Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Colson steps down as IFC chair
By Daralyn Trappe
t menPd Ffepooe'
Ini idental I ('iimnullir member Mike (olson
will abstain hum voting on budgets .mil relin
quish Ins position as i hairman until the < oustitu
lion ( nurt rules on the legality of ah A SI <) inv is
ligation that lound him ;resj>onsible lor II C note
(’.olson made tin’ offer !• ridav to temporarily ah
stain Irum budget voting, hut members added
their own provision that he must also abstain
from internal polk v voting
li t: members met Kridav for the first lime sun e
April t when \SI () President kuk H.oie\ an
iit>uii< ed that Ins five week investigation into al
leged tampering ol III minutes hail (Dm hided
( olson w as responsible
( olson insists he was not responsible and has
filed a i omplaint with the Constitution ( null
questioning the investigation's legal it \
When Bailee anniiuni ed his i linidusion April
4. he recommended that the II I vole to remove
Colson from the ( ommittee but members instead
voted to suspend hearings until ( olson resigned
• >t ihr matter was resolved m mu- nthei way
In order to la st srr\* lit' student interests and
preserve the integrity id the III I ain today
u tiling In niter In relinquish the i hair to the \ it e
than until suth lime as this ease in resolved in
t unslitulinn ( niirt ( ailson said al the meeting
1 his will allow the budgetary pro< ess In t mil in
tie T
I n| si in s niolion passed i 1 1 with (ailson ah
staining Ainiandn Moiales opposed and lenniter
Hills Hart.lay (Ir.ivson I reddy Vilihes Insnnia
\\ alsnn and Kan Anderson in fatni
\ I Idles then proposed that ( nisi 111 .ilsu ahslai u
drum internal pnlif y dei isiniis ,1 he motion
passetl . I I with < ailsim abstaining and < .rayson
\ • \ n e i li.urw ninan. 'Hills new a-- .utiles n
sponsihilify tin organizing and presiding over
hudget Insirings jleaimgs w ill resume Tuesday
e"v ehi rig she said
It the rourt rules in ( nlsnn s favor, he w ill re
turn as a voting iileiiiliet and the i ununittee will
decide at tliat tune whether he will resume, his
position as i hap man
Candidate to seek student input
Wants to end IFC’s exclusiveness
By Daralyn Trappe
Incidental I ff ( ommittee
( undidatr |iin 1 in ke i said he
would like to liflp improve
communication between stu
dfills and 11 1 members by m
creasing studfiil input -il meet
Tin kei a second \ ear mar
keiing and manageinenl major
is one of eight i andidates v\ mg
tor the three one sear seats
available on tlie i ommittee that
allocates student lees to the
KMl' Athletic Department and
student groups
"I d like to see more student
input, he said "From my ex
peneiH e the li t seems to he
like this exi lusive group where
students i an t tom h them
l iu ker said he wants to keep
student fees now about $100
a student eat h term from ris
mg hut he believes students
get their money's worth from
the present fee lex el
(anisidering tlir vast major
ity of groups ,iml tin- number ot
groups that hava- a really wide
range nt at tivities I don't teel
it s unreasonable. lie said
People don't want to spend
their entire time in the class
room listening to a lei lute
when the\ go these activities
and get .1 total different edict a
Iional esperience
I he projected I‘i*11 ‘I..’ enroll
nient dei rease ot J tint) this
seal will leave the III ssith
about S iUO Witt less to work
with in allocating budgets for
ti t
As a start then- would
probable be a proportionate de
i rease for ear h group based on
this year’s funding Tucker
said ' As a basis to start I d
like to dec rease it by the same
pen entage for eai h group, then
maybe adjust that based on ex
l optional need
l ui ker is i bairm.iti of the
Residence Hall (lovorname
< aimmittee a group that alio
c ates funds to groups and pro
let ts within the residence balls
and serves as a ret onimendnig
body for policy i hanges
lull I in ki'l
Hit is also a member of the
transition i ummiltee th.ii is
viirk ini' will] f arey I )i as ion
tiiri‘1 lor lit tin1 l)lhi i' ot I’lililu
Safety. In relas slmli'iil con
i itiis about i atnptis issues
Most III III\ tins to Stllllfltl
groups have bt'iTl as a liaison In
siikIi*iit bousing Tin kt-i saiil
U it it ms bin kgrouiul ami c\
pur ii-nie ss 11 b K 11( i< ' that
i uuld i airy on to 11 1 1 feel tli.it
I call make a good i outribuliiin
ami I d like to do that
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