$1.00 OFF Posters ! Mother Kali’s Books j I Celebrating Women In All Our Diversities i WOfTWft Ol t • iih w'lnicn v|i»v own I tvrwiii' > welcome1 2(M>1 I r.inklin Blvil *r> 1 ugtMH' ()R ‘>7401 \ ■ ■ I periodical*' < .ifV S.it in s I n .n<4M 4S(,4 NOW YOU CAN • Wall!: videos sent to you from i urope \sta \liit.i .nut other eountries • Send videos home hit family and fncmls to watch INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS CONVERSIONS 345-3455 m m hedule appointim i.t M up (o hi min '0s 'I to 00 mm ShI (> I to 1 20 mm S4S Engine Service 1000 S Bcrlclsen Rd *1 Eugene OR 9740? Onr Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind PI a/a Specializing in Volkswagen Service For 32 years 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts UNIVERSITY Dedicated to language fapanese t,t\ i (insult,int ()s,imitsu ) amada speaks dm in# dedil ution ceremonies ut the l uiiversity's new ) amada Language ( Cuter Yatnada donated $000,000 tortile i.JOd-square foot center in I’acitii Hall The ia t ilit\ is equipped with state-of-the art computer-aided audiovisual etpiipment tor the 4.000 students enrolled in foreign language courses eai h term Photo In Mark Ion FOOD VALUE 1960 FRANK! JN BIAU ADJACENT TO CAMPUS ON FRANKLIN BLVD. GOOD THROUGH 4-16-91 FRANKLIN STORE ONLY U BANK NOW AVAILABLE FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE Blitz Weinhard 12 case bottles 12-12 oz. Pepsi, Coke 2 liters S 890 ♦ Dep First 2 Budweiser Beer 12 case bottles 12-12 oz. Henry’s 6 pak boftles 6 12 oz. ¥ w Nice & Soft Bathroom Tissue _ -,r — 4 r°lls God, mysteries set to be topic of discussion Mi l IIN'CS New bike i lub is forming .inti having <111 organi/.atioii.il meet mg ,it the Amazon Community (lenlor .if 7 to p.m l or further i nformat ion mi 11 -18 5 1 0 8 2 484 702 1 or 842-4088 Et als SI’i: AKKKS lumping Through the \li < robial Loop: Tropii Koles of Marine I’rotists" is the title of i lei tore by Krnlvn Sheer. ()Sl ()i eanogr.iphy . toil.n .it 0 til ui Room 1 111 Willamette I hill "Susan B. Anthony and the Reform Tai lii s I mplored in the Pacific Northwest. 1871-1000 is the title of the lei tore by (! Thomas Ldrrards history professor at Whitman ( allege at s IP p m in Room 1.(2 Cilbert Mall Ki :i .K ;k )N "Where did (>od Come From and Other Mysteries" is the tnjiii of ,i roundtable discus sion today at 11 to p m in the KM I ’ Skylight Retoi lory I he event is sponsored by the Res (oration ( ainpiis Ministrv Active Christians taking a Stand will be having .in ailivi ty night at 7 p in in Room 14l> Straub I lall They w ill be play ing ultimate frisbee and there is an alternative event planned in i use of rain Deadline for submitting lit at.s to the Emerald front desk I,Ml ' Suite .lilt), is noon the