Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, April 11, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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    The UO Bookstore is celebrating Barth Dae. Stop in and view
our display of recycled and environmentallv-safe products, as
well as a large selection of books of interest, including:
Every Employee's Guide
Bennett Information ( 'roup
At I.isi a guide tu helping tlu environment e in emplovee'
Business ui.I industry represent tlu- uorst threat t>> the m
virnnnutit Hire .ire .lorms "t pi .»* t u .11 is.tys you ..in cite. I
1 lump- 'hands on" .11 \. >ur pl.n e ■ >t «.«1 I hi- , oih ise 1 >ok sug
gest things you 1 >1 i vi>ur 10 workers i.m .i* yourself .11 work and
offers suggestions .»n influentin*: in.in.igement to imti.iti . hange
I I .'III . I. >11111:1. It I' S4.IJS
Radical Em ironmentalism
And the Unmaking of Ci\ ili:ation
By ( hrtsti>pluf Main-*
A growing numlnr <>{ people an rehutant tv* mi Mill while* flu*
environment pets Jest row J Two unique groups have
evolved "radii a!" t n\ironnuTUalistN pulling to break thr law
lor their vauM) and the "preen phtldM»ph\ deep-ev ologists
(adopting new value-' about nature and our responsihiiit\) Both
group** are unumu-.i with preserving our natural rnviionmrnt
I his emotionally i harped and re.idahle hook v over' the pheiioin
t non ol "preen tape |H*ople lighting f>> save the earth at what
ev er fit-;'
By Daw lorein.m
The cum of radii ,il environnient.ilism .iiul his nilredthle stor\
Have I . >rem.in |s the t.'under . •! 1 AR T H MRS! the r .idle .1 i
einirnliinent.il croup u lnw actions h.ne treated lots of medi.i
attention, sontroversy .iik) 1.11I sentenu'. Read the inside story
of .1 ill.in who h.is snipped .11 nothing to preserve and protect n.i
lure It you h.ne .ins interest in preservation of 11.1tur ti re
S 20.00
Fhe Environmental Catalog and
Consumer’s Ouide For A Sate Earth
Bru,. N AnJ.-rv.u. I Jii,,!
A'W hole i arth C .italoyf’ ‘*t cnvironmmtalK alt pnadiutv
.Nor 'list like ,mv other mail order - ataloo I lit- K <oh telh
\.ui whivh product* to iivoui arui ha< i vomplcte resource IiMinn
‘>t emironmt rtt.il uroup-s Prt»*JiKts covered trulude hk>de
j’r.ui.thle « le.i!H'f\ u .iter '•.nine devuc". natural eat den ter
Former instructors
to climb McKinley
By Karla Thomas
1 hree former assistant lead
CIS Willi till' l niversitv s (111!
dour I’ursmls Program .ire now
asi cndiug1 Alaska's Mminl Mi
K i nicy
( limbing together, under the
name Pisgah Alpine Wander
e r s Peter Mason. Simon
Shadowhght and Dan Wheeler
have adopted the I'.ast Kugcne
hill ol the same name .is their
lot al training ground and hope
to make their uav to Mi Kin
lev's summit
The mountain, the highest in
\orth A merit a. rises LMI.-Kld
feet and tests just a few degrees
si i! Il of t he A rt t i( ( lri le
(dimbers i (insider it to have a
physiologic: altitude of
JJ.OIHI feet bei ause the air to
ward the poles is ( older and
more dense than it is at the
‘There's a definite ( hallenge
there Mason said before leav
mg tor Alaska I here s a feel
mg of sin i ess and reward there
from summitting something
Mason Shadowlight and
Wheeler are also instructors for
t he I'ai i f ii (Test Outward
Hound S< bool and i redit the
t 'niversitv s Outdoor I’ursuits
Program with honing then
skills and enthusiasm tor vvil
derness travel
Mason has been involved hi
the planning of this expedition
I for about two years
I The three met through the
Outdoor Pursuits -Program
i hisses .mil (ouml the\ sli.ired
the same interests in wilder
ness travel I lies later partic i
paled in the student leadership
program, which eventually led
them to heroine ilistmt tors for
Pacific (best Outward Hound
St liool
Mason who has i limbed ex
leusively throughout burope,
( ianada and the Western l nited
States and worked last summer
as a guide ill the Alps, got his
first real mountaineering expe
rience in Outdoor Pursuits
1 he two took a three-day
field trip to the Three Sisters
Wilderness area where they
hiked in six miles on snow
shoes before asr.ending the
W e ill mhed very. very
slow l\ Mason said ' W e
reached a saddle anil watched
the sunrise It w.is incredibly
beautiful W hen we gol hat k
w e were trashed, hut pleasantly
Working anil training togetli
er has left Mason, Shadow-light
and Wheeler confident the\ can
i limb Mi hinlev
"Most ol the things we re
concerned about we've either
lai ed togethei on a small scale
or we re practiced and trained
for Shadow light said "The
group dynamic is usuallv what
messes up a lot of groups
llopetullv we've got that one
In ked
15 sessions
25 sessions
c ->///! a/tcer#
99 W 10th, 1st Floor Atrium, Downtown
Hair • Tanning • Nalls
The 16th Annual
Spring Luau
Sunday April 14, 1991
EMU Ballroom
lAulmliL slims.
3 50 5:30 pm
Doors Open 3:30
Shou Marts 4:00
(K'nfial S>7
6 30 (>:00 pm
Dooi S (i:30
Show St ,n t s 7 :(W)
OftHT<11 $ I 2
Kt'scrv eel $ 13
Tic kets on sole at:
l O bookstore • CMLJ
/ o/ tmthci information coll: 603-5069