l*hofo hi I'rtt t * *rv \tuhammail Olivrr < Iroml 7 IIIn it in I hr hi till luinfi lor I trriton .il I hr /V/jm tram I in ilolwn.il NO DOWNTOWN TRANSFERS NO PARKING HASSLES HO SALOON STOPS Git on board LTD * 11 and high-tail it to or from the U of 0 and East Springfield all the way to 69th Passage is free to all U of 0 students', faculty and staff In fact, you can blaze new trails anywhere, anytime—free with LTD's Club Express Your U of 0 I D card is your passport to unlimited adventure' OTHER DIRECT PASSAGE ROUTES TO OR FROM THE U OF 0: »3XEXPRESS Hiw HcwkS Sat'a • ci'j . j Coburg Ro*d am Be #11 THURSTON f Spring*-***: M.» »11X EXPRESS ' Njutor tc *21 LCC HARRIS »23XEXPRESS ■ Fci Noaow Donald *23 FOX HOLLOW \f oi rtottow Donaid *28UOFO HILYARD #31A BAILEY HILL U OF 0 (•wwi'ijVi » 31B CITY VIEW UOFO A^-S!'r«Xr-A'V. W # 31C OAKPATCH UOFO #36 MAC COURT Artf-noFfHii V.'A Explore your options in your LTD Rider s Digest or call 687-5555 ' Vi- '*■* p*t? VkjtXr* SPORTS Relay team one of few Duck highlights in loss By Ashley Conklin f.merakt Spoils I. : toi \V h i If iinf Ore gulf reign might havi* < onto to .1 trashing fiid .it Saturday s I’epsi Team invitational. perhaps .1 nev\ one iiegan As expected. Washington State easily ran a»,u with, the men's meet, the lust time in the five year history of the meet that the I)u< ks failed to v\ in the team title The ( nilgais tallied •IWf .. points to 181' for (lo gon yyilh Indiana and Alabama rounding out the field Hut the one thing Oregon (.one away with in the meet yy.is a new found sprint excel lem e some!h 1 ng feu I)m k tra< k teams have ever had I rving to stay w ith-Washing Inn Slate .mi) Alabama''* < <>rp** of hat tonal- i a liber sprinters the IHir.ks held their own in the t \ !tltl meter rel.iv I' h e t .u e w .1 s he I u e e n Nlabamu, the defending nation al champs, and Washington state, will i won I lie e\ ellt ill a meet school and Hayward I ie I(1 rei ord of tit 24 1 he Crimson Tide was tight with the Cougars, finishing in so SO while ()t egon was third in :S0 HH I'he Ducks broke the 40 se< und harrier tor the first time in 1081 and |ust missed the 10 vear-old si liool record of so H4 ihe quartet ol Devon Hosev, Mike McClendon. Hob C.ra\ and Korinie 1 iarris also met the Turn to LOSS Page 13 Precision %~u#^ wnusmv, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmatmmmttKaaism sn c iai ims in 11 i rinc, maik DON'T THROW AWAY YOLR BOTTLES; RECYCLE fif REFILL FOR EXTRA SAVINGS! ABBA 1 8 or. ( OMH I Kl SHAM sham. S| KSHINCi. C Os[)| i n>s| « NEXXUS ] 8 07. ASM Kt i MKKAITI Ml 'll ( 1 Kt ss MAXIM! '1 PAUL MITCHELL 9 8 07. AW Al't II! Ml AM POO I I NI ( OM)l I IOM.K I KI I /I t* MIIM • AND MANY MOKE! • REFILL Any SIZE EKOM ORIGINAL BOTTLE! 60 E • 13th (2 blodi^ Irom BooK^loir) 484*3 143 CINTAS CORPORATION will lx1 on campus recruiting on April 22nd for Management Trainees Presentation on April 21 at 7:30 p.m. Cedar Room A EMU See ><}ur placement office for drtails