Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS Wanted “ Eugene area for academic oup' NC S.i"la 0«i! ,r.i * 'a ' .if Appro* dates 6‘lf>9n*» 1 ..an 105 PERSONALS Clare 1st 22! Nun lass die Sau raus! 105 PERSONALS At - Congratulation! Oaita Gumma na*r Michalla R Bath B Sbaily 8 Rally F Walcom® Aboard1 Elian Did you haar th# naw«7' JESUS the tiddlywinks tournament will b* hald Wad at 8pm in th® I MU Fir Room' It'll ba lot* ol tun' Would you lika to lorm a taam ’ Pata 10b PERSONALS HIM’ Proudly presents our newest members Kimber C Kristin R Carolyn G Sally M Allison M Wendy R Camille W We love you! Congratulations' APARTMENT HUNT INI.< t#t our c*e»tihed» be yout auide! non Thanks lor the crazy drinks and wild night1 We had a blast him* Pl*nn*<1 Parenthood ' t » . > , unbuild COudfelmg i II M Rob R Cell Jennifer V a! U2 67*>9 ASAP" lQb PERSONALS W K ’ Vj .« ■' V .«* K\" $At loaa M^G *> TIM Som«t»m#t you |utt ha*a lo tay I lo*« you no malt®' who I m toffy that I m to tontilt*# Rut • gu««« Ihat'a how much you m®an to ma Always Monica Unplannad pftQflAncy7 Mi)' mM •" • , . 1 ,,h!utf» M>rt Mf MM lib TYPING SERVICES i AST YPf WORD PROCi SSlNG f L YING F.INGI HS .. S' . . 484 tWM Hi TYPING SERVICES i T ypmg S*nrk « JO T Hi TYPING PRO" M.\ 60M Pu>l*»»ionWI W«»d Proc«*»*ng 90 p«* p«g« Pi Mip flcli»*»y Pryor MS 6 14© TYPING UNLIMITED R*it)«r*'l «n<1 Lever Printer A8SJMJ •» ••• «•''» •• «»•«•u Th«*t'* H• tg WORD PROCESSING l aver printing t ’ » [Tl» WORD SPECIALISTS! :* 1 >tAilunlc S. h*«'l Apfp"^ * I* l^i.. rUt*mv Hi « l 4|v‘i' j* IHM .impatiM•. I 't--k in. i ► * 1 4 i Fnnlww. ' naphi* •> I* I diitt'w. Kt ini CINDY Printed text to computer files 747 4580 3110 iwi;« v-j «J ns TYPING SERVICES N4 0/S9 ROBIN APPAOVf 0 . ... I >i » Tiling Report* (>«*»««« b.*> » ON v AMPUS* 6413 1S6S illont Riiuimi - j'i> - 344-4510 QUALITY WOHO PROCESSING ^ A-.ll '• Vl»»t \»l 'rt*1 J i a'.fl A tT W II l r\4 IRM [ r.. r-w v*Y a <1 ' ‘ «»*Y*r* ] MIS I I !Hh I |?Q TUTORING MATH TUTORIALS Aprtl 12 D«*d Wed UM MOil 00 10/ GiIImmI Provided by Ac*d*mtc leeming ©* roudoty ol lh» P*nh#ll»nK ami lnl»rt»*!*ffHly Conncili SPRINGFIELD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLIES 1124 S»r*** SonngtefcS L.WtQIX' V*T1 i ''(503) 726-9176' t 800 344-2047 Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Binge Eating Crash Dieting Vomiting Laxative Abuse Compulsive Exercise Compulsive Dieting When you're ready to quit we're ready to help. Just call 686-7377. The haling I )isoniers I Vi (gram al Sacred Heart Valentine 's Campus Travel Now Open 10 a.in. - Noon and 1 p.m. - 5 p in. STUDENT FARES STILL OUR SPECIALTY CIEE and STA Representative Same Day Ticketing Call Today 342-3170 For all your travel needs Located 3 doors down from l O Bookstore Inside “City Sweats” Take note of the latest music news . . Watch for Friday's Fntcrtainment Section 'ILLUSIONS by Don Our shears make you look sharp • Perms. ^ . s27.95 > ustomi/ed ‘ or your rui? tvP*1 >rv-|ude%> n 3i? -ners ut \ r ? f tre*lt»‘d ? i' " JYt,HM?xtM • Loop Rods-Spirals. . i s39.95 hi ludes 'ml ri ine'ut •. • Haircuts. t i . s7.00 iiK sn.imp