UNIVERSITY Civil rights activist denounces FBI surveillance By Brooke Brannon f mot,ik) i .y.itiibulO.r Ho was followrd 1I\ (ho IHI lor .ilmosl ill vo.irs .mil ho h.o. served time m .1 prison He’s not .1 drug runner or .m sp\ lie sa\s ho ill lesnt oven |.r\ \\ .ilk I lowov or, I rank W11 is i uson spoilt most ol his lilo work my; for i n il rights in I .os An goles ,md m the Southeast'. .mil s win the I HI spout SI million nut her inn enough imor urn i m \\ 11 k I nsi m In till 1 .<2.01X1 pages m flioir trios' Wilkinson w .is .i! the I 'mvor sil\ o.ii Iior lliis week to talk to students in several i l.issos 1 lo told ol Ins ovporioni os ,md do noutii od the r.K i.d hi,is and dis regard lor i iv 11 rights ho s.n s i li.u.ti lon/.e f HI operations W ilkinson said survodlsirn o alloi tod not just him. but his entire l.miiK I hero w ore I oa I da ngt-i and real hardships for my kids." ho said 'Her arise ol m\ filai klisting. I didn't hare the money to par tor im kids to go to college W ilkinson did not k now until I'l7‘l that lie had boon un dor constant 1 HI surveillance since 1(142. when he was work mg for tlio I .os Angelos Hons mg Authority to integrate low income housing. ihi:; t.T.i.1^1:1 tl GUILTY BY SUSPICION |mi| - * j r NOT DOUBLE' FLATUHI It.LNAGI MUTANT NINJA TURTLES II perfect WEAPON ;gj NOT DOUBLI II-ATUHI SHIPWHI.CIC tl) IF LOOKS C OULD KILL I In’ sim I'tHiini >' 11>1111itiiciI mill I 'Din u hi'ii In .nut I In \ iiiri ii .in ( nil I Ilicrl ifs I ' ii n hi ili'il Mill ai’.iinst I hi; I HI In I'uir tin- litiri'.iu u .is tiirlmlili'ii mm liilImvinH him ,ii;,iin .mil is p.irl nt .1 si'll I!• 1111• 111 In' u .i illiiwi'il lu parts n( his I III ill I nun iIim unit'iils in his fill' A ilkiii.soii disc iivi'H'i) thr I III l.lll 111.Iih' .III . 1111-II11 it nil Ills III.; \ lull' mv i'sl u;.tl mu his issiii i.i ion with ihi' i n il n.uhls mmt' lii' ii I ,i ii i si ii \ !■ t \ I h .i I ■ liui I. ml r,i I hi • r 111,in ■ 111 u • i ml urn. hi- s.mi Wilkinson s wink m i nil mills yo! hi III II ft 11 itlh It ■ vv till Ihr Hovernmen! more than uni e lie vvas tired from Ills hou-.m'.; authoriH |oli inl'iA,: .1 f I e I he would not a ll s w e | quest ions I mill .1 ( ,111 f 1 > 1111,1 Senate ( a mi til l! tee about his (10 litii al assoi 1011s Why dill I ll.IV e to pri IV e I was |o\ a I when I was leading 1 i inqiaiHti to make I A bee .it slums ’ lie asked It w asu I a real 1 onstitntional lenitum it w a s 1 111 1 u a I lea 1 t 11111 indiHUtini v ,ln I 'I ■!'. lie rein sell to test 11V be 11 lie I be I loll s. I n A mel 11 a 11 Al f I V If le S (1 1111 III It lee I hie. vears later be was 1 iiqn isinieiI III the I,«i| 11 si it if K I eiieral I'en I tinti.irs liir Htfir tninilhs lie ■ .him' nt ' < ruin' M.irtm l.utlirr K uu; Ji u hu u "i ki ll w ith V\ ilk Hist in hi th* ' I S I I I I will S III < > \ I'llll'lll "till ik u ilkiiiMm iii • l■ Mnct tiriiur tii' 11■ ft In sms r Ins si• iiti• 111 i• ' 111 I HI s s111 V I' I 11.11 H I' 11111 lilt; this film- w .IS nut |iist (MS Hi i \ .it u iii U 11 k in sun Mil III !'i .1. tins unit tu < ()l \ I t I l’K() ii isi ii jit iiin I vs ,is .in t III 11riivtr.uu lint just In siirvrv tint tn ■ 11si ii|it uu, wink Ills Will' ] * *. Ill .1 Mil I,it still! ins ti'.iuhi'i tm I I M'.irs till'll .it till' lllllll | u 11111 lit IllT I .1 ii'in limits lis .issm i.itmii Wit k him in ' Wilkinson ..mi lie htilifSfs I hilt the I HI should in' rrstru I I'd solids In III! I".l lg.ll illg li'dfl >ll ( I I Mil'S l.llillT tll.lll SSilstlllg tilin' .Hid muni s ti.idmi; po l i t i groups in mdisidti.tls ssiio dis.iv*11*1 - ss ilii tin- yiisiirnmi'iit I iiininuiilv l.HKcti’d groups m i I tidi* * iis 1111 it ini' ut .11 I i s 11 i mills |')iii ilist .mil ri'liRiotis groups, lu- s.mi It U ilk 111 i hi ss .isn't loi ik mg loi i light m I'll.' ho is miss Ilf ! i .is ids to l * . ii til si. ill . i it l,i sin spr.iking ilioiil I III s nil.ition • i it tin* I ii .i \iiif nd Hifilt .uni g.iiiii-img support loi 'In* \l I I $1.25/U.S. $4.50 /Canada MAN GIVES BIRTH TO COMPUTER! It wasn t easy, but it was worth it! says proud papa. r /W% INSIDE! ‘ i+r\ Get rich quick schemes that work...for us! anything you want on Macintosh menus! "Aliens control my mouse!" A reader's terrifying story! Iowa woman splits with Macintosh: Gets custody of the software! Macintosh picks winning lottery numbers every time! Dozens of other blurry New diet plan! 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