SPORTS Ducks seeking a new quarterback Spring football drills open Monday for Coach Brooks' squad By Jake Berg bus i ng a q uarterbai k I he qua I i t v ot Hill Musgrav e is enough to cripple any offense I \i opt ti ir (fregon's Musgrave 's face will lie the most notable ot those absent from Oregon’s spring football practices, which begin Mon day. I our candidates .ire ill line to assume the departed posi lion, a spot offensive < oordimi tor Mike Bellotti sees is pres entlv a toss up ' It ’s going to be v nr\ inter estiiig.'' Hel lot t i said I or the time that I've been here Hill Musgrave has always been the returner and there's never been a real coin ern or quest ion' about who's going to play there It's truly a w ide open sit nation '' The four in line to assume the quarterbai k role are junto] college transfer Hrett Salisburv redshirt sophomore Doug Mus grave, the younger brother of Hill, and redshirt freshmen Kyle (! row ston and Dan in O'Neil Crim stun. Musgrave and 0 Neil. having worked with the program last season, mas he more familiar with Oregon's ot fensive svstem. but Salisbury the top rated junior col lege quarterbai k in the nation last year, has the edge in experi encc. Hidlotti said He is the standard that the others shoot toi bei ause lie lias proven at a junior i ollege levid that he i an do the kinds ot tilings tfiat Hill Musgrave did for us." Hellotti said I he question is. ( an fie do it at tins lend'" We tend to think lie 1 an Moth Hel lott i and (loach Rich lirooks would like to finish spring prai tu e w ith a i tear idea of w bo then starting qu.ii trrli.H kw ill lie { (ittlc Srptrm hor, \\r re going to go! m 11 if f irst u i'i'k anil t r\ !. > . lino! it down In where Two 111 the tnlll <|u. joritv iif thr rr|is to insure that ur liiiiir out ol spurn ball with .1 ntimhrr one .mil i ivumbn luo .|uartnli.n k. Hr!fti sun! I would i i-rl.mih like to r min- out of the spring With the I tip tu o ijuartfhai ks anil I nr tlii-t lil likr to Inn c nimihri lint1 Figured out Hroiiks s.uil Wi-il also likr to figure out thr other ijuf-stioii m.irks I hr most I hiilirnging ijiirs turn mark oii; oltrnsr '.besides ijuartrrbai k will likely hr at i ruler "It von talked about tile tVVo biggest question marks oh thr oltrilsivr sulr ol thr hall it would hr thr offrnsiv.. position ami thr quarterhai k position, Hrilotti said 1 hr two guys that hamllr thr hall thr most Si ot Hoat right, I hr I )ui k s startrr at i enter last (all and thr rulin' It'll sulr must hr re placed, leaving Oregon's ollrri sivr line vulnerahlr A host ol players will attempt to till thr holes Irtt In their graduated predri rssors |or llaguio. a tormi'l drlrn sivr lineman, and loin ( urran will work at i rntrr this spring and Fudd (ivdesen. Slrvr Mar din. Heath Hoyvmgton. dreg Phillips. |on I attersall and Matt Martin look to contend lor the Irtt t.ii klr and guard posi lions ()n the right side ot thr line Hud Howie ami Havidt ol linsvvorth. both starters there a year ago return tor spring prtn t u e likely am horing the linr will hr returning tight end Jett Thomason, who was second tram all I’.u itu 10 ( unfrreni r last srasiill File o loot I .! id pound M'him says he hopes In 1111(1!"% I- Ills 111"! k 111 < "111 I" i eiving during the spring prai In ■ \\ " ,i 11 i ,i n i ill p ru v e I lit i mason said I %% .ml to be lli" best I t an h" |"|{ f hlllllilMltl is ill" (1!" ini"!" Hulil end "i lli" 1 "lit"!' "ill" and. nil" of I lie lies! in til" i mi ni i s H rooks said I tying In lieat mil Thomason a! I mill "lid ss ill h" V mi " I "I tv ssliu started th". List llii"" faun's in pliii i« nl an injured 1 hiiiliason last si a- ill Wills I "I" aiid I ) II llalilis II th" ipiarl"fl>ai k position is mi" with alp air ot mystery tills spring ill" remainder nl ill" "I tensive bat ktn'ld should not h" I adbai k Scan llurss "11 ss tin bloke ill" single season rushing l ei mil Ini a freshman Iasi s t>ar is hai k as at" fullliai ks |uan Slicdrii k and Hr,union lumper jumper, alter sitting out most ot List season b"i alls" of a kne" iniurv will not participate in toll contact prat I ices this spring Sean Hurwell obviously is a quality player and lo base bun for three more sears is very ex c iting. Hellotti said II o w a i d H I at;k Vv e 1! and Dwayne |ones will also corn pete loi a spot ill lb" bai ktield Oregon lost wide receivers I ons 1 larg.un Mu bael Mi 1 lel Ian and )oc Kett/.ug lo gradua lion, but Ronnie Harris Antlio nv (ones and Hrian Itrowii. who all saw a substantial amount ol plavmg lime las! season, return lo the I tin ks an att.u k junior i o 11 e g e I r a n s f e t I) e r r 11 k I leads* del w ill add speed lo the rei "i\ mg i orps I'llese players .ire voting and somewhat untested but they have a lot ol ability Hellotti said ibis spring will Turn! FOOTBALL, Page 12 -\ SPRING DRIVING CAR SERVICE SPECIALS LUBE, OIL & FILTER • Ch,r .Lube • Up to 5 qts new oil • New P ir-'M."I filter I s16" - MAINTENANCE TUNE-UPS j Sj|Q99 ^ «/ 9 99 ■ N- a •; • I Itllj" l".j ’I.-’ VlSU.ll ‘'I - t(r :• 1 -I Ml,-'-, I..»»•. I I i I \ ' . ! 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