Zimbabwe band uses music to call for freedom S#H»0*W»T#l»M*E Band ' •• . . M Tf-.- 0 ,t * •. f>.j *iii p©ff• ’rri) at fhr- WOW H.H 291 W Avt> on Apn! V Sho«*.tiMtc 9pm A tif Ktda selling '<.■* $10 -ve availat’h* it th M,i:n I>©5k T. »« * .!••■ ■ ' ' A *a * ’ Eighth . iV $12 ''\1\ musii is born out of flu* slriiKwl'' \\ itli tli.it sliilfiiii'nl /tin habwi- born tmisii i.in I Imin hs Mapfiinio tb'finini fii.s firm slant I- on fn-oiiom ind Ins passion for i rt'.ititiR s.irilon H i,instil .uni inspir.ition.il musii uiiii .uni m Hi* hi'. country's revolution and at constant udds s\ ill) tin' government It s not unusual lor an artist in write, and sing about sin lal iniustiie and ra i lal oppression, but h >w mans aitists at lu.ills help i reale an uientits and de line a nation at the same linn"’ Mapfumn s\as tie- Inst artist in bis i nunlry to address sm b national issues When the ssar broke out be retailed ol the earlier das s ss lien bis countrs s\ as railed Rhodesia "ms musii helped bring the people bat k to their own iden tits I'bey started to follow ms type of musii Zimbabwe style music Many people turned aw.iv Irum the Western sty If of inllsti I .was getting popular with our peo pli- and tin- government didii I like- what u as going on W lii ii !in* i • . Iisli -peaking Rhode sian government translated Mapfumo s native Shpiia lyrit s they deemed them .ii. militant and advoe ating jiolitii .il change Meanwhile I In- Rhodesian Hroade ast ing Company banned Mapfumo s music lt..in tin- aiivsavi--. Thai, of course- only - served to in crease Ins popularity which eventually led to Ills being put ill 'tO-day detention "They had a charge against rue saying my musii was itifluenc ing young pen pie to leave tin- country. get trained, and conn- back -fighting the; govern ment. Mapfumo said I said that my music was the music cef the people of Zimbabwe and I wasn't going tu do away with it bee an sc it w as my own c ul lure With tin- gag of tensotslnp fading to hold him bite k Mapfumo bee ame a c ala lysl and Ills music became the battle cry that in l‘IHO ended iiiloni.il rule and founded tile state of Zimlmbvve A! file time Mapfutno ['■nil;iii;nl til.tl tile struggle fur control of Zimbabwe was ,i spiritual as well as a political hat tie and he realized that his < nuntrv had no distmi t Zimbabwean " sound \ll the mvisit M.ipfumo and his peers were plating was foreign, ranging from western rw h n roll to South African rhythms to Jamaican reggae What sets Mapfurno s t hiimuenga (lit erally tin' music of struggle) music apart from music of the other African countries is the Mbira (thumb piano) The Mhira is plated mostly by people who come from the rural areas of Zim balnve and those who live ill the com nuinal lands Kei ogilizing its dalle cable heal Mapftimp modernized' the sound hy transferring thi Mhira s gentle, mesmer i/.ing sounds to the elr< tru guitar and keyboard t reating outlaw musii that affects the soi i.d and political order is .1 roman In notion that's fueleti mam an activist pop performer wrote The To.s Atitfeles //rues of Mapfvimo By Ming Rodrigues t ■ > 'aid I nleita men! RepoMi" ( 4«urtrs\ photo Ihomas Mapfumo strives tit pla\ musii th.it offers inspiration to his people Pizza for $4.00 )Buy any Medium pizza at Regular price and get a second Medium (Equal or lesser value) for $4.00. Thin or Thick Crust. For Marge add $1.00. Dine-In,Carryont, Delivery. Second ■6 Pizza %0 Second large Pizza Dine In Carryout Delivery Pietros Pizza L $099 Medium Ftepperoni Pizza Dine In Carryout Delivery Pietros Pizza J. 990 Medium Single Tbpping Pizza (Thm nr Thick Crust) Dine In Carryoul Delivery Pietros Pizza J SANTA CLARA 2620 RIVER ROAD • 688-2222 CAMPUS 20 E. 18th • 342-2323 FREE DELIVERY FROM OUR NEW P.D.Q. DELIVERY STORES (LIMITED AREAS) Discover Birkenstock Step into Birkenstock footwear, and find a remarkable blend of comfort and style Contoured footbeds provide cushioning and support, while your feet remain free to move naturally You'll find colors that range from basic to brilliant Birkenstfock I ‘F&0fW/6&— H i r k r n s t o < k Eugene • 5th Street Public Market • 342-6107 • Daily 10-6 «\ «\ °> <\ °x «\ «\ °1 \ \ U O li bbbOUObb^b ' ' ”» GET TAN FASTER! c o co CO CO oo Cf9 CO CO WITH OUR NEW ACCELERATOR LOTION f GEL, SPRAY A^D \ DRY OILS! PRODUCT 1 1 LIME ; r." S' S' S' S' rRecisioN L u rs ] AND TANNING \ SPECIALISTS IN CUTTING HAIR" . Open 9 9 M F. 9-7 Sat. Closed Sun e “ 609 E. 13th (2 blocks from the Bookstore) 484-3143 c