Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Page 13, Image 12

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Continued from Page 10
provision,il \( A A i|ualifvmg
standard and ius! missed the
auloni.at n standard ol to "it
f) rt»gii it a s s i s t a n t t oil i ll
11 non ge Walt ott who t oat lies
tin' Dui k splinters was pleased
with the time. .but. wasn't..sur
prised In it
We knew w e would run nil
tier 4U Indus he said U ttll
better innditions (than last
week), ssi' saitl all ssi'ek sve
were running the relas In
This is onls out third time
imining it together so I'in pret
Is happs." t Iras said W f just
ss anted to hang ss itli them
( A 1 alia ina a lid W a s h i ng ton
State) "
Harris saitl it was about
nui' Oregon had good sseath
or for .1 meet and believes the
Du- ks i an meet the automata
\( \ \ -.lamiartl
AN i* r an definitels gel our
best time later on hr- --aid
I'm ( nnfidetil ss>• > an do if
It won t fie i-asv toi lianas
,111(1 IlnsiH; io i mu '-nltati- on
tr.n k and tin- o-ia\ fin- .rest of
the season ->itne t he s start
spring lootball prat tire toiias
Doing both wdl l»- real his
tii ! loses said
Another football ;plas ei also
had a good das Saturdns as
Muhammad Oliver struggled
earls but - aim- on in ss in the
high lump at 7-0' *
t )li\ er bare Is i leared . n 1 *1' *
on his third attempt. but then
ss on the event In' s( almg ' O' .
am Ins first attempt before miss
ini; tiirr*' tutu's ,t! ' 1 ’
\f!t>r Ion mg surgm livin'
nu his left wrist List spring, and
flitni injuring .1 kina' during
football s« si son. OHvim Said In' s
ms! happy to iin.dh hn hr.iithv
V\ itli fin k iii't- iiijui v I :
born putting ptfssmi- on mv
si'll ,nu) w is iinntalii dow 11 !»•
1 him' I was lining too ■ all
lions hu said \\ 1 til flu1
kins' 1 11,1s si ,ui‘d In .lit.11 k lliu
bat at tin' h'ighoi Imights
1.1 ai also had a good dm Ini
low mg llu- rol.ii 1 lot king 1
I i 110 in tlii' 1 10 motor Inin lies
behind Washington Stall' s
i nm la and Indiana s l .Iioiii
\ 11 tit 111 g li I Im m a 1 k was
wind aided. thi' tiiiif was good
enough for (a as to go below
llu' provisional \l \ \ standard
m mill his first hurdle rat o "I
tin* simmhi bn .1 list* of i ham
string injurs
()i»'gon «»Is.»> gut .1 t ouragrnus
per tor in a n(r fro hi |.i v *• I i n
I .
|ir t r d d I'spjir ,i t r r I I hi y
spramed li’tt .inkle
Nk Ipp4'i !. i k i' i v-' .» i .Uillnu-;
moci it mm! .ipjvru.it h lu pr.ntet t
the ankle stiii won the-event
sv vth .i toss ut 1 JO II
I k nrv\ w*• u«*i• ii»*d thr
points Skipper said I m a
i ompetiYt>c and Iike to t urn
Skippri nr I hr- rest ut tin*
1 )ut k points ditin t frails mat
tri on thn* das hn ausr W ash
tngtnn State was just too good
[h«*\ if a vers good trat k
tram Oregon < oath Hill IHd
linger said I hrv have right
oj ID kr\ people that air older
more mature athletes that all
( ,m i mi lun hi three i-v nits
l lii* ( 111114,11*. nmi only right
nt llu* ini:i*l v !'l .■ v nils lint,
thru ihpth Irfinitrlv jiitiil "f!
U ashington *> si.ilr \ugti*.
