Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 12, 1991, Image 1

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Irida\ April 12. II
I ugcno. Oregon
Volume '0 Issue I
Thomas Mapfumu was
the first artist in his na
tive Zimbabwe to write
and sing about social in
justice and racial oppres
sion In the process, his
muse helped bring the
people of Zimbabwe ba< k
to their own identitv
See story. Page II)
Stephanie Wessell
The Oregon men's and
women’s track teams will
meet Washington State,
Alabama and Indiana in
.Saturday’s Pepsi Invita
Both Duck teams have
been undefeated in the
past four Pepsi meets.
See story, Page 12
After tU consecutive
road games, the Oregon
softball team vvill host
three doubleheaders tilts
weekend against Stan
ford. Arizona and Arizo
na State
See story, Page 12
"1 was awoken in tin:
middle of Ihe night 1 saw
a l JFO in my backyard It
went to my back window
so 1 went that wav The
next thing I remember I
was on the i raft
I felt it w as a dream,
but when I woke up the
next morning, the light
was on and my pants
were on. and that's not
something I do — go to
sleep with my pants on 1
was very disturbed about
See story. Page !>
Frank Wilkinson has
dedicated most of his life
toward working for civil
rights in l.os Angeles and
the Southeast, and what
does he get? More than
r>0 years of surveillance
by the FBI.
See story. Page 11
I'ho lutfiene polite tlrp.nl
nient's homh disposal unit
limit.t uatrr < annoii at a snspi
i ions p.u knur in lohnsoti Hall
I'hurstluK The ho\ I loft I.
which was atldrcssotl to
\t\lrs Hlantl \\as hninil to
hr tilled u till roi k s
I’rositlont Hrand was not
in thr btuhlinp whrn liner
people reported l\ delivered
the hu\ at aht ml I I > p ill
I’holos In Mark 'i Ifii
<mtl Sc«hi I’oston
Johnson Hall
bomb threat
causes panic
Bv Dan Eisler
I ugene |m> 1 it i blasted .1 siispii iiui>.
|>at kage addressed In lumeixiti t’l' -.i
dent Miles Hr.tllillll.il 11 its delivered In
liilinsun Hall fhursd.n atternnon
HIM ) s tmiiib (iis|ins,il mill samil ia gged
.ind tired .1 water i .muuii .it .i mi k tilled
box | III' I)|>\ WHS let! i'll .1 i llilil outside
the presidents off It e promptiIIR till'
building's evin ii.it nm
lit.Hill u.is .it tile dedication III the
111 -w V.imiiil.i I nilgllUge < eiitei III I'.n llli
I hill w Ill'll the package .m il eil .it about
I li |i m s.nil luhii (iriiM.il associate
director of the l onvcrsilv News Hure.m
\! lh.it time |<iii Mill I runt) nhn works
m lohiison I l.i 11. vi.is on llie porch and
s.lvs three people ilelliei the package
s.inl (lave \ andermvn. news bureau ill
rei tor
While one person on .i skateho.iril
st,o,eil outside two \tiling men carried
the ho\ into lohnson II.ill at cording to
Ollice ot I’tiiilii Nali'li reports (hie ol
tile tllo 11.IS lies! rilled .Is ,1 t loot lilt h
young white male \ description was
not available tor the others
rhe p.1! kage a l.ilge white i ardhoard
box wrapped with gr.u masking tape
lias addressed to Miles Hi.mil 1 .tile
!• HI anil the rest ot the administration
I Ibsene 1 tappi Earth I)ai
t he piesident ot a universitv altrtu Is
a lot ot mall from strange people
\ aiuiermi n said
It a siispii lolls plei e ot mall Is small
enough it is put in an evident e bag and
sent to Ol’N tor examination she said
1 he. pat kage was unusual enough to
i o 11 tilt t OHS who m turn t tint at ted the
bomb tint! she said
rhe polu e tailed to delet t anvthmg in
tin' pat kage with an \ rai mat (line so
lliev tiled the uater i.mnnn said ll'l)
Ngt Mike (lime \n explosive delate
would bale detonated when lot with
the i ,11111(111 No injuries were reported
Commissioner’s plan
sparks ethical debate
By Chris Bouneff
t I-I'Mm) ! i ' '
Opponents nt ri'i>[}<*!img the
Downtown Mall to ntolori/i.'il
traffii art' < barging Lain- (!oun
ts Hoard of Commissioners
( hairmnii |ai k Kolierts w itli 11 \
mg to use i.onntv funds tor tus
own Ilium ial and political
Roberts proposed Wednesday
that thr rouiitv usr road mi
provement funds to pa\ tor
inorr than half ot thr rstimatrd
S I J nnllion it would i ost to rr
oprn thr mall
kotrrs will dri idr thr mall's
future on Mas J1 whrn tiles
sole on a measure that would
reopen parts ol Hast Hroadvvas
a nd Will a met tr and (Mis r
The prr filer lion move set oft
a political battle that svdl cul
inmate svhrn i ommissioners
consider the proposed next
Roberts proposal would ted'1
more th.in SJ million Irom the
i oniit\ s Sail million ro.nl sur
plus fund to pin lor opening
the streets d voters approve tile
h.illot measure
In mat mg the proposal Kiill
erts disclosed tll.it he owned
less than a 111 pen enl interest
in buildings housing the Down
ton n Athlete ( dub u lie h is
partially located along the
I he Athletic. < dub is lo< ated
along a portion n! south W il
lamette Street that would be
opened it vliters approve the
I hsi losing the i onflii t of in
terest allows him to legally vole
on the proposal. Roberts said
Turn to MALL Page (
IFC meets tonight
By Daralyn Trappe
[ meraia Rt>pof?t‘i
The Incidental Fee Committee will meet tonight in an ef
fort to resolve the conflic t that has held up budget hearings
tor more than a week
The public molding will be at r> p.m in EMI* Century
Room A.
Hearings were suspended April -1 when ASUO President
Kirk Hailey announced he? had found IFC Chairman Mike
Colson responsible for altering the minutes of the )an 11 IFC
meeting Bailey based the finding on a five week ASUO in
Colson has stated that he was not responsible for am alter
ation. and In- filed a complaint with the Constitution Court
Thursday questioning the legality of the investigation
On April 4 Hailey recommended that IFC members vote to
remove Colson from office The members instead decided to
indefinitely postpone budget hearings until Colson resigns or
the matter is resolved another way At that time. Colson said
he would not resign
Because IFC memlier Armando Morales made the motion
to postpone hearings, it has been up to him to call for anoth
er meeting.
Colson said he hopes the meeting will he "pleasant and we
c .m get on with the budgets