We Need: Creative Dedicated Motivated Outgoing Organized Persuasive Smiling Advertising Sales Representatives... Ilir Oregon Daily Imerald is i urrently accepting applitations lor advertising sales people to begin tr.lining runs tor work tins summer and or next tall lire rewards are mam You will gain exponent e in sales, layout design, advertising production and business commune ations, along with many other Hinge benefits. We must be honest and let you know this job is not tor every one it is highly demanding stressful and requires a great deal of your time. You tan e pert to yyork anywhere from J> to yyeek and v\ ill be respoj perst oral JSSinle m extra t urru ular ar tn Tot for you. However, it you have sense of pride in doing a good jt)b, are t reatiyel\ iru lined, not atraid to yyork on straight commission and want to service an aver age ot 2S-35 lot a I businesses, as well as maintain a normal r lass load and of r nurse your soi tal lite, tins may he the job tor you It you enjoy (basing the al mighty dollar, don't need anyone to get you up in the morning, and operate y\vll under pressure, y\r entourage you to attend our informational meeting on April 1U, J:30-4: H) pm in the EMU Board Room, ird floor of the Erb Memorial Union. Please stop by and pit k up an advance application in room iOO I Ml complete it. then bring it along yyith you to this meeting. Sophomores and juniors majoring in Journalism Advertising. Business or Marketing are preferred You must be able to yyork at least one full academic year (excluding summer) to he considered. You must have reliable transportation readily available before you begin the position Sorry mopeds mo tort vt les \ tut yt les are not ait eptable). ...who like to WORK! __Oregon Daily_ _ Emerald The Oregon Daily Emerald is an Equal Opportunity Employer Ml photo* jrr i miilrsv photi ‘Class Action’ features great acting, OK plot + + 12 CLASS ACTION * a . .* M . - : . Rated R • <*e»n ( bcrftvM • • •• *■ t >i *--• • • • • • • • » mm m In (.iv you haven't had enough <>l in md their personal problems in more Ilian ,in half a dozen television shows then (.7,/s.s linn ''will serve .is an enjoyable addition to studies ,.t law vers m angst file film strives to at hieve two main ob|n to es and siii i feds partialis in Ixilh l list it tries to e\ amine the struggle Ix-tween the two main i harm i ieut ,i complete opposite ut ht>r t.i!her Tlx- uni' thing thrv ill) have m common is Maggies mother .mil (ml's wile Sim is lining lough, compassionate .mil ,iKva\ s caught in llm middle of led ami Maggie's petty arguments !’o make matters worse not only dims she have to dual u ith thru i unent problems she must also ileal with their underlying dislike of each olhei liei ause of this the si eues when she tries to as sell herself to eat h of them while at the same lime showing her unconditional line are among the best in the film When she suddenly dies early in (lie film jed #!»» th.it (hr t n[|)ni.itii)i! shr is rrprrsrntmtf has suppn'SM'ii ,i re(xir1 ' which told ol the i in lilt problem t il «*>iirst* •'lie in faced with the conflict ot whether to keep it under her hat a dn the right thing expose the huge t i lUipanv as an a< i oin pin e tu the manslaughter (it more.than UMI pee l’1'' : In make matters even mure t uniphcatiid, one ut the men involved m hilling the teport is the man Maggie is ■ urrenth dating therefore she must ( house lietween doing the right thing legal Iv or helping out W ith the i overuip l lie man she is dating even tries to t miv un e ters led Ward |( .ene 1 l.ii kman) .1 mi Margaret Ideanoi Ward (Mary Mi/abeth Mastrantonioi At thr same lime tile film tries to put th.it struggle into the < onte\t of .1 i mill ease The story revolves around a lather daughter eoidlit I with a twist the daughter Maggie has always been resentful of Iter tattler Jed's laek