SPORTS Ducks once again plagued by errors in losses Oregon swept in two doubleheaders By Jason McAllister rrm/'aldCbninCuiot; N'nbodv said i11»■ in thr i’.ii d ii III ( 'onterence svould he easy The Oregon softball leant is discovering |tisl how brutal a league featuring lour top to teams can be as the\ were swept at home over the week end In third-ranked Arizona and eighth ranked Arizona Slate Arizona stopped the Hunks on Saturdav . i J and < 0 and Arizona State billowed with a li V 4-1 sweep on Sundav (Ire gon is now O H in Pac 10 pl.i\ and 17 It) overall Defense has been Oregon's weakness all vear, and errors plaved .i ke\ role in both dnu bleheadors In game one against Arizona State, a mishandled throw on a potential double pla\ ball led to two Sun Devil runs in the top of the seventh inning Oregon rallied for two runs of its ow n in the bottom of the inning on singles bv Mamie Mi l kill and Anna Poore but with the tying run on sec ond base. Arizona State pitcher Karev lames came on to strike out Laurie I leischauer and kt-l Iv Kinlev to end the game llo gon's Kai hello Tavlor (H-1)) took the loss, surrendering It) lots and four earned runs "Krrors were our downfall aga m, (a >at b lam I brow n said "When (the plavers) learn their positions better, we'll In sun essful Brown has made several i hanges recent l\ with K im Manning and f’atlv I’yles trad i‘d positions to icnlerfield and shortstop, respectively while backup catcher Laura Sc bmidt moved to the shirting third base job Oregon committed 11 er rors m the tour games Sunday’s so o n d g a in e wasn't as i lose, as the Sun I lev its slammed 11 tuts off pitchei Natasha llumoski (- t) Mean while, the lllliks were held to nnh lour Inis Saturday s at turn also tea lured ii tighl first game- .is < lo gon rallied from a hi detu u to pull W ithin t - with the liases loaded in the sixth inning but couldn't prnduc e the ke\ bit !\u-IO Soft hall Ar Oregon 14 v r 351 y i; 19 V 6 6' j ''I nuurnod runs have hurt us .ill \isu Itimui s.iid ' lhe piti lu rs are cluing a |iih amine hi! the hall a tun \Ve h.i\ i■ In stall (tiling uvervthihg right i nslead ot just sumc things right In the sei unci game against the U ilili ats the Ducks were yii tiiiii/ed b\ tour errors 1.1 \ lor; the game one loser, started game I wo as w ell: hut allow eel three hits ami tour runs, three ot them Unearned before Dumoski i ame on to shut (low n Arizona Oregon hail |ust three hits in heing stiutout (tregon did tare better against Stanford I mho rhe Cardinal playing softball tor the first time sun e 1'tH'i, isn't in the f’.l( It) 111 the sport The I tin k s show ed ! he i I strength w ith 1 ! 0 and 1J (I v ir lories respei tiyelv Oregon took advantage ot an inexperienced Cardinal piti h ing staff hammering out 7 1 tuts in the douhleheader l av lor threw a no hittei in the tirsl game, striking out sis At the plate. Anna Poore had three lots, im hiding a two run home run to end the game and finished with seven KH1 At 17 |u overall Oregon will he hard pressed to earn a third straight invitation to tin- \< \A tournament with Hi games h it to play, mostlv against llighet ranked c onferem e foes Regard less ot Oregon's post season ( ham es Brow u said her goal remains the same "I |ust want to get the kids to play the best hall they can plav she said "We’ll i nine around. I know we w ill First Game Arizona St 10 0 0 3 0 2 6 10 4 Oregon 1000202 -5 83 Ttn*t''-d»i vV' -ni • Jjj1 in '■ j/hJ Set T&,\iy SimtiHiii^ *V l. fa, •o( ib 9) Second Game Arizona St 0202000 4111 Oregon 0 0 0 0 0 10 1 4 2 jVV< ' ! i6i a* '■ §t>t’ ■ i D Sweats i I L_J 13th Valentine* s Campus Hl«»u M*f ^ tfrvuon s Kim M.inniin: slnlrs s.i/r/v into sti unit basv in Sinuitix s ilouhlrhr.nlri loss to \ii/oiui Stair HEY BUB! Wanna know where to Get a Small 1 -Item Pizza for s3.95? Offer good only on Monday’s TRACK TOWN PIZZA 1809 FRANKLIN BLVD 484-2799 IN-House or Delivery ($6.00 minimum)