Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Page 2, Image 2

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The tale of Colson's future
still rests in the votes of his
fellow committee memlu'rs.
Second chance for
IFC to settle scandal
IK: Committee Chairman Mike Colson h.is wisely
tiri idl'd to abstain from voting arid stop down as chair
man Colson first offered to abstain from voting on
budgeting matters only, reserving his rigid to vote on
< onimittee polic \ dot isions
Hut hoi ause the accusations that tiave been made
against Colson are regarding operational procedures
the o-st of the IK voted to remove Colson's voting
rights entirel\
(iolson vs ill abstain from voting until the (lonstitu
lion Court decides on the legality of A SI O President
kuk Hailev's in\estigation
Colson ^___________
should be com
mended for tab
mg the fust step
to allow the IK
to < ontinue
with its duties
Hut his act ept
ance of the non-voting restriction raises one important
question Because Colson won't lie voting at IK meet
ings he could let him oils be removed from oftii e aftei
three weeks lot non fulfillment of dutv
I he \Sl'() should make sure this does not happen
Removing < olson from oftii e in such a bai f handed
maunei would be skirting justit e
('olson has agieed to step clown in good faith until
this matter i- settled lbs det ision to do so should not
be exploited toi politic al maneuvers
In the past the ( onstitution i umrt li.is been a t.urlv
slow inov mg both In order to get the ( .olgale issue de
ruled quit klv (preferable betoie the up< tuning t .impus
idei lions in which Colson is .1 candidate)- Hailey
should h-iiid over -ill necessary materials to the (,011st 1
tut ion • a mil -ts soon -is possible
|-.ven aftei the Constitution Court h,is rendered its
dei ision the issue will not he resolved Regardless of
whiili wav the Constitution Court det ides 011 Hailev s
authority in condtit ling mu h an investigation, the fate
ol Colson's Inline still n-sts in the votes of Ins tellovv
t nmmiltee members Apparently there vv.is not enough
support to remove (.olson Ixdoie I he question is. vv ill
,m( )K f 1 tun the Constitution Court i hange that '*
t he tust time this was brought Indore the IK there
were not enough voles to remove ( olson but there
were plentv of votes to shut the IK down basically
s.iv mg. "We won t work vv ith him it he won't resign
because Colson continues to vehementlv deny Bai
ley s -it t 11s.1lions, .mil bet ause there has been no *u tied
pmot making it clear cut who tampered with the notes,
it is likelv the IIC could face ihe same set ol circum
staiii es when thev decide the issue again
Phis time. IK! members will have to lemove Col
son. 01 if the votes aren't present for removal ai 1 ept
him bat k as a membei in good standing
P II I u(rni I Iftfon *
' • . ■ h'lrMM ' ■ ' 1 M 1 Jay !h• lay *1 .'*,«•>
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Christopher Blau
Clap your trap
t )\ <*i iln‘ years I has t' read
w iili interest the endless stream
uf letters published in the /■.;«
it,ild that were (hunted to
sonic individual or group tell
ing him. her or tiicm to stifle
incorrect opinions
I simply m.oil to s.n that 1
agree uitli ear h and every one
ot these letters Furthermore. 1
ii ish to extend and demoi rati/.e
the message t>\ saving Why
don't all of ion shut up ' Thai's
right every single one of
It everyone were to shut up.
think, hou fine life would he
Wed never have to backhand
aiiyhodi lor failing to spell
"ivoinvn correctly We would
never he assaulted In .ids I fiat
encourage women (ami or c a
sioualh men) to leap about in
the altogether to the strains ot
an fill disc o music
U hl in- wouldn't even have
to listen to t.eorge Hush ex
plain how it's mi e to bomb the
limps back to the bronze age
but naught! to interfere in then
internal affairs
Knnugh of this free ex
change of diverse ideas"
i laptrap \s I always sai
Sticks and stones may break
mi bones words are line as
long .is they re mine
()n your mark t .el set Shut
Dennis t it/gerald
|ou rnalism
One question
Looking objectively at the re
cent cunt rovers! surrounding
Mike ( oison it is starting to
seem like the victim is not tail
son but the student body as a
All II ( that is freezing funds
is useless 1 lie! were elec led to
distribute not hold student
tnunc! Right now this respon
sihi1111 lies solid! on the shoul
dels of (ltd son
Resigning would not be an
admission of guilt tor (dolsun
but .i responsible moie from
someone !i ho c laiuis to c are for
the I llliersit!
I mall! I have one1 question
for (lolsmi 11 hr knew over 40
iiii\ s ago 111.it Kirk Hailey was
part dI the note-tampering in
vestigation why iliii hr wait
until after thr results wore an
tioutu r<l to i r\ foul?
Stephen Thomas
View from Hell
Regarding Anthonv Russell's
weasel whipping letter (DPI
Apr f»|:
II Russell is so intent on gag
gmg ami whipping people with
leather hells w ho hold opinions
opposite of his I suggest In
seek professional help: not onh
lor Ins apparent sexual perver
sums hut also for his complete
intolerance for contradictory
\ levs points
Russell \ letter concerning
Our Version of Hell." a com
munity at i i-ss television pro
gram on ( able 14 is i learK an
unwarranted attack on some
very upstanding young adults
who have found the courage to
take a conservative perspective
ol todav s issues and televise it
I Ills viewpoint is very refresh
mg in a i (immunity that has he
( ome so an ustomed to v lew ing
events through a logged liberal
eyeglass that people i an t dis
tinguish a sm i essful war effort
from a hole in their tie dy e tin
I have often watched "Our
Version of Hell" and eiu mirage
others to do so the same every
Monday at 4 1(1 p in The pro
gram is well-written witty and
politic ally insightful
These media trendsetters
should not be whipped out ol
town as suggested, rather they
should receive applause, not
heatings Russell, on the other
hand should enroll in some
logit courses instead of so
many peace studies i lasses and
hack\ s.n k tournaments
I’euple w ith tus attitude
should spend less time on tin
steps of the Federal Building
and more in the st.u ks ot the h
brnr\ Whoops they t ut
dow n your t tees for more
books Never mind
These brave souls have m\
applause lot the hi illiance. w it
insiy>ht and sweat they have m
i orporated into their skits I
surest that intolerant liberals
wake up to reason These he
roes of media are anything but
"tilth monkeys " Russell
sounds like the weasel Pop
goes the weasel
Joseph Hume
In response to Bret Yagei s
"host Ideal" | ODE. Apr a)
Homophobia isn't liberal 1 11*
eralism is based upon the poli
IK al philosophy ot the "Indict
in progress and the essential
goodness of man" fl.iberalism
IP . Webster dn lionai \ I
Ilomophobia is |ust .is unai
c eptable as heterophobia anti
semitism, or any other preju
dued doctrine Why should
there only be toleraiu e ot ho
mosexuality and not ai ( ept
am e?
Homophobia stems from ig
norance and tear of what one
does not know Ignorant e is
not acceptable
If Yager considers himself a
liberal then he should believe
in progress through under
standing and learning about
those things whn h he does not
Wesley Keinsch
Amy Hammond
I lit* Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all
letters c ontaining comments on topic s of interest to the
l'niversit\ community Comments must be factually
acc urate and refrain from personal attacks on the char
acter of others.