PEPSI Continued from Page 12 mi' Harris and Mikr Median dun ( uuld break up suuir uf thr (Ougars and I Ida's sprint (mints Saturdav tiarris wun the KHl meters in last wi'i'k s dual int-rt win mu Washington anil joined Mi ( di'iidon Hot) (Iray and Devon I lusi'V In turn in a si intillating 4(1 17 ( Iim king 111 tin- -I x Hill motor n-i.iv "Wo have .1 { oinpo!itivo group, Dollmgof saiif We n' not going I" b»* i:oih i ilmg any thing MviriybcMly nut thoro v\ 111 tic lining thoir Im sI W h i lo Hoi I i ngor -i nil I ho Ihuk- might iml hi i 11in niling •inytililig ilullingur isn i plan ning on iliitihlitig any of lux ilistaiH i- runnors Without (olin Dalton I Mlin get is using Maris ill the 1 >*t(I 1mm .him' he needs Alan I oster to run tin- Hi Mi along u ith Stiaii non IauTiora \\ c re look mg f"r marks and wo re not going to lr\ lot the win In doubling people Dellinger in id lavelin thrower \rt Skipper will 11keI\ i.ornpeti ' ■ -r the I hit k v htit if so. will onh In' able to throw from a standing position bet atise of a sprained ankle lleinonen has a rc'lativeU healthv team at Ins disposal with unit ( anil Holoien being held out nt the meet I low ev er distant e ai e Slephanie Wessell had to pull up m the i ait) against Washington bei.ause of i ret urrini’. knee inpir\ It s better Ileinonen said I if VVessells knee It Imekled m the 1 i0<) and she stopped and that was the smart thing to THE UO BOOKSTORE PRESENTS ITS FIRST ANNUAL UP TO MOO CASH BACK WITH PURCHASE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM (Check at EMU Computer Shoppe For Details) COMPUTER OFFICE PRODUCT SHOW 1991 APRIL 8-20 EMU COMPUTER SHOPPE (BASEMENT OF EMU BUILDING) UO BOOKSTORE (THIRTEENTH AND KINCAID. PH 3464331) NO INTEREST PAYMENT PLAN O AC, STUDENT DISCOUNT PRICES r> LOW PRICES On Computer Systems, Software, and Accessories. Huge Selection of Top-Name Brands. Hands-On Demonstrations. y> Manufacturer’s Reps On Hand to Answer Your Questions! SAVE NOW ON COMPUTERS WORD PROCESSORS & TYPEWRITERS [DISKETTE SALE! GET THE ANSWERS! Talk to Manufacturer's Reps MICROSOFT: Tues. April 9 PANASONIC (Computers). Wed April 10. Tues April 16 ZENITH: Thursday. April 11. Friday. April 12 CANON: Mon April 8. Tues April 9 BROTHER: Thursday April 11 PANASONIC (Word processors): Mon.. April 15. Thurs.. April 18 JVC: TDK: Supra Moderms: MF2DD3 ' 2 MF2HD 3 l 2 MI 2DD 5-1/4 MD2HD 5 1 4 MF2DD312 MF2HD 3 1/2 MD2DD5V4 MD2HD 5 i 4 • ■..i.‘ BM . 4 baud Eiiernai IBM 2400 baud , MAC 2400 t.tud l i MNP i'&X bau : Sale 8 SO Sale 17.25 Sale 4 10 Sale 1 7 Sale 9 Sale 16 Sale ' 5. Sale 1 9 Sale 89 95 Sale 119 95 Sale 1119 95 Sale 139 95 gggs s do -Indiana s Amy l egm ki the Ihg U) indoor champ in both (he l nno and ".111)0 and Mary Hetii Driscoll will challenge U'fssi-ll Ml the "..non hut I lcinonini isn 't e vpn t ing a tlurd straight meet rei ord from U cssell in the event '.She got a late s I a rt Heinoneii said referring to \\ essell s injury I don't know if she's rai mg ready Tw o I )m k*. w ho w ill hay e to he rai mg reads Saturday arc splinters Rosie Williams and ( amara (ones Williams will run the till) and 200 and w ill fai e two 'al filled I ide sprinters in I nine Lawson and Diane I ram is hiwsnn has already < lor ked an 11,75 in the inn this season and 1 I 50 in the 100 hurdles while I ra n( i s last years \( A A runner up m the 400 has season hosts of 1 1 77. 24 0 and 42 1.5 m the 100. 200 and 400. respectively I'Uies will run in the 400 against T ram is Some ol the best women's at lion might he m the throw mg events, though Indiana s katrin Koch was third m the shot put aiid sixth m the dis< us al last years \( A A meet and teammate \n gle Ryker yy as seventh 111 both events Washington State yyill counter yy Ith (ieorgette Reed, who has already put the shot 42 5W outdoors and yvns fifth in the indoor shot at the \< A As BALL Continued from Page 12 in tin1 conleretu e but hei ’ •> ret nrd pl.ii is her in the middle i it the p.u k Ini u ins Ari/otm |1 t. )7-H) i urrenth sits m fourth pl.u e in the I'm 10, lour-and a halt games he hind froiit-riinning l'( I A |od\ Miller heads the \\ ddi at attai k u ith KHI five triples and tun home runs \ ri/.ona State (7 id 1 11 leatures the I’ai 10 player ot I he n eek ill p iti.her Daw II Wood Wood pitched a three hit ( omplete game shutout against California last weekend to garner the eward EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT • coin op 7am-11 pm • drop otts 1430 Orchard St. • drv cleaning 345-6133 * A/UND€RIAMD * ^H| A1 fO« PAH Til S AHD H'HTnDAyS 5^W|npn ALL GAME S WORK CV,UtU WITHNICAHS GAMES ADMISSION 1 66 6TH STRUJ PURUC MARItT EUCERI *613 1464 ~ Help Wanted Looking for employment? Check out the ODE Classifieds