Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 16, 1991, Image 1

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I ucsilas April 16', llW|
l-ugenc, Oregon
\ nlumc Issue I
Today i1- tlu* last day tn
drop .11 lass w it hoot .1 re
corded ‘ AY" It is also the
last dav to 1 hange from
credit to atul it
Incidental Fee Com
mittee candidate Anthony
Stnmbo thinks the li t is
i inrently linani ing on
tier essan siudent e\
penses. on hiding travel
funds tor trips that ma\
not have been essenti.d
See 1H i andidate pro
tile. Page t
the 1 'niversitv 1 hapler
ol Oregon Student I’ubln
Interest Keseart I) (’.roup
I elebrates its JlIth mini
veisar\ tonight at ’ in the
t a'llmgrr 1 onnge
See stnr\ . Page t
()rt'm»n s soft brill tram
will host Orison Shite m
.1 non 1 ont» mur tloublr
hoadm to^i*i\ -it 1 lowr
I it*lil .it 2 h) p m
rhr Kuropean (Ionium
mtv agreed Monda\ to
mid sain lions on imports
iit non steel anil gold
ruins from Smith Atm .1
the last remaining hans
imposed by the trading
bliu on Pretoria's u Into
led govet umt'lll
Hie K( however w ill
1 ontlnue to obsrrve the
I \ bans on sports
e\ enls w illi South Ah n .1
as well as 1' N emhar
(4<>es on arms and 1 rude
ml from the < ounti\
I he foreign ministers
ol Ihe 1J Western l.urope
an nations said President
I- W de Klerk should he
rewarded tor Ins efforts to
end thi> i.ountrs s polii \
of r.n ud segregation
In ( ape Town South
All 11 a de K lerk i ailed
the 1 ommuniK s at lion
' positive and most en
1 nuraging
Hut in*' ilfi isian was
immediately erilii i/ud by
the Aiiii an National t im
gress tin1 iii.tin Smith At
ru .m opposition group
"The kinds of things
that were protested about
prior to the implementa
tion ot sanctions are still
here AMI spokesman
Saki Mat ozotna said on a
local new s program in |o
Ml that one has
heard are noises that they
(apartheid rules) may lie
removed, and for many
people it doesn't (appear)
that with the current \ io
lent e. they'll even live to
see those things ' he
No grapes,
Chavez says
By Colleen Pohlig
I mtrd farm Workers I'iiioii leader Cesar ( ha
vr/ m.nit’ his message plain In i I ImiTMU i rowd
<in Slnndas N() (iKAPfN
In our quest for protei titin lot migrant work
IMS) nisi It l- anti to s.lS e 11\ IS Hr |sk Hill lo join
W llll IIS 111 what Hi' I .ill pllhlll .11 lllll) IhiVI Iitl
a ns thins! lli.it iook - like a grape ' ( It.it. >■/ told the
large i roWii in tin- l!\H ' li.ilifoinn kn king oft tin
first this tit I .nth Ui'i'k ,n t! v dies
l hasr. on tin' fitst If-vi ot .i tom to promote thi■
current k*.itn■ fiiivtutt congratulated thi* I niver
sits and llio -t| St hciol Ihstru I tor supportmg tin1
bus t oil of ( -a It forma table grapes
( base/ salt! tilt' consumer bostott was him i-s
s,n\ to hall tin' sprasmg ol harmful pesirt ides lo
improvi' tin' working conditions ot labort'rs and
to gal supermarkets to stop Inning grapes
"'rill' fields are dads showered with pestli ides
|i\ airplanes and helicopters ( bas e/ said I he
pestU ides are oi our soil our air and our ss a ter
"Pesticides are deadly inti are only used lor
one purpose to kill living things. ( have/ said
There t an be an argument made for safer pesti
t ides but not foi sale pestli ides
I hr working renditions "I migrant I,inn work
ms are worst' toii.iN .uni tlu'n .ni‘ more workers
