UNIVERSITY Feel alienated? You’re not alone By Tammy Batey Dp von have .1 missing (huh or two \ ou i .in t c\piiiiu ' Do vou have trouble sleeping Do vou have str.mgo marks on youi hoiK ' Have you born having strange dreams■' These not he signs that von're stressed out or in love Init that vou've been abduc ted In aliens sa\ offic nils at the I TO ( ainlai t I filter Interna tional whit h is sponsoring a lM () i onferem e Saturday from (> to It) p m in the KMl ’ Hen Linder Room The i ontai I i enter and I he t onlerem e offer abdiu tees needed support, said Tiameseo Pagliro. i onlerem e enu ee " There was a need tor .in or gaiti/.ation to bring people to gether so tliev re not so spaced out," I’agliro said 'll helps them deal vv ith the situation It's an edit! at mind thing lor people to share similai situa turns The i onlerem e vv ill teature speakers with a broad range ot i'ipeneiii e with tills ! f()( ( I Director Aileen !\d wards is a regressive hypno therapist who unlinks the memories of people who have been abdiu ted bv aliens "We offei regressive hvpno sis so thev r an integrate the e\ perient e into their const ions Ldwards said "Most |e\peri em es) a re verv t rau mat it people are not i razv People who have been ah dinted or had contact with al unis have the highest im idem e of post trauma distress disor der, more than even Vietnam veterans said Phyllis Duran, an abdut tee I'iic ill lens' < iinu'rn with faith is ri'l.iIihI tn ,i ripple i't Ici t in the solar system Duran said U alfet ts our planet will affect others so aliens have a stake in our treatment oi the planet she said "The possibility ot blowing ourselves to kingdom come would allei t who knows galas ies maybe. Duran said "We do have free will to destroy ourselves except hy taking the planet w ith us Kdwards said she believes the aliens want to advance the "evolution of mankind to a higher state of existence Kx ampins ol the alien s influence KRAMf>&PRINTS [V . 12*0 Oi Sf.* 34W119 • 9 one6 pm, Mon Srt iik ludr I|ii> i tiuntrv '*• ri'i rut in trrrst in saving tin- environ ment she said \lnliii linns in i nr mmi' Ire ijui’iitlv Ih,in most people are willing to think .tinnit l.ilvv.ifils said t ’ It ) .ilnl in turns ha vr lirrn reported throughout tin world mt lulling I'olainl Kirs si,i and Iti-nmark sin- added I'lii- gov i-rnmi-iil has In-i-n i iiv i-ring up Ilnur know It-ilgi- ol alii-n lift- forms to prevent a panit I'.tgliro said I'hi- government wants to always look strong vvhuh is good Hut vvln-ii they dovyripilav tlit*si* pi'oph* that's wrong hr said "A lot ot alidin tons won t i onn* out lift aust* propli* will sav I hrv 11* off the wall : I In* government w ill play it down rln-v know molt* than thrv II ever sav A ship has i rushed and tin* govrrnmrnt took live aliens and liavi* them in i aptiv dv ( lav Kruger who hrlps pub lish ' I hr Missing l ink new s Irtlrr put out hv tin* i rnlrr at first thought his rni ounter w ith alirns w .is a dream I twukuti in !hi’ middlo ut tin nixht krugor said I s.iu ,i I'M) hi in\ li.ii k\ ard l! wont In im hai k vyindou so I unit ua\ I In- ni‘\t tinny; I romutohor I u as i nr tin’ i i.ilt I It'll it uas a dri'.im hut ulii'ii 1 uoko tip thr itrxt mni'ii mi> tin' liyrht uas on and inV pants yvcri' un and that s nut shiiii’tlliiiK 1 ilii go In slurp \\ 11Is [in pants on I uas \n\ dislorht'd about I hat Allot ahdiu tiny humans ttn aliiuis atti'inpl to him k tho o\ per in nt i * nt tin1 ahdtii tiun nut id tlm human s uiim imisnessrs huwuvur slowly tlm rt'pri'ssi'd t"\pi'rit'!ii r a mill's out. I’anluo saitl (!i)iitf rt*ni it nryani/nrs prom iso nnu insights into I'xtrati'i ii'str nil ai t n it ms w ith slide pri'si'iitat ions a nil a a so tnsti u m ol alidui lions Spoakors u ill in t iudo l.du arils I luran k t u mu. Miko Kohins a Hnoim: workor w Im sjiot lalizt in i mu putor proytrammiiijt. and lainos Van Averx author ol I utun Momorv A Slit donatiou i o ipiostud SUNDAY BRUNCH tor all sorority and fraternity rush chairpeople 11 a.m. Sunday, April 14 at the UO Faculty Club Informational meeting with FRKK continental breakfast [ EXPERIENCE EUROPE THIS SUMMER | i RECEIVE UNIVERSITY CREDIT I I _ I STUDY IN: LONDON W ROC I AW PRAGUE VIENNA AVIGNON JILIN,CHINA FOR MORE INFORMATION: CONTACT YOl R CAMPUS STUDY ABROAD OFFICE OR AMERICAN HERITAGE ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 147, Marylhursl, OR 97036 Portland area 635-3702 or 1 -800-654-2051 V J Don't give up the search! Try L05T AMD FOUfID in the classified section I LIVE!!! VIA CLOSED CIRCUIT TV | WORLD’S HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP CHAMPION HOLYFIELD CHALLENGER FOREMAN FRI. APR. 19 OATES 5 PM 1ST FIGHT 6 PM PLUS FABULOUS UNDERCARD All Seats Reserved — $30.00 Buy in Advance and gel a Hamburger & Drink iseoo value) Jiggles Tavern 216S W tllh J44 6897 • TICKETS WON T LAST I Get a Cut Above I lor I lit* I’ricr Hr low \ I tile 11 .ill I i il I ll;t\ c w r r\ ri ”ut ,1 ili.ll I • >1 v < > 11 IH -1 s I I in \ - Mm i In- In it 11 -111.1 it i Ht in 11 iw it* -'ll I I Hill til till I I .III I lilt ,IIH I _l I .1 I lit . 11 M ■ \ I • -htoJr*- C-ofeC lltil I ,m I'Mlt • 111 I EVER SEE ONE OF THESE IN A HAYSTACK? Shopping lot H'uiifs t.m be .is ilittkiili .is luuline .1 needle hi .1 hassiaek \S nil .ill the hsjie anil celebration in advertisements and 11.unis it's e.isv to become conliiscsl \t I I .me ( ). «e can help sou make has out ol all the i.irc'on ss ith stiaieht talk and sersiei's ssith an altnrdahle bottom Ink' It sou are interested in doing business ssith an in solution that sson t cue sou a pits, h. eome home to vour Credit I nion \Ve ssill help you eet straight to the point Si r s inj: l ol () students and employees. ua ( ridil I mun I Iih A Korn Ku^cnc, < >K 6X7-2347 NCUA CIRRUS