Un (Hiitna unn thi' mu .inti v\ .is
si *i onil in I lit* ..’Hi I w lull* train
in,itc lliorvii' ( )g !"• i ii I- uliu
won tin long lump, was ilimi
in ihr 1 tin ami imiiili in Ihr
Kulii'il I'm r and I• >111s Hill
leii a l'l ,iii(4.il vHirp 111 ill'
1 (1(H) meter streplri |liiM* .lllti
Samuel K ti1111 srinn.il m lilt*
1 '•(Ml lain ■ hnihletl hat h tf>
win the nun
Hnl while il was a ii,i\ lor Ihr
I nilgais perhaps mm (hr ovn
whelming f a v or il r lor ihr
\( \ .\ i row n lain I h is spring
.it liavwarii liehl. il was also a
shining tiav for Oregon s 41X1
nirln rrla\ Irani
Continued from Page 11
nor in the 1.000 motors. .1 ra< o
she hadn't run sun o lol>ruar\
I lor n inning timo of 0 l-l 7.1
was a provisional Nl A.V ipiali
I \ i n n I t m c .1 ii ti .1 1’K tur
II \\ iis nil f In pni\ I
siiin.ijlv \usr.ii.i siiii I
u.isn't s.urr ili.il I u.Hilil
Kim 11\ .ill 11 si i 11 mk I n • i Inn
grst slfiiit"' nl llif si-iisnii. lop
ing tin- |.l\ ••iin t.u i imunii tn
I'.irn hi‘r .1 spot in the \( \.\
1 lidtnpioiisliips Slif tosst'il tin*
l.tvi'hn 1 ' > 1- past tin- \< \.\
<llitiilil.it l< ijtlillifvtlig III.Ilk. ut
I 7 t 11
It ItMVi-s .1 lot ot trust 1 .it 1011
SO t.li tills SI MSI 1 It 111.lit s.llll
of hrr <|ii*i 111 \ mg throw
1 rammatr I*.tula liftr\
tju.ihtirtl toi tin* \( \ \ m*’
lift hist thmu *»t thr sn
uon thr jtivrim throw on h
ii.tI toss Suturtiuv a throw
Ih• w a mrrt tr* oni 1 HI 0
w ho
rt on
rr ft
Ktisic U illi,mis i .iplured Ihf
_’00 meters in .1 meet ret ord
l *i ' ,iiiil despite sprint mi; in
.m \< \ \ jirnv isiuiicd I line nl
11 ' i \\ illi.ims pi.ii ed sei mid
m tile 100 meters In lint footed
I nin ,i l.iuvsoil id Al.ilnim.i
is Ini sprlilted in I I 'll
Daily Emerald
To Place. Cancel or A'XA.'X
Correct your ad call O£4D“4404r0
$9 Nylon $10 Prince Synthetic
Have racquet back in 2 days
Call Josh 48S 9971 or 48S 94‘>4
Wanted H • "
Eugcm* >ixM lor rf<-iujplr* *''•
NC Santa Barbara A<th t*in batwf-.
. lab • • ■ 1!
(805) 562 6729
Unplanned pregnancy ’ f. '
68 7 B6S1
Deaf Cm
i.uvp i .r >J
Oregon Daily Emerald's
1 stop Marketplace
The tour ot your house
and dinner were both
great Hope spring rush
went well
11 Hi:
Than* r ()u lo* all the UimIk appln a
liOn* lo* Ihe positions open in the p«o
due lion dopa*t»n®nl The applicant* *e
■ected lo* inleimew* ha»* been *n
tai led You* appln at • anil *ema*n
lit® through tell term ’iW1 »*«*' though
fon may nol ha*® per*' *®iet led lo* an
mloiyma al lh*» lime Plea*® all to up
dal® you* plTOna nunihe* in the lell *1
you a*c *1*11 tMie*®*led tn a ponlion
Mu hem Hob* Piodut '■ >■ Man *.j»
Delta Delta Delta
proudly announces its
newest members:
Marisa A Suzanne T
Heather R Mandy G
. .. i'i <i r.
I ... t Ji\ 4 14 (
Hob H
Call Jennifer V
at UJ 61 Vi ASAP"
Printed text to computer files
fS C A NN E R/Sj
7474509 ji70rwU«(M tj
l «l 1>UI ct*« »our Quid*'
ITjjt WOWO specialists!
■! 4ilt» it ' S* hi »»l \(>J ! ' ‘1
I >1 t t a *' n > I * I ’ a | * i ■
HIM . i 11 ► ' -MV ( I -,h l. j
I a*n 1‘rintiAK,» niphh '
I tilting Kc»um^i
961 E 18th Ave
Chamber Music Senes
Music by Mozart, Schubert
and Zemlinsky
Mon., April 15 8 p.m.
Reserved Seas $’6 50 J8 50
Students $9, $6
Faculty Artist Senes
Joe Genu aid i, Lawrence
Maves, violin, Leslie Straka.
viola, Robert Hladky. cello,
with Victor Stemhardt, piano
Wed., April 17 8 p.m.
$4 General Admission
$2 Students / Seniors
with Dean Kramer, piano
Student Ensemble
Thur., April 18 8 p.m.
$3 General Admission
$1 Students / Seniors
For more information, can \
346-3761 (Music School) j
__-clTV (,KNt R Vl
'c ° —— 1) I P V .—
,v Oiane Siebert • Vam J .
? , ...^Z^***”'
U vl'^r 'hmi '.j a sW'”"nf "' CaW'on>«''
.to«rh.«‘ri* ,k. earth»a'>"“nf-‘,w
Sc'a>Aa rs ,ii;o. u'1'11 ,.]0lU tha' ''mc °"
^'""•'s.crvi No'' tune unti'W Mmf ,|k- ruff"'
mujcs"c suhk1. v, al'“ '11 ,-olor u lhal
mountains hax.- " ucUlar lull ) hc ;in,ma\s «'•» u
, otcfonanaWcmloll
Rivur Kane"- m>
hrnufM <>' >>" \ ,s C,o,.UJ K>
lY.anc ; v,„v CUV
Mufti."' "'N'"
13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M-F 7:30-6 Sat. 10:00-6