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MW ■ ft*Wb W. 7th • J44-S5JJ Valentine 's Campus Travel Now Open 10 a.in. - Noon and I p.m. - 5 p.m. STUDENT FARES STILL OUR SPECIALTY CIEE and STA Representative Same Day Ticketing Call Today 342-3170 For all your travel needs Located 3 doors down from l () Bookstore Inside **('it> Sweats" MALL Continued from Page 1 Hut opponents | u 11 a I) I ■' building llolli arr lot ati il on tin- mall \stef lias (miglil I lio i Hi siiii i' ihf proposal In reopen till' mall w as mailo Iasi year ( aiunlv i (iiiimissimii'is didn't raise | he i mill a I of interest is sue lull the\ did give a i mil re i eplimv In Holierls proposal ( ominissioners Jerry Rust and Sieve I ornai i Ilia were mil available Thursday. but they were ipioled Hi Thursday s I hr Kegister (ii/.mf as liemg iicsi Ian! !o support using i ounlv road funds I airnui i hi.i said llie i ounlv shouldn't appear lo tie playing a polilit al role in the upi ommg ele< lion, and Rust said it was premature to i uniniil i ounlv money lo a pni|et I lliai lias vel lo win approv al I oniniissimiei Ml lie I luiridi vvtm w.is i mil.a led by phone said she will llkelv Vole against I lie proposal I represent a rural area ul htiif I ounlv and w e hav e a lol ol roads mil there ilia! need help sin- said I don’t waril lo leopardi/e future [irojei Is willi a pm jet I lira! doesn't have anything to do with the loun tv 1 Hi 11 id I said she w as also eon i riiii'i! about the i ounlv spend iri)4 road moron on the in.til vvht'ti revenues are expei ted It) dec line Ko.td funds .in- raised lltr. uigli gasoline taxes .Old It'd fi.il timber rt't eipts VV"hr if I lif in,111 proji*i I s funding v' ill t ttint' Iron) prom tsfs In In- .t t fiitr.il t ampaign f stif for-f.it h sidf .mil soint* up ponenls t l.nin Kolifrls is tr\ mg in innntptiiiilf voters In w nr mg funds Itu the rfopt'ning In Ins defense. Roberts said tin- proposal will not .tfffi I lint opt oiniivg volt' because Ihf nif.iMirf s opponents will not lif persuaded to volf m I,tvor ot opening the in.ill It i ert.unlv hasn't swaved < ynthi.i Uotilfii (spnkeswmn.iu for ihf Save the Mali (amunil ti l l or i d \slei Roberts said Ko11e11 s who represf ills Vorlh Kugene on the lioaid said lie is representing Ins ills ii it i s interests h\ making I he proposal and that lie would I»<■ nf111 onlv minimally if the mail is reopened I von d I tlul jlienefilI. the 'voters will det ule whether lo open (the mull)'.or not " lie salt I \sier however said Roberts is attempting lo use the funds to t aler lo downtown special interest groups who are ndvo i aling the mall's reopening 'i on ha\ e I hese t oinmis sinners siiimg on a $411 million slush fund and the\ re using it lo push their own political in teresls \stfl said Ihe measure's opponents have started lobbying comints sinners to vote against the pro posai, and Aster said the politi cal battle will become more heated as next Wednesday s Ixiarci meeting approat lies Car Care with a Conscience Audi VW Porsche BMW Alfa Romeo Volvo Mercedes Bern IMPORT AUTOMOTIVE SPECIALISTS 1975 W 7th, Eugene • 687-0040 THE STUDENT TRAVEL PROGRAM. \l \/uinaii<>, \u- take s(tnlt-nt travel seriouslv. Ii vou're a student. vou can hu> \ ot the live \/umano I'ravel of liees. nisi tall our eonvement loll free number Ii •> the onh nuinher vou'll need Qflzumono Travel Service Inc 1-800-777-20IX ‘Millionaire's wife' dies of cancer MI A KKI 'i HIM S l .(lit | ,M>| \i I less \.it.ilie S li.1 fi• r known tn generations of (dill U.111 ’.i blaiul t.ms .is the slr.iml rd millionaires wile l.ovi'\ li.is lin’d .it age 00 Si hafet dii'd U ednesthn id rant er .it her home, s.ild tamih s|)uki’Mii.iii I rank l.tebermun Si li.iti-i play ml tin- \\ dr nt lhurstnu Howell III portrayed lis tin' I,ilr Inn It.n kus l hi'\ wi'll' .inning the marooned p.is seugers iin thi i liarlei Ini.it "Minnow Huh IJenvei starred as (dlli H.in (ttlier i ast members in i luded Alan I lale |r as skippei lonas (inimln and Tina Louise as ( huger (bant I be show ur iginally ran nil ( HS IA from 1 'll I l In I 007 and remains enormously popular in reruns. rliere also were three re union TV movie's Kesri/e Imm (.'///igun s bland in IU7M II ie I as/iiit iii s ini (dlln;,in V bland in 1070 and T/ie Ilailrm Clnhr Irollrrs'on (bllif’an's blaiul in I * * H 1 The ai tress was born in Red Hank \ I on \ii\ i t'Mill, al though various retereiue books plai e bei age as voting as 7H "She was always t.o\ about her age. but she was really ‘m I iberman said Si baler also starred in the short lived drama l'lli'l 1070 series /Vie Survivors with Lana Turner and Kevin Met larthv Survivors include longtime ■ ompanion Maui u e I lill said I ieberman \o funeral is planned i Celebrate Handcrafting With l's! Feast on Inlet national foods! Peter \Sikle Acoustic folk Children s Creative Movement Patrick Dodd Activism i jo Bethel Temple Choir cospci jprr, Lagle Pari Slim Blue, Band Local fofS'Great tood'Livc tftkrtunpen! 1 Sam lo 5pm KAiN OR SefN£ Sti A Oa i U of O Discount Day EVERY SATURDAY take an additional 10% OFF All Purchases At NEWBERRY'S Variety Store Downtown 966 Willamette Must present U of O I D. To Receive Discount , Cat's Meow Jazz & Blues Corner ! Jazz & Bujes Records, and Cd s t M’K IM ORDERS WIK OMf In ilit FibhpiAHl Btildiit, Fifth & PiarI • EuqiNi 686 8742 I Gift Certificates \\ailabk1