Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS IK) lO S|*\( K I IMI I \ I IONS. I UK < KOSSUOKI) 1*1 f/l.h Hil l NOI VIM'K \K _IN TODW.s I'W’I K To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 100 CONNECTIONS Maat •iciting naw Irlanda at the wo* id a moat watchad film Jesus the movie Wad at 1Q0 Willamatla 7pm Thur at McAlister Lounge 8pm It's Free' Can you think ol a better way to gat a data'71 105 PERSONALS FRIENDS CAN BE FOUND IN THE ODE PERSONALS 105 PERSONALS IIH4' Thanka tw comirvg to dinner Wa >aally anjoyad you* company' h nrntl\hip\ urr modi' ihnmfh Onf /Vn.WiJM ( w i4f>'4t4* ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT TO< SPIN-N-WIN! Win great discounts on classified advertising todav and tomorrow! Come in person to Room 300, EMU between l> a m and :> p m to place vmr ad I hen spin the classified wheel and receive whatever discount comes up' It's free and it's fun! Don't miss this last opportunity to SPIN-N-WINM )0i PERSONALS * ATTENTION * CLARK WAR DUO M liat n*a»ty for a twg su'p' Ti" J Vou might tx» 'ml .Vour W*r P«l4 M ii'^1 A I anfoyad watching Jesus the Movie with you taat night* 1st i *aa it again in McAliatar loung* at flpm OK'’* John C Pragnant? N*»«* t *'«'i < ■<-«• , n \ I i HlMTMHtGMT »Wt ' '*:• * Congratulations!! OX 135th Anniversary THE LEGEND CONTINUES” Than* tor Saturday Nita wa.hopa you hat a» much tun PHI PSI IQS PERSONALS Duck; i » **4v« yvH. loi .j” lagas i at UO !Vn>gn - * tw '..h V*- « hi# im.i. k tV«{s•» Fiji ’ t'* ’ K>n !. ■ ' )om*t «|t «|U) *'H Bui tr*«K' 4\Jdin from y-n, guy* mo a Mj>tjn j «*<;■<«•. ! Anything ‘nn-i t* » ' f tha party » 1 1 A* tght Alpha V'tv To the men of 4>K + A'ihough mo ‘ « *(xl tf'QMan og Wa 'v ,.«><,5 *i>u mi' MUa N»* * t I'lTIfl tat 1 : I? at mgni tim*1' . .« Alpha i f'i r*n Thanh* lot « grant party1 Lat i» gat toyathar ayam toon \\ \ *nuchlahaarl H.t, . , a , , 105 PERSONALS Planned Parenthood hen 4 pr*gM.v'‘ . test in*! s 99*. ». ..'ate ■<•* ta> aMt*r 4 ssed .mV l'n 1 ■ !«* unbiased counseling 1 1 >44 94 11 XU Mollie B v • ‘figratulabons on yv.Hi' In l.*t. o> vVr •»• -,<' p' .,.1 ' yi.>u! l ove V(Hi 1 Siste's To the Gentlemen ot X*: Thank you lor an absolutely fantastic log* party Saturday night1 The Chi P*i s ol Region V certainly know how to make a fashion statement with a sheet’ Awesome is the only word to describe it' let s do It again soon' Love, the Ladies ol XU XU Thank you tor the Great Toga Party! The Gentlemen of Region V of X* SWING INTO SPRING Baseball—Softball Gloves Large selection, great prices! • Sliding Pants • Baseball Sleeves • Baseball Pants • Batting (iloves • Softballs • Softball Bats NIKE Softball Shoes Men’s MCS Ke>stone rcg sit ^ SALE $28 ^ Women’s MCS rrg SALE $27. 3 "When von re serious about the 1tames vou />la\ DELEGATOS ryccri Has> to find Just north ot I 105 anti Mohawk in Springfield's Mohawk Marketplace • '41 4381 r All You Can Eat SPAGHETTI DINNER Dinner includes: soup or salad, homemade bread & ice cream 99 with coupon with purchase ol beverage exp. 4/18/91 ILi Open Daily 5 pm 725 W. 1 st, Eugene 485-6220 ----— NO DOWNTOWN TRANSFERS NO PARKING HASSLES NO SONG AND DUNCE Westmoreland, West 18th and Bailey Hill from the U of 0 Passage is free to all U of 0 students', faculty and staff In fact, you can change your tune and go anywhere. anytime—free with LTD s Club Express Your U of 01 D card is your passport to unlimited adventure1 OTHER DIRECT PASSAGE ROUTES TO OR FROM THE U OF 0: »3XEXPRESS Road S«nta C *i * 4 Cofcurg Ro4d *nd #11 THURSTON F Spr/igfaklVj'iSi *11X EXPRESS :Thu/slon(o6t«nd’i* l#h'i Explore your options in your LTD Rider s Digest or call 687-5555 ' l»rw Far* p*ti &y r. «JrU