EDITORIAL Personal foul: 15 yards, excessive lack of logic Take your foot out of your mouth Victor Kiam. it's National Football League Commissioner Paul Tagliabue’s turn be lx: the NFL’s buffoon. Tagliabue appeared before an Oregon legislative panel last week, espousing the evils of the state's Sports Action lottery game He said Sports Action un dermines public confidence in the integrity of profes sional football games. Wake up ami smell the pigskin. Paul. It would take a lot more money than the Oregon game can offer for a player to risk his NFL career for the peanuts offered by Sports Action For $l. fans can wager on the outcome of up to 14 football games The biggest payoff to date was about $80,000 when somebody correctly picked 14 games out of 14. According to Tagliabue. the integrity of the game might be threatened because of a potential for point fixing (when a player is bribed to try and affect the score of the game) However, would someone who is going to win a possible $80,000 prize be able to afford to buy off NFL millionaires? To win the ultimate Sports Action prize. !>etters would need to pick 14 games correctly. That means buying off at least 14 players assuming one player from each team would be enough to control the game's outcome. After paying off these players there wouldn't be much of th.it $80,000 left over If Tagliabue is so concerned about bolting on games. ho should go to Nevada and talk to their legis lature More money is bet on a single NTI. game in 30 se< onds in Vegas than in a whole week in Oregon Hundreds ol millions of dollars changes hands in Ne vada over NFL football during a weekend The betting in Nevada has much more potential tor corruption than that of Oregon's game In Nevada, a person < an get rich by picking just one game and bet ting a lot of money on it The chances of fixing one game with a potentially huge payoff makes Ne vada the bigger risk to the Nl l.'s integrity When asked about this Tagliabue responded that gambling is entrenched in Nevada, and gambling has been leg.il for 50 years there Of course, if be planned to talk to their stale legislature about the evils of gam bling. he would be laughed out of town before he un packed Tagliabue gave good lip service to the reasoning behind bis opposition to Sports Action. But the real reason be and Nl'l. owners don’t like the game is that somebody is making money off of their produc t and they're not getting a slice. However, that interpretation of the game is not quite accurate College football provides the NFL with an established minor league recruiting system And now that the NFL. b\ just leaving games like Sports Action alone*, can give back to the college programs that have been training then plavers for vears Tagliabue s,i\ s no Oregon is the only I’ac III st.hool that does nut oi ler state dollars to support universils athletics Sports A( tion was the only solution the legislature i ould pro dure to improve athletic funding without taking dol lars (rom some other part ot the budget \ hill which recently passed the Oregon House, and is now before the Senate, would gise all Sports Action funds to athletics. As it stands now revenue from Sports Action is used to fill gaps in the general fund After these gaps are filled, the leftover money goes to ( ollege athlete s it boils down to whether Oregon and Oregon State will he able to afford to compete in tile l’ac-10 in the future The was it stands now. these two schools are struggling to keep up with state-supported schools such as I SO. t'Ol.A. Arizona and Arizona State If something doesn't happen soon, sin h as the passage of the hill now before the Senate, the Dm ks and (leavers are going to find themselves battling Idaho and Mon tana in that all mights Itig Skv ('.onferencr As tor Tagliahue and his million dollar salarv. loot hall has been prettv good to him Hut until he can offer ((instructive (riticism and positive alternatives he should sta\ out of Oregon’s funding problems. Altei all. \se wouldn t want to deprive good of \ i< of his deserved stature as the league's top public hu miliation. oops that should he public relations prob lem " mTEN ID RUN A H1CR ,QU IET LITTLE TOWN. WE DON'T WANT 10 ATTRACT ANY KENNMSS’ LETTERS Womxn In response in l.ynn I.uc .is letter ( Dili Apr H| concern ing the spelling of vvom.in and the reasons behind the ni|e< lion of a ”v" for an "a" It might be helpful for vou to realize that vou mas