COLSON GRAYSON Tam running not to bo someone, but to do some!! j positive for the Un.vcrsity and the dude- ,'s through open, accessible and responsible government ' Cohort *t want to bring professional, experienced, competent and committed government to the students ‘ •Kir, lay [jnut.'on ASUO PRESIDENCY 'The future li< with It e s* ■; t il leader ...f ' n ; :/e tl .at the great put ' c is interested m -o in : .. rciinent than m f »< ' s ’ ■‘franKtin rir/t BILLS Continued from Page 1 " usr an- elevators in a InnlilinK and ramps to a build inn d a person sue h .is mi* i an t open the door to net 111 tlit* building •' krostaK asked Hulls bills sponsored by state Sen Grattan kerans. D-KilKene and the Oregon Disabilities (aimmission would also at tempt to makeother areas of ai ademit life easier for disabled students While Sli M7 i deals with ai i ess to buddings it also would provide services to promote ecpialiK of opportunity lor pen pie w ith disabilities Such serve es could me lude providing blind students with braille or c assette versions of a test book or ( mild provide lor a person to help psvr linlngii ally disabled students register at Mi Arthur Court if they have a severe problem dealing with i row11s Henderson said Ik; is I in k\ to l>e i overed lt\ .in insurant e pro gram that pays tor him In get class material Hut overall, your general blind student does not have tins he said And Henderson said getting cassette versions of hooks from the Library of ( ongress i an he a leal hassle Students must order them several Weeks In'tore the class begins to assure tliev arrive in time for class Sometimes he said thes do not arrive until t h ise to finals s\ eek Though such serve es as in i lass note taking and sign Ian gouge interpreting are already pros ided hv law in t iiegon the \lumm 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6 two Semite t>i 11 s w hie ti would go into effm t in inn 1 would1'allow for state funds to lie allot atud to sut It ptograms and broaden the array of ser vit es i urrentlv a\tillable We re doing everything we Inn e to do b\ lavs said I lilars t.erdes. counselor for the I 111 versitv s lot Students with Disabilities Program Hut some students need a lot more assistant e than the legal at i ommodation (Jertfes said the t ’niversitv is unttjue tits a use it has an estab lished program to help students that other si hools tin not hast* I he I 'niversitv s program is partlv funded In student fees a I (orated In the Incidental lee ( ommittee anti then the ad ministration matches what the li t I gives CHAVEZ Continued from Page 1 The ITU's goal is to get .it least o peri ent of Ameru an i onsumers to I him ott grapes tins request i nines from all tann workers " Chavez said denies said she is anibiva lent .ibout the hills liei ause. if lhe\ work it would he 'won derful hut at worst they would create more paper work and bureaucrat \ The two hills .ire still being I onsidered In the Senate lain cation ( omnnttee. but commit lee vn e . hainnan Sen Hill Met o\ I) Portland, said the\ are expei led to meet little op position in the l egislature Sen. Peter Brockman. K Sis ters said the hills will make higher education do something about ai i ess for disabled sin dents instead of having higher education "hide behind their traditional i loak of sci rei \ ' I i a n not i mag i lie v\ ho would oppose it (the access bills), except for people who are mandated to do something about it. linn kmail said M i nor it ii's, immignints the\ have an rights. no power They .ire outcasts .mil the\ .ire used .mil abused "Ciive them .1 break as the\ sai rifire to bring food to vour table everyday, ( have/ said I lelp us bovr ott grapes Car Care with a Conscience Audi VW k Porsche I BMW y Alfa Romeo Volvo Mercedes Benz IMPORT AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W. 7th, Eugene • 687-0040 PHARMACIES r r Prescription Specialists For Over 60 Years ■ Toiletries Prescription ■ Vitamins & Food Delivery Supplements TWO CONVENIENT CAMPUS LOCATIONS 12th AVENUE PHARMACY HILYARD ST. PHARMACY 677 E 12th 1200 Hilyard St. Physicians & Surgeons Bldg Physicians & Surgeons Bldg. South North Across Ffom Sacred Heart Hospital 9-5 30 M F 9-5 30 M F 485-8186 ■ 344-9196 Also DOWNTOWN 128 E Bro«dw*y 344 3234 9 5:30 M F 9-3:00 S*t LETTER PERFECT] Graphics • Typesetting • Design Consultation • Paste l p layout • PMVs Transparencies ■ • • > v- - ■. _336-138 7: