COLSON GRAYSON *1 am running not to be someone, but to do something positive tor the University and the students I j through open, accessible and responsible |j government ' 'Mlkt Colton 'I want to bring professional, experienced ! competent and committed government to the students' ‘flarelay (jraijson ASUO PRESIDENCY ’Iho future lies with those wise political leaders who realize that the great public is intcreste- i me re m government than in politics ’ 'franklin 'IK AY’1 "cvelt ---^ i EXPERIENCE EUROPE THIS SUMMER | I RECEIVE UNIVERSITY CREDIT * j STUDY IN: LONDON WROCLAW PRAGUE VIENNA AVIGNON JILIN,CHINA H)K MORK INFORMATION: CONTACT VOI R CAMPCS STl'DV ABROAD OFFICE OR AMI RICAN III RITACI ASSOCIATION P.O. Box 147, Marvlhurst, OR 97036 Portland area 635-3702 or 1-800-654-2051 V y I hr I O ihirr IV'A) VI m m t We Need Your Help J Run For A Position On the V of O Bookstore Board And Make A Difference! Serving on the Hoard oj Directors oj the l O Bookstore is one oj the Jew oppor tunities students have on campus to make a real difference I In Board oj Diree torn < stablishes policy for the Bookstore ami plans of the future for this non profit corporation The Bookstore needs people of vision who want to make a positive difference to serve on the Board Are you such a person? 1 hese two-year positions art’.ayaiiatki • One Freshman Position • Two Sophomore Positions • One Graduate Student Position • A OI F: One Graduate Student One ) ear Position also open • One Teaching Faculty Position Nominations for the available board positions will be taken at the ANNUAL MIFFING OF Till. BOOKSTORE, which will be held at 3:30 p.rn Tuesday. April Dull, in the Walnut Room of the EMU {across from the ( S. post office). Individuals may nominate themselves For more information about the Board of Directors and running for a positu >n. contact Bookstore General Manager Jim Williams in person or at 34t> 4331 'TT 3ET 7TT Having a garage sale? Get the word out with an ODE classified City Council discusses Measure 5 By Tammy Batey f moralcl Reporter Oniversitv Vi< «• President lohn Moseley dist ussed con i erns about the effects of Meas ure 1 on the Universit\ with City Council members at a meeting held Wednesday Council me m her Hohh v (I reel t said he questioned the I’niversitv's proposal to elimi nate the ninth ranked (College of education when .1 guideline lor l!niversit\ administrators making the 1 uts was to 1 lit pro grains that weren't 1 mitral to the school’s mission 'The loss of that part 11 ular program to the community in terms of p.irtu ipation in (local) si hoots, is \ erv substantial, I ,reen said "We can t kid our selves that people will go to Willamette (University): and then 1 ome here to do a prat ti I Util Cutting the education pro gram was not because the pro gram was of poor quality. Moseley said I do not believe the issue of quality or lai k thereof 1 ante up. Moseley said In tai t we 1 ut some programs that are 11a tionally ranked We didn't have any programs that we could say 'we can toss this one it s no lug deal ' There are no pro grams where the quality is so low that we wouldn't want to keep It Moseley said he has heard of fatuity members leaving the I’niversitv even though their jobs weren’t threatened bv the program tuts The situation will grow worse after the tuts and ultv avoid the t ’in versitv he said I here are no salary in I reuses built into this. Muse ley said "| I lie) Innersity of Oregon is tilth (fatuity salary ranking) and .liter two years of 110 salary increases. I believe we ll he l-ls out of 1-1 Mow t an you look a faculty member in the f.icr1 and say ’Cast your lot with the I’niversitv of Ore gun state lift isioil makers will look like Saturn eating her t hildren it higher edui alum is dramatically cut. said Shawn Holes t ouni il y it e president We can't say we re going to put ectmomit bets in education based industries at the same time that we've cut off edur a lion. Holes said Are we go tug to go hat k to an agrarian so ciety? if not these decisions make no sense FACULTIES Continued from Page 5 restricted m its response to tile dilemma .is legislators are for bidden from allocating 199 l 95 liumi'l belore the 19‘n legisla tive session That keeps legisla tors from guaranteeing a certain level of funding tor 1991-95 fat tills salaries There is a good deal of trus tnition over how to get at the problem." said higher educa tion Chancellor Thomas Hart left I don’t think anyone has the right plan yet The sense of a 'tic king i lot k' is percolating." Bartlett saitl "The feeling is that we t an t find answers to those problems bet ause of restric tions Hut we aren't there vet We are hoping lor a spring 1992 det ision to lie made "