FORUM Military directive violates affirmative action rule By Shannon Oliver A'- rci|uirr(i In tin- ( areei Planning ami PI in rnifiil Ser vi< cs ()llii e and tin* I rh Memo rial l Vninipl1.1IU e Sl.lle meiil form. whit h explic it I \ st.iles. re< rmters must .it tirm themselves ,is equal dppoi hi it11\ employers by < <■ mpiv i iik with (Jtegon Administrative Rule It JAR) .till 15 II !h I Ilf. rule in spite nl .1 teilei.d pulli x nt d ist r i m i tint ion against lesln • ms gays und bisexual people. Is the mi IIIsiVe nt allet turn .11 in leillation ■aI sexual orientation In ettei t. the armed ton es signed avvav their polii y in or del to gain ai i ess to lei nt It nieiit tai ilihes rheir very xig nature on the \ltitme!ne tinil turin would nidu ate a polity i onliarv to the lull) di iei live \\ hii h sa\ s persons who rnitaue in homosexual i otuini t or u ho hy then stale mi'iits. demonstrate a prnpensi t y to engage in homosexual i oiiilui t seriously impairs the military mission !t\ their statements in leis that not onh the ai lions hut the words ol individuals i ome under military suspect as queet I i.iise this point in i on neition to the gender disirep a ill v whit h arises in the actual enftirt ement ot the 1 M )I) direi live Since I'lHI dctensc do partment statistics shorv worn Ml lull' been discharged (nr homosexual (undue t .il .1 i.lie almost III times that of mil it.n \ men i \eu ) ark Times Dei I I'lHHI Pentagon stalls tus slims that while women comprise only to peri ent ot the I S military they 'i uinprise ,'n ■percent ot the ilia) servile member's ilisi harged due tout legations ol homosexuality he tween Sept ill. 108.7'and Ot t 1 lOMH | U as/iim'fu/i lil.nir Mart h I luii'i) Many ot these people were or planned on he coming stiiilents I joyy ililies the military come to siispei t more w omen lhah men of loving the wrong gen 11er \re women harmlessly ; o eri eil into confessing they are not attr.n ted to men in tun torn).' limy exactly does the military carry out Its yviti h hti til? Mlhough the y\ ili hhunl is not as illicitly violent as say a Man hunt it does ruin people s lives It the military can extrai t a confession or has prool ot homosexual a< ts people are discharged 'without judicial proceedings to the tune ot 1 loll men and women a y ear t hose under suspicion of ho mosexuaiity sutlei mterroga turn with Inigtil lights on the LETTERS XYZs I thmk I .should first apol ogize lo tlic general f’niversitv i (immunity for hoi outing 0110 of those students who responds to tile response of .1 response of some original letter nobody re inemhers However 1 could not resist till' tongue-in-cheek re spouse lo the recent debate over the word woman and the i ions associated w ith it I,el s look ill one response's interpretation of the word woman liglitheartedK She views the word woman as situ plv the word man with the ad Tune Up $2500 Completed ()\erniyht* Shop and ('ompare! r BICYCLE SERVICE CEN'FER 345-6952 30 East 13th HOURS: 7:00-6:00 M-F 9:00-5:00 Sat ‘Closed Sunday dition ul "mi This, sin* say s. makes .1 woman ins! ,i diifi't rid kind ul mini poulting out .1 mail is nut i .tiled a iiifinvvn However who said that tiie root ot woman is man' It could nisi as easily he argued that man is simply the word unman v\ ith the wo taken out What is the actual difference between the sexes' Most (dan- 1 say politically correct') people would agree that the only true ditlereiH e helueen a man and a woman is or should he, a one II you look at the ditlereiues between men anil women at a biological ley el tlir differences .ill lunge un urn* thing the \ and Y i hminii stifles 1 ..1 is ut lenniles have tv\ i> Y i hriiiiHisones vs tide males have oivls nne \ i hrumiisiiliie III light til this (despite some ma|ur I.mils in iin genelit rea siniing'l perhaps nne shouldn't view gender names purelv additive hut also eon sider the pussihtJitv that thev are subtractive Dus argument would seem to give all advaii tage to vvoinvu III what is a si anew hut si 11 v debate lames I'huiiipson (.eneral si iem es eves .ind their ysrists hand i lifted They .ire told their hometown neyyspapn .ind pat ents yyill he (hilled People are threatened with loss of child i ustody and promised an easier trine d tiler provide the intern) viators with mure names Often tunes lesbians .mil ii.ii men enter into false marriage mu tails to provide themselves w ith a i m er during their ser s n e w ith life military ft is i lear that discrimination on the .-hasis. ot sexual iirienta turn h\ employment rec miters is [irnlnhited under the Oregon Adnunistra.t ive Rules govern mg our 1 imersits Any at tempt hv the administration to had out military recruiters and lire i aieei Planning and Pl.u e merit Serve es (itfu e (ail ottn e whirti has tailed to uphold the I fmersity \llirrnalne \i lion ( ompliaiue Statement) would he disingenuous and i miliary to President Myles Brand's slat ed i ommitmenl to equal iippoi tiiiuK an thin i .mipus I ,.IN .111(1 Irsllinil Si tl(i lt*l s like tlit*lr prers often (11111 till’ \ III I'M .!}>>- 111 1\ ert\ .uni i;.iui ci 1 tit .it mti With tuition mi the rise ami ilmiiii islvinit trdrrul Im.mi i.i 1 .ml toi higher i111 .It loll, our i .ill r\ (in t .ill mi li'.isi' ill rnlisli'il sol (I iris rile I 'mvrrsitv l.isk I i Hi f on 1 eshl.Hi .mil I i.i\ f (mi ri ns It,is rn oiiuiirniiril that it thr dr Irnsr department polii trs to ward lesbians .mil 14.1 \ mrn ,ur not 1 liaii^nl within till' follow 1 in; two mmi s thr Mililuv Si 1 mu rs I )epai tmrnt sin mill hr Irririutiitrii 1 wouhi nilil .11 lin'd ton rs in 1 uilms hr ■ isknt to Iravr thr i Ml until President (irornr liusli si^ns ,m 1 \ei nine l Irdri to irsi ind D( )|) |)irri live 1 I t.! I t as It.i! r\ S I 1 inn in did in 1'I IH to 1,1 ■ 1.111 v 11111 • v; t. 111 ■ tin- 111il1t.111. Olivet is till inlet ill si ijilm.n \ xrtitUltite tludrnt ,1! thr t tin rf.itt THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I — .. ... .-.-— Early but unsuccessful practical jokes • PROFESSIONAL, EXPERIENCED, COMPE TENT, AND COMMITTED GOVERNMENT. We ll get the job done right tor all students. • OPEN, ACCESSIBLE, AND RESPONSIVE GOVERNMENT tor all students. We mean to be inelusive. and not exclusive. • AFFORDABLE EDI CA I ION: Contain the run awas growth ot Incidental l ees and replacement revenue. • ISSl E ORIEY1 I D: Campus Sat'en . Child Care. EMC. Alternative Beer Gardens and Athlet les. "It's lime For A Change!" Mike ( olson, liarclav (.ra>sun tor \SI () Presidenc)