Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Earth Week has OSPIRG celebrating its 20th anniversary
By Carrie Dennett
Emeiaid Repertf
I'lic tamers)!v chapter of ()r
egon .Student Public livterest
Research (.roup will celebrate
it>- JiMli anniversarv tonight aW
in the (ierlinger 1 .ounge
The event. w hie h is part of
1 arth Week, is open to the put)
lie and will feature former
OSPIKC executive directors
Joel Ariel and state Rep Turn
Novie . I) Port land . and state
Sen (lratt.cn Reruns I) Kugenc
who was editor of the Emerald
when OSPIRC; lust formed in
"Earth I lav 1970 attrac ted a
lot ol speakers nationwide
()S!’IR( I i oordinatnr (',ii(111n
I vv.im said
In October' 1 *170. Ralph \a
drr spoke to an auiiieiu e of
more than t>.OIK) people at the
I niversitv as an offshoot of
! artli l)a\
I lit' v\ liolf i ampus u ,ts
rrallv wanting to do something
and not k now i n g how
OSPIRtl memlier Mark Miller
Nader Was diret tl\ involved
in llie Right In Know \t t and
he encouraged the develop
inentut pub)it interest groups
After Nader's spent h tint)
I hiiversitA students attended aii
organizational meeting with
Nailer anti made the det ision to
form the tirs! I’lKCi hi fusion
rhc lli'W organization was
drsi rilx'd .is .111 unprei t-diMit
ml I'xperimcnt cofnbimng
stmli'iil .11 tivtsiii with proles
sion.tl expertise to make an no
pad on env iiomnental. < oh
sinner and government issues
In 1 h1 students .h several
•.tali’ universities private i ol
leges and i nmmunitv i ullages
in Oregon gathered 2~ (MHt Mg
natures representing ">t| prr
i flit of tfif studfiit population
Tin- petition and resolution
riunI The purpose of OSI’IKl.
shall br to artli ulatf aiid put
siif through thf i ourts the nif
ilia thf institutions of govern
iin-nt and other legal ini’ans
the i uni erns of the students nf
the state ut ( tregon nn issues ill
general puhlu interest m sin li
areas .is em ironnientai preser
vntron .mil consumer protec
OSl’IRt. was then approved
h\ tin1 Oregon State Hoard ut
llighei I ilm iituin .mil mi orpo
rail'd as a mm profit orgaril/a
It s ex< it mu tn hav r it stall
linn' Iwain said
Other campuses vyi'rr trying
to start I’IKt .s at the same time
I wam said lint tile I niversitv
was the lust In olfu rally organ
tze one
Twain said one ot her efforts
now is to I'dtit ale the ptrfilir
• ibi mt u h.it ( ISI'lKt. ilivrs
l ot somr ri'.ison or other
we ve got a luitl t annotation in
so me grou ps '' s he s.i t d
We re notk log sure (ieo|ile
know wh.it lie n' .1 hitrit
' The lust hottle hill in the
t'lilted Sl.ites u ns brought l>\
()S|'IK(. I n .on said. A lot
ot people don't realize tli.it
I teel like ( t.M’IKt I Is getting
stronger and stronger tm this
t ainpus. she said 1 here was
a lull lor a n lule
OSl’IKt. is i urrentU working
with students at Oregon State
I niversitv to remstitute a < hap
ter there ( )S1 students are
Turn to OSPIRG Page 8
Candidate would shape up IFC
By Daralyn Trappe
l merald Reporter
Ini idental Fee Committee
i andidate Anlhom Slumbn.
otif of eight students running
for the three ,n ailable one-year
seats, said he thinks the 11C is
i urrentIv Iinatu mg unnei is
sarv student expenses
Stumho, .1 sophomore soi i
ology major, said he is ion
t.erned about "the abuses the
IIC. has perpetrated in the last
couple of years, sin h as pro
viding travel funds for trips
that may not have been essen
I realize I i an t change the
system, hut I < an stop the worst
of what they do. ' he said "I’d
like to see at i ountability on
how funds were spent this year
for next year’s funding It
would be nice il they i ould tell
you where the monev went
which they i an t do right
A member of the Survival
( enter anil the (Iregon Natural
Kesoun rs ( mini il on i ampiis
Stuml)() said hr brl Irvrs the
Sl(H) |irr term lh.it students are
i urrrntlv paving in ihi idental
frrs is tun high Hr said i lilting
miner rssarv expenses me ludrs
careful monitoring of flow rat li
group spends Its morirv
'I just find it interesting that
some people are paid <is mm h
as $ too ,i month out of the II (
funds '' lie said "It s basil alls
resume parking sm h as some
III the student uffn er positions
"I d like to see that the moil
r\ lhe\ re budgeting lor a
group isn't being spent lor
something that's .dreads on
campus, sui h as magazines
that are .dreads pun based at
the 11 lira r s . 01 that people
aren't receiving stipends for
two different groups at the
same time, as happened this
Stumho said, with all the stu
dent groups on campus the
I!■’(I can onlv hope lo cut the
worst ot the abuses, hut "the\
\iitli(iii\ Stumho
made no attempt to do tli.it this
1(1 like til see il ri'MOS iltunl
In some degree of how records
are kept perhaps a c (impute!
