizing environmental concerts with Mason Williams LAST BOOK READ: Lead folio* or get out of the Way. Jim Lundy ORGANIZATIONS: Oregon Trot,! Environmental Concerns Task Force McKenzie Fly Fishers Westminster Presbyterian FAMILY: Wife ot 22 years Bonnie two daughters. Debbie and Shelly PERSONAL SKETCH Over achiever, positive thinker spiritually centered FAVORITE JUNK FOOD: French Fries OSPIRG Continued from Page 3 gathering thousands ot p*-tit ion signatures to qualify (or a i am pus vote and to educate slu dents about OSl’IKt. s mission and funding system 1 he thing t li a I Ilia k es OSl’IRti so great is that it s staters ide T\vain said. I lie Interfraternity ( mini il lust wrote this incredible letter to the ( IN! greeks enr ouragiug them to support OSI’IHC. sin said Not only do they like us here, but they see the benefit ot us being at ()Sl! . Having a VParty? 11 r u> r \ fH -ct \ our i/7i it'ttions in one <>/ our\ h} txpvfjcvs. i .til /*» find- <>uf .ibiHit our low prim! $46 4 UM KEEP YOUR SPRING BREAK TAN! $5.00 Of f Current Prices clood lot |() sessions 01 more. SunShower Tanning Center ON CAMPUS 874 E 1 3th Ave • Upstairs by Kinko s • 485-2323 ONE COUPON SPECIAL PER CLIENT • Expires April 30. 1991 SunShower Tanning Center vs« .»ii the sun salon most conveniently loc ated lor students faculty and st.iff | one tv studs hr. uk bc’lwo n (l.rsscs whenever you hast* a little extra time voir * an takt .1 jn rnimite vacation and relax m our deeply soothinq sunheds tnjoy ttu naimth ,irul yuui (houe ol rmisu as you reqain that luscious summer ■> 874 E 13th Ave • Upstairs by Kmko's • 485-2323 f Air conditioned WHERE THE TROPICAL SUN SHINES INDOORS q>>i TRACK TOWN PIZZA s1.00 OFF MEDIUM PIZZA 484-2799 [»•! unlei v.iml „ h.HiM [>! i M KN Ni r: v « ,>nv oltu i . IT S HOT. IT S FRESH IT S DELICIOUS. IT S DELIVERED WHAT IS IT? rrs a TRACK TOWN PIZZA of course' FOR FREE DELIVERY CALL 484-2799 *15.00 OFF Prescription Glasses (Frames and I.enses Complete) rainbow optics I Blink fii >m C'ampus 7(t(> K. 13th St. • 343-3333 und \ .itul v* ith other e»Hi|v»n idlers) \ vpiles M.in * I llWl $ 15.00 OFF Eye Exam (with student 1.1), card! rainbow optics / Him k from Campus 7w> E. 13th St. • 343-3333 • r>.M \.ilu! with .*thcr «. import offers> vpm s M.t\ ' I IWI Glasses/Contacts/Exams i ompictc c\r cum* icjtufin^ io fit ill most (.jvcn ■ Cf «■' . ■ fitav ts in vt.K k Over turn I f jijk-n on displas Front t.’v’jsxK t m if it * Vmani (tUf'N Ralph l.auicn l‘«do Silhouette lienett*'ii ( lanbornc Nikon jnd mam mote Alt rejuifs done here Sunglasses Vjurnct Sorcngcti. Rexo Rashjn |*iiljroul Hobic and (OMI'll II I XHOM'RIMISISIOKMS/ SIKVKI rainbow optics 343-3333 I’.iiknu 76n I .ist 13th Street 111 II.I. k 'SI Hi 1 k mmm < M I • K - f» Sal X S _y