tod.iv III.in Hi years ago. ( have/ s.iid
today then-,lie i t.iitio migriiiit workers thou
solids of them art* i hildren younger than 1 2
I am er i lusters are very eontmveisi.il lull the
in I mis are very human I have/ said I tetense
less i hildren ol migrant vv inkers between the ages
ol 1 and 12 aie being lot the hardest presumably
from exposure to i art iliogeiili pestic ides ( have/
After nine months ol pu ketmg ( have/ rer.ent
Iv persuaded ( aliforma s largest supermarket
, ha in to boyeott grapes Von s is the lust major
footl i ham to do so
t have/ is hopeful that the snowball' etlei t
will prompt other tood stores to follow suit uid
hoyi ott the fruit as well
lurnt CHAVEZ Page 4
II V |!-!l I J M J V
/ mtnl h.inn Morkrrs I mnn Irmlrr ( rsai I 'haw/ ur^rs .1 I nnrrsil\ inmil In jinn Ihr hn\
1 nil iiifdinsl xrafn'%
Senate bills aim to help disabled
By Rene DeCair
[ inetjkl Reporter
I rving to got In (lass while
dodging Ini \i lists or tin rid
ers imitating through pedestri
an obstacles Is i: ha I lit ll g i tig
Hut lor someone who is blind
01 in ,i wheelchair getting to
( hiss bei oines even more ditti
i iilt .ts minor inconveniences
!»«•( dine major hassles
"The problem I have is first
finding the building then find
ing the door now finding the
classroom.‘ said I niversity
sophomore I’.it Henderson
Henderson, who is blind, is
among the approximatelv -!<»<>
disabled I'niversitv students
who would be affected by two
Oregon Senate bills aimed .it
m,iking buildings more ai ( essi
ble tor students attending am
universitv in the state
Senate Kill 74 would estab
1 ish committees from eat h uni
versitv to make recommenda
lions to their universitv admin
istr.itors on areas that need un
prove me nt SI) ‘)7 ) would give
universities money from the
state's General I-uml to ensure
administrators do something
I'holn hi Nrulfp Kaniert
I nnrmtx •mphomurr I’al llrndrrsiin kbo is Mind. nonId In- tint" id j/i
proxinmlrlx JIM ihsdblrd sludrnls to bo nr I'd irimi Ino 'snodr bills
about thr problems
Mil harl hrostag a I 'niversi
t\ student who iisos an rlrc tri<
whrrlc hair t**stitiecl to the Sen
atr l.duc ation < oiminttir ( on
sidering tin? lulls that on** per
son's idea ot a< t rssibilit\ ma\
not suit all prisons nerds tor
ac < rssibilitv
h ros t a g said that as a
quadraplrgit hr has liiuitrd usr
ot his arms and is not ablr to
oprn doors Hr explained that
during wintrr and at night hr
has to wait nutshir in th«• (nhi
vvlit'ii there ari' few people
amuntl In assist him
"I have found many .1 time
whfii buildings dial I ni'i'd to
got into are not equipped with
automath doors ho s.iid
llu'sr ,irf lime’s wlifii I must
wait lor sonil'our to open tin'
door for mi' I his tilin' spout
waiting may hi' as short .is a
linnuti' or as long as 21)
Tiji' " BILLS P iqi •'
Today’s Earth
Week events
K c i ii I in x
l)uv Dim l
Ai I lull 1 In'.I
ter. <il! iliiv
• H IK) .1 III In
i nil |i in
lulu F.iir/AI
ti'riiiilivi- I ii
<• r « v Fair
F, M r I I r
Km mi
• HI (HI .1 111 III I (HI [I 111
Crash Audit I'Ml ( mirt
! • l i in ,i m in 1in p m
I in al Miisii I Ml I ' mrt
• 12 HI |i m In 1 Id |> in
()|irn Mike I Ml I uurtyard
• 1 III! |l in tn I III (l III
I ori-sl A< t ion \\ orkshnp
j I All Hi'ii 1 .iinli‘r Ki mm
• ' mi p m Karth Hall
liuiii'fil WOW Hall -!'ll W
Kighth Ayr ! Si> admission I