Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 15, 1991, Page 11, Image 10

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Wessell sets third 5,000 record at Pepsi meet
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sport'. Reporter
Torn Hemoneii i on id n t help Iml
"Look .il that! said the e< slain Ore
Hon women s track i o.n li, poiriiinn to
the llasssard Field Si orehoard Lhe
hoard had just flashed the final snores of
Saturdav s Pepsi Team Invitational Or
eyon 17a. Washington State 1 O hull
ana I \2 and Alaliama til
tleinonen was happier than a kid on
Christmas and Saturday.;s sunns s\e.ith
ei surely heat that Ot anv das in Oei euii
We had eversthim; we c ould has e
asked lor lodes. Hemonen said after
tlie Duiks Won their fifth straight , f’epsi
meet 1 me.in. literalls ivr nut users
thing >vi’ < mild have asked for Indus
Seasonal liests .mil lifi'tiini’ hots .ill
over tile pl.H e
I'u be ev.ii t 12 ( tree. ill athletes set
se.isiiu.il bests Satlirdas illt hiding SIS
[iersnii.il ret nrds t )h three Dm k broke
Hepsi meet records loo
\\ o\v
Oregon.put tlie most distant e hetueen
itselt .111(1 its opponents (HI. suit,ibis the
long distant r esents
Stephanie \\ I’sse! 1 ss hose inpiretl
knee tori ed her to make an earls ••■sit
tram the ! "itid meters in last sseek s
dual meet w ith Washington, t raised to
her third straight meet ret ord in the
■ (10(1 meters
1 let time lit it. i 111 ss as a three set
omi tmprovemrn! over th«* mrrt rn nrd
sin' set .1 \ rar .1 u<>
Th«*Ort-Ktin scninr admitted she u.is
11ri-It\ stressed .ill das I riiitiv hut
u.is relieved u hi'ii 111• r run nvi'r tin- tin.il
KM) meters guilt'll tin' (.'rowit mtn its
lUlldl-st l Ili'tTs lit till’ .if tlTIlt it ill
It makes it su nii i- 1 (list want In m>
tip and luig rvervunr th.it s \«•! 1 ini{ fur
■ nr U i ssfll said
\aluinall\ priiminrnt toilege runners
were evident m tlir !.*>11(> meters uni it
Oregon's I.is.i Karnopp wasn't nnr nt
tliriii going mtn tlir r.u r shr ma\ hr u
i eiy mg more in ugtntion i inning mil of
tlir r.n r
hai nopji s previous m .isiiii hrsl of
1 PV ftti u.is only thr third lu st among a
til'll! that III! Ilidrd Mary Drill I Irisi . 11 (it
Indiana oni* of the Dig It) (Dnteieiit.es
premiere distaiuo i ompeldors, .mil
Nlahalll.l's'Kristen SeublllA whose sea
mi best lit ! ’ . i'vv.is tups 111 the field
Driscoll unproved on her se.isnn best
.Hid Se.ililltA was less til.ill .1 sei und ult
hers but it w as Kninopp who showed
the iire.dest inipon einent. lllltshinK lust
m .1 I ’Is of l 1 1 tl
"1 Dll kind o,l p.e. 111 til.It hist stretch
.lllil then von just sort Of 1 lose rum eves
.ireI hope th.lt nobody I oie.e . .mil p.isse
you " laughed Karinipp after overtaking
troth Driscoll cimI Se.ibuis over the last
Itltl meters to v\ 111 the I'\ fill
Net aiiolhei surprise distance runner
hut ) I e o 11 Was I.UCV \tlsiala the will
Tun ' PEPSI F'.iqe id
ODE Library
Room 300 EMU
April 15th
3:30 p.m.
Please attend.
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Take it Seriously.
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VWdiH'sdiiv April 17. Il*M
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Como oxproNS your viows unci tuko .111 uc th « 111 it•
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Why Don't You Run for the Hoard?
These positions ore now mailable:
• One freshman position for two-year term
• I wo Sophomore positions for two-year term
• One (iruduate Student Position for two-year term
• One (iruduate Student Position for one-year term
• One Teaching l-aculty position for two-year term
Nominations lor the available Hoard (xisitioris will he taken at
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\NNl \l Mi l IINC
on T'uesdas, April 16, at V M) pm in the W'almit Room "I tlv
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lion contact ihc Bookstore (ieneral Manapn Jim Ilian m
[K'rson or at J46--J.H I