of parental i are He was always oil i rusad mg for instil e trying to tree the innocent and sometimes even the guilty Ifei ause of the lime he yy ill ingly■'gives to his career. Ills family and his family life al yy ay s end up o lining in sis end ! or this Maggie has nee er torgiv en him Maggie has also always held a silent grudge against her fa ther tin a relationship he yyas carry dig oil y\ ith Ills y\ ife's liest friend The problem is further com pounded when they meet as lawyers on opposite sides ot a lug corporate lawsuit the rase they take mi one as the plain till s attorney and the othei as tin' detense attorney involves a i ar manufac Hirer y\ ho is ac ( used ol selling a model yy hit li can bloyy up on impact it the left blinker is on Ihe film c ipens in an obvi mis niaiinei y\ ith the liasic i on flii t of i haractiers set up In one courtioom. y\e see Jed arguing Ills case to a |Urv He Is viva c ions play till ami tunny I lis Iii ( .iss \riir ILii km,ui anil Mary hh/aheth Mastrantunio art’ talhrr ami datuih In »»hu l.ikr mi a i ase that makes them la \\ \ ers on oftfiosite sides nt a t or/wrate law suit ufl ill.11 n sue Mimilil i \ pi isi Ihr l OSei lip slii- will mu'll likely nun lirr i .i'11-fi I lius is ilfi .ill llii' i untht Is Sl’l lip Hi' l .111 prix fed 'with Ihr imis n- vsliii h unfolds in ■! sink (nil pii'iln l.itili' u 1.11>liit I lie i lim.is \v 11ii Ii should l» i surprise is evident' .it least a li.ilt in In nil Im’Ii nr it happeii Mthough tins 111 id li.is its flaws !llf stlllllg pi I 111!-, shouldn't In- overlooked I In* perloriliatli es ate e\i fllri.ll .ill .11 1 I ISS lilt- I H 1.1111 (..'nr II,nkin.nl perhaps Viiii'ru .i s miis| prtilih. mil Hi ugni/i*d ill. ii n In .n Ini turns in sui another terrifu mli' Mars Kli/abeth Mast run Iimiii also of Ihi' (inloi at Mntrex is not insiris as i-spiTi t*inml in ni l! known as I la, k man hut is sms fills tivf ami I'lUOlliiliallv keeps 11.ii I- ss ills I l.n kunan in a demanding mlf I lit * film is also laverod ssilh strung supporting i haiai turs ami a well strut lured story l lii* simple prohlfiii is ('/ass \i linn doesn't i olliplfti'ls hi hiese its aililntioiis goal-, of blending tin- pi isiinaI and i ourt ii Hiflit ts ! lie parts am svel! done but not woven Ingi-thfi svfll l>f spilt- tills those svlui do sff the movie ss ill i -111« is a ss f II at Ird and generally well ssntlen sin r\ ]l winks haul In lie a thriller a human drama, and a i >out mom di.mi.i ami ai lueses all courtroom untie s i ,m turn even the mosi ■>ki'pth .il jim»r into .m .111v Mi*iim\hilr. Ins (l.mi;hti'i M.in;.not o th* aii lV* Conversation & Music MONDAY APRIL 15 8 PM HILTON BALLROOM $14 UofO, $16 GEN ADM. TICKETS AT EMU MAIN DESK, RECORD GARDEN, CD WORLD, FACE THE MUSIC !L HappyiTiails We pay cash for used Records. Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one S1.50 OFF ANY CD! if .;.. .1 • -g t i i ‘ -r a and .-ba cards NEW LOCATION 365 E. 13th 485-5351 • 1 i. •• • n' . • • a ® COUPON r ’> A r it ao W r"»>*, *. * f t * ■. / f, "THK DEFINITIVE CVRA.NO. OFNl INKIT SUPERB A FEAST FOH THE EYES. THE MIND ASI) THE HEART kc V R '\ N O 2458 «Mii» .w r • . u. 4 » • • • * Th# film f%aa tfw mag led quality wf feli.in am) tJw> humamam of trulfaul aublimr • >)MW of tfir mtial etquiaitr c umpoaittoMS you M «vr/ «*••• A/tgpfo JXXjfo* it a (lurntati. LANDSCAPE IV Tin' M TQT' .w.u ■ - ii m ■"/riMi 11 ■■ i. ,. x :MJL * MOtitMT M ON. 4* WtftriVt* A># **#“,*» .'».*»* ; r*i> • r HAM ft* •., i'WM t OSCAR VV INNi R KATHY HAT l S JAMl S CAAN ■ I ± o Q =) o o L "Where Your Table Is Our Kit( hen" STUDENT SPECIAL Two Complete Dinners for Only... ( hm< c ot: Shrimp \ ( hi( ken or N\ Slt-ak \ ( hu ken KtCi. $2") • No Substitutions • I spires 4 18 ‘M SUSHI BAR NOW OPEN! I tinners lue-Sun I rorn etX) 343-8483 Willamette P.irkinti ■U'tihblc In Rc.u I I o o d T> o