Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS M’HII . VI 1 KAt: 1 4 ♦ 4 r SOLD! Run your For Sail1" (under SSOOl ad (or 4 paid issues If i! doesn't sail, call u» and we II run it again for 4 day* f REE' To Place. Cancel or Correct your ad call 346-4343 ii'j TYPING SERVICES 344-4510 ' f IJr V-3 ' QUALITY WORD PROCESSING i-wC L'W -L-'BAB _ JUU-1: Aj-yW // I r>4 l»M M m -*«•> - ■ I I •' ] U I t } Hth M4 0759 ROBIN APPROVED .• * GRAD SCHOOl ON CAMPUS' DIAL A TYPIST 643 mi I 9a \ Typing Ml3 Moport* fttturn** I a«»r Print*! f LYING f IN (if HS , S’. 484 9038 J*'S Compulirvg C#nle# B<*mi Mu iniosh lOf SILK PAINTING Thursdays, 6 8 pm April 18 May 16 I EMU CRAFT CENTER 346 4361 130 FOR SALE I *1 «»lieOt r o'.ij (IfOi»V 1 Dwm H»frtyeralor Only 175 0 8 O Call NOW" 14ft 9160 Nintendo * 1 .* condrtxwi |1?0 14 1 ’911 Onfc, T A 2l.i. ... . |IV i - , A ^.11- • am; S. • - * , • » .1*5 C0 545( P ■ -.* A„ • monitor speakers 5150 Sony P ('.(> player 51V*• • 'r (lorn m*j* '• .l*jt- 550 1500 *.«!! *p.» i* healer S' A I n«tyo|>4MP M30479 Patrick Nagel collector edition* > N’4 and CNtV l«50 and 1^00 re»pectiv»iy U) 1064 130 FOR SALE Sony 13 II SptCi»lil*d ' Word P'OC*»»o» Magna*o» V«J#o»'i!»' 2 United Autm* on* war Hefcet* to Buftwnfc Calif Leave May ^ ’991 $100 each »4‘, t37? I35 BUY OR TRADE WANTI D us CARS f Old Mutl«ng . !*,<), iit'f «*g*» Vf *.- OB< "iT6 Volvo -4.' »un» W*) < u;- f* 32 ViH', (. bavy Chtutlli 4* *.»• • g-r..1 S. *■ 191MS Honda Pfaludr %l y-r.t* *8 4** Dal tun A ay i" S u>o MOIORCYCLES/SCQOTfcRS Halmat > * •• • a S’. Honda l 1 (>iat% 1985 Honda Elite 150 t iteilent thapc 6 SOO mil®* < attf monthly Mt;ST Mil Si' - 1 ► ovin jt S44 ' 4 - '*»■*»• mtnay# * Honda Hi*© ISO ns BICYCLES M '• Schwinn K> »p«*il Specialized Street Women % M) tpd t9 Giant Iguana M Paul |430 -wMl U9S ' Bike1 V Ifeb COMPUTErT ELECTRONICS IBM Cion© <46 t*«41 and I M>n» cassette SJVot i;o SOUND SYSTEMS Car Ster©o . » A A , Ss*’5 Good X*a SC. * .• V*. 175 INSTRUMENTS BRAND si- ”u k NEW' *t Il4' A t 4*i«* Hi.*> * Si T (kamin* [ f 349 « iso RESALE CLOTHING 191) OUTDOOR RECREATION Visualize Wilderness Tues. April 16. 7 30 110 Willamette Hall 200 TRAVEL Mai w On* *»y pl«r>* ' T»jir®l>ng Soon ’ Apply IOf *n Am#r*c*n f ipctii c**d fly •nvwh#r* in lh* USA lo* J18W CJill TODAY" 48 •> Mi'i ?i‘j OPPORTUNITIES ATTENTION • i I , ■ *-**< 40 <0 ,i * 4 .. t« apt , -■ -I,. 4 Mi i • ! V A . ; . • i A ; RfPOSSfSSfD VA & Hit' MuMIS fett'i i 4.V* f. USHERS WANTED TO WORK THE JUDDS CONCERT MAY 4TH Come to Suite 2 EMU to sign up or call 346 4373 OPPORTUNITIES ?is OPPORTUNITIES Notary Foundation Scho>#r**»pt W. 91 Stt/EO CARS WFtlTf RS AND PMOTOGRAPHE RS WANTED ’*«* E Tsunami Group I MlJ (iumarood Roof*' ' PM • Bogin 7 40 W#d Apr it 17 University Day Design Contest Submit design tor bench to 364 Oregon Hall April 19 Winner builds bench at Craft Center We supply wood and S300 Bench dedicated on University Day May 16 ★ VOTE ★ ASUO Elections April 24 & 25 PRISCILLA WARREN 2 Year IFC Position EXPERIENCE DEDICATION LEADERSHIP 270 HELP WANTED OPPOR T UNIT ItS UO BOOKSTORE an \ anon .ion: Mum valuable experience l«u vmif future hv running for the l<) h * H ' I»i \ mi i .in naikt a difJtn iut Im. I () Book stole k*-aivhinj! tor mcmlvrv I-* serve on the H*«'k -lou liodftl r>! Directors I hese two veat positions are available • I It t 'shill,111 po\|| tot) •2 Sophomore fiositioits •I (tl.lllliaU Student |H»\ltlo|l *1 I« at hint I .11 till v position I .