POLITICS Higher ed faculties face uncertainty By Joe Kidd f merald Politics 1 d'loi ( i SAI.I.M Alarm flared in the (lapitol Wednesday nvpr potential faculty flight (torn Or i'jiiii’s colleges .uni universities as higher education's future budgets face..the financial de mauds of Measure . nmrrtS Mm t A icpresentalive of all fat uIt> members in tin- State System of , Higher Kduiation demanded ( tli.it tlie Legislature ((insider | the scare th.it future Measure i ( ills will cause s,i\ing tfi.it the state could lose n\ en more t.11 nlt\ and staff members than the 711(1 who u ill lie laid oil fie 1 atise of 1*1*11 93 ( uts Professor ( diaries W right . the president of the Inter instill! Initial I ,11 lilts Senate told the Joint W avs and Means edu( a lion subcommittee that some form of a "safety net is need ed to avoid fingering fm nits and staff members for layoff as Measure Vs pert UtU WITHNlCKiLS GAMES AOMtssioN m es STM STRUT PUBLIC IUMH iUCINf • M3-MW THE ULTIMATE INDOOR TANNING MACHINE Fast Convenient Relaxing Affordable SunNhown on campus »»** bf »."»« • oncerns guvr the hearings .1 ii'u ti\ 1st by highlighting in cs (hill will .irisr in 11 v;lit ol 'i'l l ‘ 1') 1 uts budget si iMi.ir ns I'vi'ii further 111 (hi* future rbi' 1 rui 1.1I element is .ill .1 u.ilirr of liming I'nlike other state agent tes uglier edutation must give 11s .it uitv .Hid st.ill employees ,1 car’s .uts .1 in i' not it i' bi'fore us 11 in them oil 1,noming l 'i‘M 'i 1 t uts t on It I nt.il $ I nil million bom higher tbit afioh almost tit nibit the ‘i'll 0 I red m I ions 111 in' ponse lo . 1 'l‘i I ‘in i.uts highi'i tint,ition vs ptild have to notify ,11 lilts members til potential miffs In till- summer of t'l'U Passage uf .1 new tax fn■ fort• tlt.it summer could prevent tin' r uts, avoiding otherwise mevi table layoffs Hut according to t he i urrent pot it u al atmos phere the < fiances are dim tiling that a new revenue souri e i mild find its wa\ through the legislative nia/e to a ImIIoI and vote by Oregonians before the summer of 1 U'l.t \ml in light ot even further cuts. W right ..ml many l.n 11 Itv members would anticipate a new round ot layoffs and look lor work elsew here Moreover the l egislature is Turn to FACULTIES Page 8 IX Happy" Tiails We pay cash for used Records, Tapes & CD's Buy 2 used records or tapes and get one S1.50 OFF ANY CD! u . i.’9> NEW LOCATION 365 E. 13th 485-5351 • Tap* • LI • I ■ Maaa COUPON mmmmm N a -g basKeit‘ootbao and basebai'> ards The latest music news ... - Every Friday in the ODE's Entertainment Section1 $1.25/U.S, $4.50 /Canada ELVIS LIVES INSIDE M Y Plays "Love Me Tender" when turned on! rWV^| ' INSIDE! C Macintosh picks up movie channel from Mars! Billing could be a problem says bewildered owner! Man leaves MILLIONS to his LaserWriter! Metal-eating boy makes meal of computer chips! World's Fattest Computer! This chubby PC has had one too many bytes! Woman weds Macintosh! Exclusive photos inside! EXTRA BONUS! Hundreds of other ads that you won't believe either! 11 serins like 1:1 vis is t umine up rver\ where i hese days. 11 lie's not lnn einu; ever ,i swap meet in 1 Vs Moines, he s possess! 1114 someone s t .t ust er or person. 11 com put it. It you'd like to possess .1 computer ot your own, t het k into .in .Apple M.k in tosh ,it the Microcomputer Support hah. I he expert staff ran show you how a Macintosh r an make you tee I like a kmp. Anri t hr' sturlent rliscounts w a >n t hr- r rur'l to your pot ket hook Put on your blue suede shoes and come see w hat an Apple Mat intosh has in it tor you. |ust tell them hlvts sent you. Apple Macintosh. Believe it. Microcomputer Support Lab / 202 Computing Center M-F 9 am - 5 pm / 346-4402