NEW BEAUTY... NEW CONFIDENCE Will) BEAUTIIIJI HAIR ( OIOR I ROM MAIKIX A striking experience in color and light. \\ hether sou arc ultra < hie, elegant, t lassie, or r asual. hair r olor from Matrix adds beauts and ion tidenc e that etlec t the total sou. ( all our salon todas tor a tree consultation. matrix SPRING COLOR SPECIAL $10.00 OFF all color services (Permanent, Semi permanent and Weaves) 30°/oOFF all Matrix and Vavoom products J U\l 77(V 686-1435 FREE PARKING 50 West 13th, Eugene Valid thru May 31. 1991 Everting Appts HEALTHY B • 0 • D • I • E • S 91 SLIM FAST ( ontinucJ l mm Pa>_m VH For the >•., e w h c a r o e a Ion o t. qfi sc. ious the amdunt o* c a to r »e s i n e v e ry t y pe o f y o (: i j ft . 1. t '• a k * * f . ■ • .if "; • ! h * same A 'sugar-free sha** • ea*. 18 'alone pef oun< e. a non-fat yogur! shake has 25 calories per punee. and .negulaf 97 percent (at free shake has 30 calories per ounce What, then makes the. :>ror)uct a dieter's dream The Slim Fas! philosophy is that a shake replaces a to tal meal due to the nutritious supplements of the Slim Fast product. Groshan said. The overall image of a Slim Fast yogurt shake is. Here is a dessert that is low-cal for diet ers Groshan believe that there are several reasons for the success of this product. It is a positive nation wide promo lion for all dieters, he said It has attracted new custom ers into the shop, and it tastes pood A r:\im (i