Valentine’s Campus Travel Now Open 10 a.m. - Noon and I p.m. - 5 p.m. STUDENT FARES STILL OUR SPECIALTY CIEE and STA Representative Same Day Ticketing Call Today 342-3170 For all your travel needs Located 3 doors down from l O Bookstore Inside “City Sweats” Eugene s west.vde neighborhood f*'• luring home baked breads and i>" Mexican, vegetarian, and meat em Good food at a reasonable price Weekend Dinner Special Friday & Saturday SPINACH LASAGNA Green Salad, Garlic Bread W 5th at Lawrence / a r 11 to 9 p in Mon Sal 7am to 2 p m Sunday:. Breakfast til 2 p m set r.s trees $4.20 DOCUMENTS Continued from Page 1 (i(M uinent (on the II C computer)'that hr made during that tunc." said He specifically stated that he was not in the office .it all during the weekend of thf ninth to the flfVfnth." Lee said That was proven to be false information as well, he said Three witnesses, including 111 memlier Jnsoil|a Watson, said he was there on Sunday I eh 10 "During an interview I asked (Colson) would you lie surprised il I could prove to you that you were there during that weekend7' lie would not answer the question, he just sat there, l ee said On Wednesday. Colson said he answered the question In saving he c ould not roc all w further he had been in the offtc e that weekend Colson was also asked during the* interviews with Haily and !.ee when he first knew the min utes w ere altered for the fust two meetings that Kirk had with Mike he stated it was (ieb ) 2 1st Lee said We proved that to be wrong also Days befote the a 1 st he heard other li t members talking about it The sec tion id the lan tt minutes c oncoming W ard complaint now read "complaint unfounded and dismissed " When Colson was questioned about the ai r tirai \ of those minutes, he again re fused to respond. said Colson said he did not refuse to respond to that question either 1 didn't say I'm definitely not sure." he said 1 said I ( ouldn't remember Han lav C.rayson. an 1KC member and Colson's running mate, said the release of the i n vest i ga tion documents will show that the ASl () was in i (insistent "There are a lot of blanks, a lot of summaries." he said "During the proc ess of interviewing. I'd speak for five to ten minutes, they'd listen and then write one statement "That's the whole premise of m\ 'inoonsisteii i ies they were writing not what I said hut what thev thought 1 said." Colson said "H\ writ ing Ins opinion. (Hailey) t an form as many incon sistent ms .is he wants Hailes has recommended that the Iff. vole to remove (lolson from offi< e No such vote lias been taken, however, and IKC members suspended budget hearings indefinitely Colson said he has volunteered to temporarily step down as < hair man DEBATE Continued from Page 1 (Olson denies altering the minutes and s.t\ s he x\ ill not resign Irom the II I ns recom mended l>\ t intent ASl'O Pres uleilt Kirk Bnilex who headed .in investigation into the mi i dent As .1 result .ill student group budget hearings have been suspended indefinitely candidate Scott Dunlap said he thought the note tampering incident had been "blown wax out of pro portion I lie real issue is that the lit has shut down indefinite lx lie said And ihev should lie held a< i ountable Later Dunlap, responding to a quest ion from an audience member said it he were i urrent VSt'O president he would do whatever it look to resume ll( budget hearings and add ed he believed "personal ven deltas in the matter should be put aside ( ulson xxas quit k to respond I will tell vou right now Mr Dunlap. I don't have am personal vendettas. ” Colson said 1 have unlit ated that I'm xxillmg to temporarilx step down" so budget hearings < an The EMC Cultural Forum Presents THE 3RD ANNUAL STUDENT COMEDY CONTEST WITH SPECIAL GUESTS $3.00 for a of O Students $5.00 for General Public Tickets Available^aLih£-DxLQi Friday, April 12, 1991 7:00 p.m., 100 Willamette COM I F.S 1 K TILLS. 1) Contest open to dll full and part time