Alpine Import Service The VOLVO Specialists SPRING ANALYSIS ear • O cr+r\Qm qmrKX* VQtVO Unm A 4 oi • ComphMi • c^> o< mnpor componant) • irwtmlan of •ittflui! fcv/K*rt*tcn upwvtt ctaryr*g A ttirt^g cook^j A hM&ng oo< ttafi t No*«* fcJir. »*;*' twW» A .*1 A-wd *vf>f $10.95 LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN ON ALL AVIA AEROBIC SHOES! 25% OFF Thru the month of April Close out bargains on clothing • umtards • leotards • tights Leo-Tap Shoes 15% OFF City Sweats 877 E. 13th Ave (next to U ol O Bookstore) 342-6375 1 0 TANS FOR $ 1 5°° (Wolff tanning, new bulbs) NORMALLY 10 FOR $30.00 Empires 4 22 91 CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 E. 13th AVE HAIRCUTS ONLY $10 w/coupon INCLUDES SHAMPOO Expires 4-22-91 CARE’N FOR HAIR 561 E. 13th AVE -ii. CARE'N FOR HAIR Ml 1.13th AVI IlKMNI, CHI Spring Term Student Special s69 NO Initiation Fees • State of the art. CYBEX Weight Room Equipment and Free Weights • Over 40 Aerobic Classes a Week, in cluding Bench and Circuit Classes • Close to Bike and Running tracks • Personal Training • Aerobic Equipment includes. Stairmasters. Bikes. Treadmills and Rowers • Childcare 1 C7*>> ts£&l Bring this coupon and Your Student I D. for: ONE FREE WEEK PASS 2681 Willamette Street (On the comer of Willamette and 27th) Eugene. Ore 97405 Phone 687 2200 HEALTHY B • O • D • I • E • S ’91 Fitness technology stepping up With all ot the new fit ness technology that is constantly surfac ing. it becomes difficult to sort out which exercise or ma chine is right for each person and which is really |us! a product of tiype A machine that is steadily gaining popularity in local health clubs and weight rooms is the StairMaster It simulate1, the act of climbing stairs but also offers adjust able resistance tor each per son's fitness level But dues the StairMaster actually work muscles that older types of fitness equip ment did hot ' According to Dave Van Maren of Oregon West Fitness, this machine has an entirely different effect on the body than tree weights or the Universal system StairMaster is an aerobe activity. Van Maren said It uses (at as t he main fuel source while strengthening the lower body Compared to other aer obic technology, including stationary bicycles and cross country skiing StairMaster is an exc ellent workout he e* plained The Harry Jerome Weight Center in Esslinger recently acquired a StairMaster A, cording to Wendy Simmons ot University Recreation and In tramurals. The machine was added because of a demand tor new technology as well as lor the uniqueness of the fea lures that it offers The StairMaster gets used a lot more by women than men, Simmons said Worn en tend to do more cardiovas cular oriented exercises, and men generally do building or anaerobic activities though those trends are beginning to change Due to StauMaster's popu lardy she said. We really want to get another one, but yr>oxo Dy jen ►'•nay Oregon West members take advantage ot StairMaster machines which have become staples at local Illness clubs because of budget problems it's not going to happen in the near future " Soloflex equipment, on the Other hand is yet another fit ness alternative It is heavily advertised, and the campaign gives the viewer the impres Sion that the machines can build a lot of muscle The people in the adver tisements look strong and this could work for some peo pie. but Soloflex equipment does not offer much resist anr.e Van Maren said It’s mainly for people who haven't worked out very much and are looking primarily for a toning eflect — STUDENT SPECIAL — 2 Month Membership plus 10 tanning sessions J7S Special includes: f u® use of tarikkies ’ stairmaster weights b^M-s whirlpool l, 10 (20 mind tanning sessions, O ^pO 189 W. 8th Eugene 485-4475 RED BARN GROCERY si ^GOOD FOOD f WHOLE FOOD 'organic food NATURAL FOOD LOCAL FOOD BULK FOOD iNA L> open daily dth 6 Blair in Eugene I ook lur our coupon in Spring I fuck Bucks ODE ODE Recycle This Paper ODE ODE Free weights and Universal systems otter a wide variety of strengthening exercises The Universal system is ad vantageous, especially for someone who is beginning because the machines do not require spotters A person can move trom one station to another, work mg various muscles without having to worry about main taming complete control Free weights require a lot ot movement control and strength as well as a spotter tor the more difficult hits.' Van Maren said Dumbbells resistance de vices and other free weights are also being used to tone and build muscular endurance in cardiovascular workouts New fitness devices that are beginning to surface, or that will be seen in Eugene within the next year, include Versaclimbers and Orbitron The Versaclimber resem bles the StairMaster, but has an added feature that allows arm resistance to simulate rock climbing Also emerging are new treadmills that cush ion leg impact, and fully re cumbent bicycles that relieve stress on the lower back Another new device is the Orbitron, a circular machine that surrounds the person It consists of four rings and when the fust is removed, the person can rotate end over end When the second is re moved the rotation may go side to side as well If the third ring is taken away, the person can rotate in any direc tion According to L J Hoselton of Northwest Fitness, "It (Orbitron) gives a person a full body workout because it uti Iizq£ all muscles, especially abdominals, to rotate the ma chine," Christine Baker