HEALTHY B*0*D»l*E*S ’91 Moderation is the be-all and end-all Moderation is always the Key. not only in eating, but in control ling weight While too much chocolate cake may make a person think of losing weight, it's important to understand how too much dieting and ex ercise can lead to problems as well According to Robert Hack man. associate professor ol School and Community Health. Losing weight is an outdated mode of thinking You really want to normalize your body weight by mcreas ing muscle mass and losing fat mass, not necessarily by losing pounds on the scale A person needs at least 1000 calories a day. 70 per cent of which should be car bohydrates like whole grains, beans, starchy vegetables, and fruits. Hackman said "If you go below that, the body starts producing fat because it thinks it's being starved One problem with diets is that people focus on the neg ative rather than the positive If people think of what they are supposed to be eating, it takes attention away from what they are not supposed to be eating. Hackman said Normalizing weight does not only involve a change in diet, but a change in exercise habits as well Hackman said that a progressive walking program is usually the best choice for exercise, but that results might take time, as long as three to four months While maintaining a proper body weight and exercising are important, carrying a fit ness and diet plan to ex tremes can be damaging, in stead of beneficial, to one's health The most compelling argu merit against taking m too few calories, Hackman said, is that there is a likelihood of the person s biochemistry be mg programmed' to store fat "That's the irony of it all, Hackman said Diets can make you fat for the rest of your life " In addition, repeated se vere dieting can deplete the biochemical reserves in the body that would ordinarily be used for extra energy, result mg in lowered energy levels Excess energy can be dan gerous to the body as well It a person is chronically ta tigued or not sleeping well, has an elevated heart rate or temperature, and has trouble concentrating Hackman said the person is probably not re In the long run. decreased estrogen levels can affect bone strength, causing bones to weaken and possibly dis solve Excessive dieting causes a damaging psychological pat If people think of what the\ lire supposed to he eating, it takes attention a\ui\ from what they are not supposed to he eating Rohi rt Haekman covering sufficiently from ex erase Furthermore, chances are that the person is exercis mg too much Excess energy has even more severe effects in worn en Short term overexercise can result in a drop in estro gen levels, which can halt menstruation and otherwise disrupt the female hormone cycle tern m a per .on r, .veil, Hack man said A person starts to think. Through deprivation and an imbalan. ed. unhealthy approach, I tan reach my goals and become someone instead ot I already am some one and l choose to engage in healthful lifestyle prac tices Wr s’ Dfilt'lph COMFORT DEFINED ups i r.itlk* htfls ,i*Kf .it»»t> sb«« k An.tli mini fcil t oniourN jmovmI** ( uiMlmt tuvhuHiiri^ ,hkI 'utjuwtf! !i*♦* h.»r> ('rutHJMW nalufal r»J fulr irnl t Olk f« !»«!» UxMJmhI ( ushiofn t r . . .isuf /t , plt .vulr < MH* t r.imiort Biikemtofk for Quality, J rust the Origin.)! I li i H i r k »■ n s I n < k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Daily 10-6 BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE! ANY MENU ITEM. U-vcIudinn pies, supers and giants) r W,!\ < I *J! 3631 W. 11th *«< iv» TCBV I he Count tt/^ tk^l hxjinl Enjoy a Healthy Meal at the TAJ MAHAL I Featuring Irish and healthy vegetarian dishes. j meat seafood, Bir\ani, Homemade Indian bread. Bring a triend in to experience the special tastes of India. I njov a satisfying meal. • 10% off Dinner with this ad • 10s0 OAK OVER PARK ARCADE (Kith & Oak) Hours lumh: Mon-Sal lljm-i.tOpm PH:342-1976 Dinner: Sun-Thurs ">pm-9pm tri-Sat > pm-10pm S PR INI ANDERSON’S Anderson’s carries the sporting goods for your spring athletic needs! Running shoes Warmups Iennis equipment B.k kpuc king equipment Running tights Swim wt* .11 SUfUjIdSSCS ..and mut h rnorr! H A PI VI FOX* > 85 yANDERSON'S ^ WH3WTINQ CiOOOS SAl I M • Al BANY • CORVALLIS • f UGt Nf 199 W. 8th, Eugene 484-7344 WOLFF TANNING 10 TANS FOR $25 20 TANS FOR $40 OPEN 8AM - 12AM 7 DAYS A WEEK FREE ONSITE PARKING 595 E. 13th 342-1727 This entitles the customer to one FREE comet goldfish. ho purchase necessary Limit one tit>h per customer 1920 Franklin LITTLE OCEAN 687-0682 brazier; 5