UNIVERSITY Transfer student offers ‘fresh’ look to IFC race By Daralyn Trappe t '• <”,i : Jason \\ ilsnn ,i (unduiatr for ■I one visit Ini 11it*111 lo tin* With new times we re hav i11vt to look at si ajing bai k We re going to base to take a new look at the situation lie said Die pro jet ted dci reuse ill (Ml rollment fur l'lui MJ will Ic.ive flic t oniinitfee, winch .ilUxates funds In stiuiiMil groups flu1 I Ml .mil AtliIt*!ii Ilep.iitmrnt Willi .ll.ulll <111111 I'll less III vsutk with (uirriuitlv cm h student p.ivs .iboul S100 per term in III ( lil( tecs I res .ire .iw fully, high. lull I O'RV P /TV ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF HERFF JONES COLLEGE STYLE RINGS CAP AND GOWN WITH THE PURCHASE OF A HERFF JONES RING! (Now through Graduation See rep tor details) HERFF JONES College Rings SALE 2 DAYS ONLY ORDER YOUR RING AT THE UO BOOKSTORE TUES • WED. APRIL 15 • 16 I lei t! Jones representatives u ill Iv ai the l (> Bookstore ill SITU \\ I DM SI) \ T XI’RII I5. I (> lOa.m < p in S00 Pf/hisil n ijiiiU ii S/H'i ltil \il\iiltor l (> Iiuinni 13th ft Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:0( don't think wi* should nc( es sarils lower . them. ’ ‘ Wilson said Maslre putting .1 < ap on incidental lues for awhile would .In* 1 good option With Measure i I don’t knim what other 1 lion c vs i- have Out* wa\ to keep .1 rein on fens is to prohibit groups from defii it spending lit* said Students can't .ifford 111 t teases in incidental fees The students I've t.ilked with vs,ml to III,ike sure tiles don't get am higher.' he said Wilson ,1 member of the i’re Lavs Society. said lie would work to ensure ,k i ountahls syithin student groups I think that situ e students pas so'.much in incidental fees e.u h sear it's vers important that tiles get their mooes s worth and that the ,. allocated nionev is spent in the best pos sihle vs as and in the most pro du< I is e svas .' ’ he said Wilson said he does not Jason U ilson think the 1should inaki ai ross the board nuts. hut ruth er look i arefnllv at "individual groups, sea what thev ve ot tered in the past.what thev ve done so far. sec what programs thev've provided and look in general at their henefit to the (hliversitv '' IFC candidate would zero fund certain student groups By Daralyn Trappe William l.askill candidate tor a one sear Incidental Ft*** (ommittee sea!, said he would support zero funding student groups that do not promote what he believes to lie fainilv and cumrnuniW values \ sophomore political si i i*m e nmjui and co-chairman ot the Area Standards Hoarrl at f arson Walton and Karl com plexus. l,ask ill said he believes the II t is not looking i aretulH .it the ser\ u es groups pros ide "lot one really of fends me as a lei- paver that my tees are going to supporting the groups promoting the ga\ and lesbian movement, abortion and tin- animal rights move men! Writing, arithmetic, reading history and basil cultural as sum hit lull have been sat I i tu ed to tiring in a lot ol out side culture hr- said DEADLINE FOR GRADS GRADUATES: ORDER YOUR GRADUATION REGALIA NOW FOR SPRING GRADUATION Masters and Ph.D Candidates ORDER BY MAY 17 Place Orders At Information Counter on Main Floor 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:0( \\ ii 1 icilit (iaskill (l.iskil! a member of Uollege Republii aas, said lie is of fended student fees are being used to support tilings that are i ounter-productive to what we y\ ant u'hu h is a strong, free A merit .1 "Tile wav the li t is opera! ing right now is, in the long run detrimental to what the University is supposed to do which is produce thinking cdt /ens rather than a bum Ii of di verse little groups, whii Ii are i (instantly clashing w ith other. 1 he s.iid llie lit should implement the values of tile University i otnmunity. (laskil 1 said "Since budgeting is such .1 choke point, it a group gets no money, they can’t go on." he said I think the li t I lias to decide yvhat values vie want our money supporting and that runs contrary to just asking Does this have a cultural val ue, does this have an educa tional value, * tMJNDCRUUIP * £.H( *1 F OH PARTtf S ANO BIRTMOAVS 5CVIDE0 •““S&'ET GAMES admission m 65 STM STRUT RUILIC MAR KIT IUCIRI • M3 1464 THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunShowrr on campus 44*> an • < 'W UpiK" * Ot * lf<>o