*! () B< *okstole (vjit! nemhers represent the student tainitv and 'lat! of the l ruveiMtv o! Oregon, and have the opportunity to pinde the l ( ) Books' U ill |X>liV> '-.at!, fs \1< !l.!v!' attend and receive a monthly stipend Neimiuti^nv J>>r the available Hoard positions will lx- taken at the VNNt \l Mi l I INI, I tievdav . \pr il I Mil ' '0 p 111. at (tie W alnut Boom. (across from Post OfTtiet. KMI Buildup more mlornutioii atsmt ihe Board o! Due, Lu and r nrtine tor a contact the I O Bookstore (tcnrral Manager , Jim Williams e it he 1 ill person or at '4#* 4''I I () HOOKS FORK Hlh \ Kuwaiti Uh 4VM M I ' "'ll h. S.tl 10 (I 2?o HUP WftNTEO Summ*( job m!*rw»*w* • ■ ■ - n«i5 i»rg<»al pub'•**>«* o? campus ?fjb ".ains f'ograrr? T : warnings 1S000 advertising .» «**i and public *.?' -g »■*•» * j «g« advertising ' • *■ ampul !*l■ • •; ‘ • . -*'4! j. • j *c , a> g Alaska lummu employment f S‘ * v ■ '■!' * • < • . • . .'ta v. Male f «m«i« •••{". Christmas Spring ! • .» f m i Ai* . >?.#.•*, Collegiate Representative at r,iM >4 B avtt'ag* and an Collegial® Representative •• . -..»!* 1 •• • MM , ■ Intalliganc* job* IS : -si- - :•! A ,■ MANAGEMENT TRAINEES WE'RE OPENING THE DOOR TO NEW OPPORTUNITIES M >!be' •. help* Part time office Saios opportunity Senior Journalism Mafors STUDENT POSITIONS,. J • OuMR OOt f i I C Tlv N ' Nu AN C ie, '’ - t - MECHANICAL TECHNICIAN V up d«ili-*' •<•»! •»•<*- a e ente *ifh milling ami lathe ma^nmo and hjnd tool& Please bring * u» Room 16 P*c-f*v Han fO AA institute SUMMt R JOBS A Sn'Uj ‘.A'.f ! Ad {••» 1911 S VV 770 HELP WANTED Mom# typifttt 1‘ • ' • ‘ \ '* m ♦ ai .»» ’ * NK»' \ •' B 9642 SUMMf R STA‘ * POSIT« N AVAIL AB. E Sun Valley Co : 4 ;>* S 4 ?h I . WANTED EXPERlENL ED BASS PLAYER 230 HOUSES FOR RENT Summer Rental . JSOOttv roegcli* I Block F rom Campus sm 2076 Lincoln l *i.' • ‘shed t.!>/y. imma< uiat© .}.!■«*! I li-Pm N pet-. $4'h. 760 Jefferson i txJf hwt;M.V A ?h N >• yaot $700* mo 3639 E Amazon ? twlfm housr* a garage $550 By appointment Spyglass Associates 686 1130 230 APTS/DUPHXfcS CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 1233 W 8 th STUDIOS FOR JUST D«*nh * CaU 344 5683 Jonmngi ♦ Co 683 4*19 CMARMfcR 346 2255 Furnished studio ’ t 484 *922 2956/2960 WILLAMETTE 683 4 *’19 GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES l .nye clean l.a»ye clean 1 SUMMi H RATES 1 Aider wood Manor Millrace Apartment! 160S Garden Avenue Mi.-- ^ las! t U ' O »i H AN ! AEf QR{ 1 NO ? TO i Ai . Jennings ♦ Co 663 4?t9 GREENWOOD APTS 96S Patterson Jennings ♦ Co 663 4^19 RUSTIC MANOR 386 Rustic Place Great Coburg Road y 6 parking JlOC Jennings « Co 683 4719 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU ;a ;> •*,.• K'<*i‘v V. ’h,MC' I PIPK7 U E\ WU I ,<.A- . Pv’ABu > NO' QlPNl! h.AtV THE ,-U \ VOUJU? J I / If v*>u r«> tired of the Movie Theater Shakedou n J £» DELIVERY DOLLAR DAYS Every Monday & Tuesday 342 4972 19th & Agate