ENTERTAINMENT Ballroom dance classes offer dance alternatives By Lisa Millegan EmerakJ Reportc One student got tired of club dancing. Another want ed to find a way to meet new people. The common con nection? They're both en rolled in a Ira 11 room dance class at the University. If class totals mean any thing. ballroom dancing is definitely gaining interest on campus. So what's the appeal? Ballroom instructor Nancy Anderson thinks ballroom dance's growing popularity is a reaction to the limited social opportunities in to day’s society. "Our society is so segmented,” she said "Everyone sits at their own computer in their own room.” "It’s the perfect way to meet new people."said Ball room III student Mara Os good. University junior Anthony Harding said he became in terested in social dancing af lor admiring professional ballroom dancers on televi sion. "It's so graceful and beautiful." After a term in the classes. Harding says he can barely remember how to do club dancing, but lie isn't sum "This (ballroom) is real dance.' he said. According to Anderson. (willroom dancing is not an activity limited to Highly trained athletes who are par ticularly talented at dam e “If you can listen to mu sic. you can dance." Osgood said This year, ballroom qnthu siasts were aide to choose classes at three levels of dif ficulty. Ballroom 1 students learn the basics of social dancing, or “enough footwork to have a good time,’’ Anderson said. In Ballroom 11. stu dents are taught more dance patterns. Ballroom III was a new ad dition to the dance curricu lum last year. The students are taught different dance patterns, but with more em phasis on style. Until last year, the closest place students could go to ballroom dance outside of class was the Vets Club, a 21-and-older establishment. I-ast year, students finally got together to form the Ore gon Ballroom Dance Club so that they could sponsor dances closer to campus Upcoming activities of the group include a salsa work shop next Wednesday at 8;30 p.m. in Room 302 Gerlirtger, and a dollar dance next Friday at H p.m in Room 220 Gerlingar The activities are open to the public $ WIN A TRIP TO THE BAHAMAS! Stay for th«* MIDNIGHT Drawing and win a cmist* to the Bahamas. ONI V on Nituttlav at Sf 4N% 41 *S < Hh*t nniih «(■ It.-, ; » ( I )s t 'tii-s K.>uii« 'ii Ku-Ji imkI . >«hei .yiMi .$vv .tu.r,' 2222 ( t'nli'tuital tllvtl iwii iu \ni/»-n Suxlmni 1 Ettgqw * 343-4734 MY STRINGS fny* tfje BUY 6 SELL ^ CENTER (iuilur strings WOO j»-r m*i, imousIk or ekitrk, through Vpril. Musk instruments uml accessories of all kinds. i {t'! \\I-si ''ih I l If .. Thesis dance show to be performed V I \ I , \.\ 11 l) \ \ i i I Kilt A A A I’Kll. U 1 • ■ ri ( .liter date in dante will'perforin her these. i .mu ell .it *t pin Ul KiHIItl ( )■! t .erlmgr, Annex I he pert.iif lll.inil' will also lie repe.ltel! S aturdax iiu;ht .it the Siim'e time I tin- slum -t i *! • •■ i On the Shun! ders of t il,Hits is the I ‘imeixilv A Mile ■I.III' e thesis i nni ert ul tile ve.ir 1 lull 1 hlltnel i kcx l« i iril pi iv ■ ' ;•••!!. • til p ttl ill thetiakxxax I elite I VI,ill \ • 1111. Hi is free ,nnl door prizes .mil refreshments x\ ii 1 he provideil ( Kgood Slaughter perform .it o in p ni m the ( ommiinitx ( enter tor the Performing Alts .''11 U i ighth Axe I II kets w 111 sel I loi Steal the limit a ml doors xx 111 open.it •I l.es (.r.iimles a j.i//. Inlk ainl ax.mt gaidr duo trom Muntie.il ( amnia will perforin at H til p m at \ew /one (iallerx 111 High SI I n kets xxill sell lor Sit at the door SA I I KI)AA Al’KIl. I t I'im K\ .ill all ai imstii guitarist xxill peiloriu at It p in in the I AH' Kir Kcxiin I n kets availahle at the door only will sell lor S.' students and Si general puhlii MON'DA'i \ I’Kll I'. David ( opperlield xxill peiloriu t w u shows one at i It) |i in and one at H til p in in the Hull (ienter s Sil va Ooiuant Hal I I it.ket > w hieh w il I sell for Sin at) and $le ran he pnn based hx rail mg the I lull ( 'enter box off it e at l>H ' a inn I he Beaux Arts trio xxd! peilmn at M p in m Beall (dniert Hall nti] I! tilth Axe In kets availahle hx railing the Hull f enter box offit ■ at tat ((Kin range in piu e Irnm Sti to slii >n I III KSI)AA Al’KIl. 1H () | I kemode and the Nigerian \llst.irs m All ran rhythms hand will perform at n 10 p m in the t Jiinmunilx Outer lor the Performing Aits, .till \A I ighth Axe I u kets ixailabh at the door x\ ill sell foi Sit I lie doors XVlIl open at u • tttll Ir » V rttillli h'n ( urtrr .1 I m\rr\it\ mantrrs i1t*#ri*r i amliilalr in 1 /.*/»< r ml/ /irrfurnt hrr fhrsis shin* tillin’ht MSI \i. ARTS S A n Kl ) \\ M’KII. 1 \ Malic!** herns \rt (rnlrr !«> atrd at t4* 10 I 1'ith Avi* \\ ill hi* hosting a W «»t«*it olor Sex lets rxhihit opening from l 50 tn n in p m in thr gallrrs A four pin r it*( order group v\ ill he* performing and sparkling 1 idn will hr provided \ Si donation is reejurstrd for admission I hr svatrre olor rxhih a will oprn on Sundas \pi 11 14 and continue through Mas i \t( )\I)AY M’KII r. I dirt d‘impressions." an exhibition trafimn-a. prints hooks and prn and pone. 11 drawings In four t ’ill vers its students will oprn in the- I a \rinr Krause (.allris Room 101 of haw rein r II.ill A frrr public rrc rption will take- place in thr gallers from 7 0 p in i hr exhibit will « ontin tn- through April 10 2 Pizzas With Pepperoni! Pepperoni! SQ" FREE Crazy Bread TWO MEDIUM PIZZAS LARGfS AVAILABU 8#«d* -i«1 • ' ' ;;t. ' .r ^ * *• r ' t» . v.r, 7 Little Caesars^--.Pizza! Pizza! IWri jfrrjl k/v% |»rk.' Alv%jyi Alv%jv\ Campus 1930 Franklin • (at viliard) 687-2848