he placing a little bit of man in you every time you spell vvomv n Ilms vou ask'1 Well accord ing to biological lavs a combi nation of two X chromosomes produi es a female offspring while a combination of the \ and Y chromosomes produi es a male offspring So theoretic ally In using a "s ' m the spelling of svomyn she is mtrodui mg the [iresem e ot maleness into herself Due to this ness piei e of in formation she mas ss ish to mu e again < hange the spelling of woman Hill Ian mug Tim Strauss Students Step down The result ttl .r thorough in vestigation icinduc ted by tlie ASI'O president is tliat Mike Colson is lielioved to lie guilts ot the i hatge of note tamper mg kuk Hailey has rei ommeiHi eii to tiie II ( tliat ( ailson resign from his position as c hairman a rei ommendation with whii h four li t members agree The 11 1 budget hearings have come to a halt due to ( lolson's refusal to resign As a student group whose budget has not vet been heard we at the Women's Center feel that as an elec ted otfic nil l ail son should not hold up the budget hearing pror ess IK refusing to resign he is not representing our interests .IS students We do not believe tliat his resignation would be an admission of guilt, but rath it his resignation would ensure that the budget process can c ontmue effec lively Sarah Y\ a> man Women's Center and 5 i o-signers Good wyrk As expected. virtually every one missed m\ point In order to "force prescription tranquil i/eis on those whose politii s (1) disagree with" 1 would need an Ml) whii h I have no in tention of getting I urthermore If everyone agreed with everything I said. 1 fear I would he hored to tears Keep up the good work g\rls 1 need the entertainment Teresa Knezek Psyi hologv Ignorance out Om i' again, mui I) to tin (In ma\ 1 find you have given edi tonal space to Kugene's resi dent bigot Jon Wollander I tmd it appalling tli.it you allow this man the space to espouse Ins negatives and lies about g.n and lesbian people It he were to write the same sort of slanderous statements about bl.uk people or Jewish people or women. Ins letters would not lie published I sin cerels hope the choice to print sui h offensiveness out e again was done out of ignorance of the dm rum nation fa< ed Iw gas men and lesbians and is not an endorsement of this pitiful lack of hunmnits Delira Ferguson Kugene Shift efforts It frustrates me to hear peo ple .ftguing over details while the important issues are pushed aside The spelling of what we call ourselves. as women or woniyn. is not the issue, realiz ing our full potential as indi viduals and working to elimi nate disi rimination is let us worn a little less about our titles or appearances and instead put our full efforts into enlightening those people who still have a one sided dis criminatory view of women Declaring war on our lan guage w ill onh alienate or con fuse many of those who would otherwise rights support women's Kathleen I.arsen Sociology Unreasoning Quoting from the April 'I is sue of the Emerald regarding the new police hill, "We see tin1 film out of I,os Angeles and we feel a little more cautious about the power we’ve already given the police,” said state Rep |mi Ldmunson 1 am amazed at such reason ing Were the police really giv imi the authority to brutalize as the\ did in LA' It they didn't have the authority to do this, then please explain to me the relationship between the au thorite police are given and the actions that they take whit h go beyond that authority Is it not also possible that making laws that restrit I polii e authority ac tually frustrates po lit e into violent ac tsv (No I am not saving this has anything to do v\ ith the LA beating) One could spend much time and money trying to research these correlations, but it all would y ield nothing No matter how carefully you construct the restraints on police- authority there will still be cases where hatreii motivates somebody to go beyond the authority given them No matter how hard you tr\ to implement "psychologic ail screening" techniques, you can't predict future attitudes of people Here in Kugene 1 have been ripped off. found the culprits, and the Kugene police tidl me "our hands are tied." If KI’D was floating on the river I'd be the first to cut the rope and wave goodbye. We either need to help them do their joh or get rid of tins ex pensive waste The public ofli c i.ds are the servants of the tax payers Hob Weigel l.ab Tech