system rutliei than a shoebox
l! •, SI I million and they
should he able to tell you
u here the money goes
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Film depicts life of Czar
Mt t 1 INC .N
C.rnrral S!v»lrt> Mr-rtiriK
M !MM s M.-mU-< in ( ri'Ur I I Ml a!
MtidrnU Cor llralCh ( arr
\nmMlv lnlrrniiliun«l
p m hi k.K.m I Serauh Mali
Fre I a** N«h irl>
Klintlw-kMt (.unmiiud Riwm
Nsian I'aiifli \mrrn«n Minimi
ijMial.- ,,| pi. n nr..,* ,-n -It
P m 111 th* I Ml Mdplr Komn
C hnslian Si inn r ()ri(am/dlii>n
"...id MHftili* ! U'.^hl IM KM? C r :,!m
huh II I nun Mo b p m
|pHiih Muilrot l nion
•niurv M.M.m I i» ». HI p m
I mvriilfv Drmm Nli
Straub Hall .0 *>
Uiimrn Who I ovr loo Much
r tiiiiic (it j 111 luir jil.itltunl tixiight a'
it V\ vs\iiii • (•'l.iml ( «tllllllUIUt> (
\ 1400114 1 K 4*j>utin)
I i4f Nkht»U» II teill U *lu)wn I k' ’
*. u. to Hoorn US P* (til ) I til I rh«
sliimioti i* furl i >f th« SuviiM dmi l.*wl
Hiking lh« ( ruli 4 I I) r • K i) n
I 4*1 4tlr% 1
I- ... •• ' t.v I- -.1
.iuth.ll William Sullivan !hat mil l»
I II K II M I 11 lilt 1 a I PS 1 I I I I
I |i s v 1 h o I o K V | t : wilt' *»i«‘
in it? roil oil so learn mg about t h •'
lihr ifv t dui-ilM**1 In (uni
iiifnritirtlimt m p«v« hnh-m l he m***Ioi>
will Ijkr pt.i.r in lilt* irfvmniii
i i *-1 >•> ft it:*-iif ill flu* kmtfhl I ibfrtfY ill
I II KHM I ulnrul MUM IM
Inirilii mrl
int.nr *!<•.! in Imrmtttl lh« hbian s
, .mpuliMl -.mI .I.il4t.d«r In (Hid
information m rmnln im* th** wmioh
will I..- in Ihn Siinme l.lbr-lv %
I hr SwihiiI C umillK »il I hi is!
.h« UMll.li i! p m in I Ml < (MitUfY
Kt«.m I Hn tliM u»«u»n m
by ih«. ii . ; M mm
lnlnn.ilmn.il Muilir* N Miifni fin
-.|i'i!t'inir'.| h, thr \i 4<ir|iili VlliblilK
Kimm t*»4 i Hull
( hnlntteml %* rrrnirtK
I ilr ( hours Kr (initial tiv r Ihisimu
will In* I hi* iii|ti< fur *!i« uiMufi in I-Mi
< rubify Knuin frutii ' lit h It) p m An
KilnsH'w i*. ri’ip»i*«!»Ml fur rfi I-. u|it‘u
«n>u|i ipunstif r*<| h> \V ii rn r* H in
! : ..■ ( ii i I4». iO'1‘1 . i in in:
H.ipr Survisor%
u}/*‘ii tifnup iliw iittmn *ptin*ti(rti by
V\ i iini-ii in I irttiHifi.-u frnrn IfMo'» if»
p m \n inlprv ii n wilh a fat illlatof is
rtn|iMMf<Hl lot .IrUiU -I in) h* til am mil
!hf v\ I I fftt . ■' Mi. if * • r Mn 401 ,
Srvt I hr n lion* V\ unifii osri i‘>
ih.' '.ij'ji •!' '>’■* UJMMI KO.Up .llMUiMul,
from «•. h in m in KMl » ••»m»rv
K«»oin f S f*i iNtator mii-nn'iv is
Ihnatlhtir U>i t-uhnuflin# ft al> '<■ fhr
l iiu-r.ilii hunt i/t'*.A t \fl Stutr >i>i'
if*ni/1 lfw tlti\ ttfli>rt' [nibiiialum
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