EDITORIAL Prime time for IFC leadership example Because of the entire Colgate note-tampering issue, the ASUO Incidental Fee Committee has basically shut down. Members voted to indefinitely suspend meet ings until IFC Chairman Mike Colson resigns or the matter is resolved in some way. Although he has questioned the fairness of ASUO President Kirk Bailey’s investigation and argued whether Bailey has the authority to make such an in vestigation at all, Colson has offered to temporarily step down from his position as chairman until Colgate is settled. Because of the ambiguity and lack of a "smoking gun." Colson has refused to temporarily va cate his position as a voting IFC member. Bailey's investigation offered no clear evidence that Colson was the person who tampered with the notes. The documents released Wednesday by the ASUO left many questions still unanswered. There are large spaces missing from dialogues between investiga tors and witnesses, and the notes from interview ses sions contain thinly paraphrased responses from the interviewees. _____________________ Colson s argu ments oil both the fairness and au thority of Bailey's investigation should Ik; heard The question of whether the ASUO Constitu tion gives Bailey the authority to make such invosti Now would be a good time for IFC members who are concerned about the students’ interests to prove it by getting the IFC moving again. gallons should he answered by the Constitution Court when Colson pre sents his case. As to the fairness and possible bias of the investi gation, only the IFC members can decide that issue. Other than a student recall, the only way to remove an IFC member is by a vote of five of six, or six of seven committee members. If the Constitution Court decides Bailey's investigation is OK. IFC members alone will have to look at the report and decide whether to act on its recommendation to remove Colson. But somebody's got to do something quickly. The ASUQ Incidental Fee Committee is at a stale mate; no one appears willing to make the next move. There are four 1991-92 ASUO Executive candidates on the IFC. Now would be a good time for those con cerned about the interests of University students to prove it by getting the IFC moving again. If committee members do not meet for three weeks, they face mandatory removal under the non-fulfillment of duties clause. Incidental fees would then he distrib uted by the ASUO rather than the officials elected for that purpose. Moreover, students depending on funds for activities scheduled during those three weeks, such as Earth Week, would also suffer. In the interest of students who pay incidental fees, and without admitting guilt, Mike Colson should offer to step down from his seat until the matter can be re solved. Or the IFC could resolve this issue at their meeting tonight. Whatever happens, the true test of "student-con (erns-first" government will he spotlighted as IFC members and candidates clean up their own house. LETTERS POLICY The Oregon Daily Emerald will attempt to print all letters containing comments on topics of interest to the University community. Comments must he factualK act:urate and refrain from personal attacks on the r.har Ut-tfl ui otlid's.’ Oregon DAILY EMERALD I’.ive J r» .‘j? >mf x: Pi ■“ * “ An endurance record shouldn’t be a problem. Mr. President. Just keep talking about the new world order." LETTERS Law bias I yxas appalled .it your failure to i over the law m hool's re< i*nt I’ublii Interest .mil Knvmm nicnl.il taiw (lonfereme .111 annual event which is arguahlv the most significant gathering of domcstii and international environmental minds in the ( ountry When (lm Barbara Roberts presents the tirst major elivi ronmenlal policy statement of her term, and when David Brower the lather of the late 20th-century environmental movement, delivers an insight ful commentary on the state of affairs, it would seem reason able that the Emerald would print sin h news To the contrary your Man li tl and 'l issues i untamed 110th ing about the conferem e In de riving substantial support from the student funds, the Emerald should feel an obligation to re port on events, mu li as the con ference that significantly 1111 par t the student body 'i out unexplained failure to cover sm h a legitimate nexvs event suggests you are either engaged in a wholesale cam paign of si-lei live journalism aimed at undermining the lays si hool's i redibility . or you are completely incompetent While past experience doesn't pre elude the second possibility, your rei out 1 overage of the si hool points to the fust 1‘liere sv.is no shortage of coverage last spring. as the I'niversils gas i(immunity rode llie law si liool .idmiuistration down tile murks road ol ai a demii freedom And sour one sided i overage of the Ainern an Bar Association's heightened scrutiny of the school, coupled s\ 11h sour reient editorial on the school, strongls suggest that the I'nu-r.ild is engaged in overtly biased reporting which elfei tisels suppresses .ms op portunits for informed debate on the issue of whether the si bool is worths of continued state support In the future, sshs don't you balam e sour i overage bs men tioning the school's interna tionalls known ocean, coastal and environmental programs:' ()r perhaps Ihr high talihnr of students and faculty attrai ted to the school? If not tlie F.morald will con tome to reek of the very mala dies so often denounced in file |iast ai ademu censorship Hob Shavelson l.ilM Talk to Bob flic ss .ir is not over The \a /is are crushing Warsaw ()nar\ Darin Student It’s about pride As poititl'd out in .1 rei ent letter, Lesbian, (lav and Bisexu al Pride Week is indeed upon iis Judging from the tone of lus letter. )on Wollander is less en tliused about the prospei t than I am t hifortunatelv. Wollandei did not address the issues sin rounding Pride Week, so I would like to explain the event from tm point of \ iew Lesbian, (lay and Bisexual Pride Week is an annual spring event at the I 'niversity Tins vear. Pride Week promises to he the biggest vet stretching from April go to \1a\ -I and in ( hiding panels, literary read mgs. local performers and two dances Among other events are a state wide pride rally a speech bv (lad Shihlev Ore golds first openly lesbian elei t ed state representative. .1 day long Queer Lest in the LMl courtyard, and a shop in at Val lev River (lenter Pride Week is planned with with several goals in mind • V isibility W e are ei rr\ where, and tor a week we re es pet iallv going to be on < ampus • lalut alion 1 here is a t 0111 moil historical heritage that les bians. gays and bisexuals share, vet there exists an inti nite varieti amongst our ( om 11.unities (flat most people do not even begin to comprehend • The ( real ion of .1 positive supportive atmosphere lor the area's lesbians. ga\s ami bisexuals, as well as visitors from around the Northwest Wollander's letter is so full of presumptions about "homosex mils” th.lt I doubt lie would be interested in attending the events of the I’ride Week How ever, if other readers would like more information, please tall the Lesbian. Clay and Hi sexual Alliance (LCIHA) at t-lh tltil) "We re Here. We re Queer and We re Having A I’ar t\!" Hope to see you there' Marina \Voil < o-fhreQor, t.tiHA t ridav. April 12. 1991