PERFECT LOOKi Choose from a variety of perms formulated to enhance your hairstyle PeyiJarty S35 to $45 lr.'iy hfj • i j w*'jp! J'« ««HQ Coupon expires April 31 1991 1 $3.00 OFF t3 g§ COLOR SERVICE Coupon expires April 31 1991 i PERFECT LOOKi Men and Women my $9 50 Children roy $6 95 Senior* roy S7 50 Coupon expires April 31. 1991 PERFECT LOOK FAMILY HAIBCARE WITHOUT APPOINTMENTS So t • Vo, . ♦» • W •tig ■ • . -< • • V .... ... m v . . a • M< V. • .'•.Jftl • So**-”' •'< • : »JU >»*i •:*» » Vii ry R vf' 346 66?6 >* ‘J Oa*s 486 3? 48 »S Pi*/i 343 7190 M * i 34? S’44 YOUR RETAIL CENTER FOR NC^US prul vrroHELL oso/ Sp^ • ;f re Mi 7?6 13/7 BEST BUY SALE I hcs** arc I hi* bikes that have received raxerexiexxs in the t onsumcr mana/inrs!!! FRKK 1 lock, helmet or rack (your choice) u ith the purchase ot a... Bridgestone RIM s709°° i.iU\l Hi i( IViiin. HitMlin,' M.iiM/in M.iiih I'Wl Bridj»estoneMB-5 mh s46900 i.ili-il .i Iti-ii Mm Mu \ i Inii- M.iim/iik \pnl l*>‘U BridgestoneCB-O i. *449°° rak’d a the hike for I'WI. Bk vclin.' Ma^a/ifk Maieh llN| BridgestoneMh-1 mh. s1,019°° rated Best V alue Bk\ele(iuide l ehruais Paul’s Bicycle Shop 124HO Alder St. 342-6155 Bicycle Way of Life 152 W. 5th SI 344-4105 B • O • D • I • E • S ’91 HEALTHY Comfort plays key role in fitness fashion Picture naked aerobics Janet Jackson whines to a throbbing beat from the stereo as a room lull of jiggling- tummies strain for target heart rates and firm flesh Not a pretty sight is it7 Some would look at true tive For most, however, the experience could be needless ly humiliating Enter fitness clothing It was obvious from the be ginning that the fitness cra/e Tune Up $25M Completed Overnight* Shop and Compare! Birm as. SERVIC 'iK OMirVTITMiR -.. " 111 -T."1 ■"" * 345-6952 30 East 13th HOURS: 7:004:00 M-F *004:00 Sal _*Cto$ad Sunday^ DAILY EMERALD CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING j April Altractions! AR I SAl \ ! , **> r>o. 4 4-4= SOLD! tf your For S*le ilomtsl und« StiOO Oori t soil within 4 pji.l »SSu<'*> Af II run you? .»;! for • 4 5 i, >• , F REE* Jus! .ill us to renew your <*d! (Private party *ul-> orVy pu*a*»to BIRTHDAY BABIES > iHir tra*nd« dcveoc ihc hc-.r ( fU-bfjiii rhcir fnMKtjY vMih I." Hr'tbday Babies V H«rtbd«y Babies V . •K Ml. ! * Birthday Babies uk*-uJimc Mjs Mb . j •*«..! •• *wl4. i. • .. . <4K [V I IH- :h (» • - VW thfi» |W, luff I' - -nU \l« . 1NV1 v/ct ji rrguU’ iaic\ IT.ASK K MIS K«m«I tht* i li*sMtw*(K «n«*r\ d.i\ for hidden dm (Mints on « ld>sifi»*d PLACE ADS AT: RM 300 EMU E MU MAIN DESK UO BOOKSTORE o» call 346 4343 would pass like any other fad if Americans couldn't look good while doing it No longer would baggy sweats m ane mic colors cut it On my visit to a Eugene fit ness clothier, a helpful and aerobicly fit salesperson re vealed 15 racks of stylish fit ness wear before I could say tanning beds For women Lyi ra is still the staple The miracle fabric comes in its original undiluted form but is more often sold m a blend with other fabrics such as cotton Types available include full, calf arid thigh length tights, as well as sport bras bikinis and leotards For men Fashion fitness clothes for both men and women are de signed to display attruc live features of the body Men have fewer display suitable appendages to work with and consequently find fewer workout clothes marketed to them Nonetheless, men make do with their limited options Eddie Strause an employ ee of Northwest Fitness said that gentlemen prefer ' animal shorts and tight lycra ' Am mal shorts are made by Hind with lycra that is thicker than the average, he said Sporthill running pants are also popu lar For women and men The genders agree when it comes to footwear The name of the game is cross trainers, and the game is played with shock absorbing gel packs, lateral support devices and air pumps Another common item is the exercise tacket It comes in different cuts and has ny Ion webbing for increased breathability For the fashion indifferent Yes. a large number of peo pie still work out in old shorts or sweats and a ! shirt They wear dated, one sport' ten ms-shoes When asked about fitness fashion, these people will stare at you quizzically before mumbling that they never real ly thought about it Joanie Schaubel. a Umver sity student, falls into this i ategory although she con fessed to wearing lycra tights I |ust go out and sweat, she said Mt \iinih r Snhah A TAN IS THE FINISHING TOUCH TO A HEALTHY BODY! SunShower Tanning Center 674 E UTH . 465 2323 [ Upitalrc by Klnko t OUTDOOR ADVENTURES START AT McKENZIE OUTFITTERS Visit our rental department at 79 W. Broadway BACKPACKS Externa! Frame S 900 3 days. $18.00 per week $12.00,3 days. $20.00 per >.',eek Internal Frame TENTS 2 person 4 person $14.00/3 days. $25.00/7 days $18 00'3 days, $25,007 days CLIMBING SHOES ICE AXE CRAMPON $5.00 per days. $8.00 per weekend .$5.00/3 days. $10 00/7 days .$5.00/3 days. $10.00/7 days Deposits Required MCKENZIE OUTFITTERS 79 W. BROADWAY VALLEY RIVER CENTER Mon -SM. MM: Sun 11-5 (R«g Cvnler Hour*)